
I Have Become a Capable Servant for the Villain

In a twist of fate, Elena transmigrates into the novel she once read. Embracing her new identity as Seraphine, a young slave designated to be a side character, she will be killed by her master, the villain of the story. However, She is not alone. She comes with a special Ai assistant named Alice who could help her change her future and overcome all her struggles. Seraphine must also come to terms with the unexpected twists that the story has taken, both as a result of her actions and the unknown surprises awaiting her. The world is set in a medieval to renaissance era with magics and inconsistent technologies. All rolled up into one adventure, from slice-of-life moments to comedy, fantasy, romance, action, and Academy. I hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey! If you are worried that the main character might remain a servant and be weak, rest assured that she will gradually grow stronger and attain a higher status in the future! The story's early part focuses on the character's relationship development, but it slowly gets more detailed and reveals the world's secret. Since I'm not too fond of lore dumps, and I am pretty sure you don't like it. Publication date 2/7/2023 *** Disclaimer: This is also the first novel I wrote in English; you guys can comment or give suggestions if you want to support me : )

NewbieJimjim · Fantasy
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126 Chs

A reward from young master?

"What! You're joking, right?" Damian exclaimed in disbelief. He couldn't fathom how Seraphine had managed to complete the task so quickly. Doubts started creeping into his mind, questioning whether she had truly done the work properly or simply guessed the answers.

"Give me the document. If your work doesn't satisfy me, you know there will be consequences, right?" Damian's tone turned stern as he reminded Seraphine of the potential repercussions. However, despite his warning, Seraphine remained composed, her expression filled with pride.

Damian took the document from Seraphine and began scrutinizing her answers, comparing them meticulously to the ones he had prepared. He anticipated finding some errors or inaccuracies in her work. Yet, to his surprise, there were none. Each calculation, each figure was correct and meticulously written. Damian even checked the timestamps to confirm the time she had taken.

In comparison, Damian and Marcus had spent over three hours working on the same set of documents. Seraphine had accomplished the task in a fraction of that time.

As Damian perused the answers and document, a smile slowly spread across his face, accompanied by a growing sense of excitement. He was genuinely impressed by Seraphine's competence and skill. It was a revelation to find someone of her caliber here in this household, someone who could not only meet but exceed his expectations.

"Impressive, really impressive. I did expect you to be competent, but not to this extent. This is truly a miracle," Damian exclaimed with genuine excitement. It was a rare moment of happiness and contentment for him, a welcome relief from the burdens and responsibilities he had carried for so long.

"Now, Seraphine, come here and look at all these documents. Compare them to the previous outline. Do you think you can handle it?" Damian instructed, motioning for Seraphine to stand beside his table and examine the paperwork.

Although the stack of documents appeared daunting and more complex than the previous task, Seraphine remained unfazed. She knew that with Alice's assistance, no challenge was insurmountable.

"Alice, how long do you think it will take to complete all this?" Seraphine inquired in her mind.

"I estimate it will take around 2 hours to finish all the work with manual writing," Alice responded.

Though 2 hours seemed like a considerable amount of time, it was far more efficient than the days it would have taken Damian and Marcus to complete the task on their own.

"I believe I can finish it within 2 hours, Young master," Seraphine replied confidently to Damian, who wore a genuine smile of excitement and satisfaction.

"Excellent! I will leave it in your capable hands. I'll take a nap on the couch for now. If you finish before I wake, please wake me up," Damian said, making his way towards a large, comfortable couch. Within moments, he drifted into a deep sleep, his face relaxed and relieved from the burdens of his work.

"Now, let's get to work," Seraphine whispered to herself, her determination unwavering.

Seraphine returned her attention to the documents, meticulously working on Damian's table. Many of them required the family seal, so it was essential to complete the task without moving them to another location to avoid any complications.

After 2 hours of dedicated work, Seraphine successfully completed all the tasks. Alice's calculations were flawless, and there were no errors to be found. In fact, Alice even pointed out a few mistakes in Damian's own calculations, showcasing Seraphine's competence.

Seraphine stretched her tired muscles and stood up from the chair. Glancing at Damian, who was still peacefully asleep, she decided not to disturb him. However, she noticed that he looked tired and probably in need of some refreshment.

"Well, let's make some tea and bring it to the Young Master. I'm sure he'll be quite thirsty when he wakes up," Seraphine whispered to herself.

She headed to the kitchen and prepared a tray with a selection of snacks and a steaming pot of tea. It had been a week since she arrived, and the orders to prohibit her from entering the kitchen should no longer be in effect.

Returning to the room, Seraphine quietly placed the tray on the table and approached the sleeping Damian. He appeared exhausted, and it was clear he had been pushing himself to the limit.

"This reminds me of my previous life when I studied so hard, pulling all-nighters and only getting B+. What a waste," Seraphine muttered to herself, lost in her memories.

Gently reaching out, Seraphine placed her hand on Damian's forehead to check for any signs of fever. Thankfully, he seemed fine, just fatigued from his work.

As Seraphine's hand gently touched Damian's forehead, a tingling sensation spread through his body. It was an unexpected and unfamiliar feeling for him. In all his years, he had rarely experienced physical contact with others, especially not in such an intimate manner.

Slowly, Damian's eyes fluttered open, and his gaze fell upon Seraphine's back. The soft sunlight pouring through the window illuminated her hair, casting a warm glow around her. The sight was mesmerizing, and a warmth began to stir within Damian.

In that moment, he couldn't deny the strange and contradictory emotions that welled up inside him. It was unusual for someone to touch him so gently, yet he found himself not hating it. Instead, a sense of comfort and peace washed over him, soothing the weariness that had settled deep within his bones.

"It seems you've finished your work," Damian observed, a slight smile playing on his lips as he addressed Seraphine.

"You have awakened, young master," Seraphine said, slightly surprised by his sudden wakefulness. She quickly withdrew her hand, fearing that the young master might be angry with her for her audacious act.

"Don't worry, I won't be angry with you for that. It didn't feel bad either," Damian replied in a soft tone, though his words were barely audible. A faint blush graced his cheeks, betraying a hint of shyness.

"Pardon, young master?" Seraphine asked, not catching his words clearly.

"Nevermind," Damian said, dismissing her confusion. "But you have truly been of great help to me today, and I would like to reward you. What is it that you desire?"

Seraphine's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected offer. She hadn't anticipated any reward for her work. She pondered for a moment, contemplating her options.