
I Have Become a Capable Servant for the Villain

In a twist of fate, Elena transmigrates into the novel she once read. Embracing her new identity as Seraphine, a young slave designated to be a side character, she will be killed by her master, the villain of the story. However, She is not alone. She comes with a special Ai assistant named Alice who could help her change her future and overcome all her struggles. Seraphine must also come to terms with the unexpected twists that the story has taken, both as a result of her actions and the unknown surprises awaiting her. The world is set in a medieval to renaissance era with magics and inconsistent technologies. All rolled up into one adventure, from slice-of-life moments to comedy, fantasy, romance, action, and Academy. I hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey! If you are worried that the main character might remain a servant and be weak, rest assured that she will gradually grow stronger and attain a higher status in the future! The story's early part focuses on the character's relationship development, but it slowly gets more detailed and reveals the world's secret. Since I'm not too fond of lore dumps, and I am pretty sure you don't like it. Publication date 2/7/2023 *** Disclaimer: This is also the first novel I wrote in English; you guys can comment or give suggestions if you want to support me : )

NewbieJimjim · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Time to show off!

A week had passed since Seraphine arrived at the estate, settling into her role as a common maid. Her attire now consisted of the traditional maid uniform, which suited her appearance remarkably well.

Over time, she had managed to forge amicable relationships with most of the servants. Seraphine's bright and friendly nature endeared her to those around her, earning their trust and friendship.

However, there were still a few servants who remained indifferent or harbored some resentment towards her due to her status as a slave—a position considered even lower than their own.

As Seraphine diligently dusted the antique furniture in the grand mansion, her mind wandered to Alice, her trusted companion and confidante. Engaging in their usual mental conversations, she sought Alice's advice on a pressing matter.

"Alice, do you think it would be wise for us to escape this place and live on our own, away from the influence of the story?" Seraphine inquired, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. The idea of breaking free from her predetermined fate and carving out a new path for herself seemed tempting.

In response, Alice offered her measured perspective, considering the risks and potential consequences. "In my analysis, I would advise against leaving at this moment. You lack a personal identity and venturing out alone would pose even greater dangers than staying here. Besides, it appears that the young master still holds you in good regard, Seraphine," Alice relayed, her words calculated and logical.

Seraphine pondered Alice's words, acknowledging the truth in her assessment. Although her circumstances were far from ideal, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope in her interactions with Damian. Perhaps, within the confines of this estate, she could find the way to alter the course of the story.

"Well, at least most of the maids and other servants have been kind and provide me with food every day. Otherwise, I would have perished from that lunatic order,"

Seraphine murmured, her hand tightly gripping the dust whisker. The memory of the young master's command and the smug expression on his face still unsettled her.

Lost in her thoughts as she went about cleaning the furniture, Seraphine remained oblivious to the presence of a tall man in a butler uniform approaching her. It was Marcus, who had come to visit her after an entire week.

The young master had instructed him not to interfere with her initially, allowing her to acclimate to her tasks and the company of the other servants.

"Hello, Seraphine. How have you been these past few days?" Marcus greeted, his voice warm and friendly.

"Good morning, Sir Marcus. I've been well. Most of the maids here have been kind and treat me with respect," Seraphine replied, a genuine smile gracing her face. The support and camaraderie she had found among her fellow servants brought her comfort in an otherwise uncertain situation.

Marcus listened attentively to her response, feeling relieved that the young master's plan to integrate Seraphine into the household seemed to be progressing smoothly.

"That is good to hear. Once you finish your morning tasks, the young master has requested your presence in his working room," Marcus informed her.

Seraphine's curiosity piqued at the mention of the young master's invitation. Though unsure of his intentions, she chose to remain optimistic for now.

"Yes, Sir Marcus. I will go there immediately after I finish the cleaning," she replied respectfully, bowing her head in acknowledgment.

Not long after, Seraphine completed her tasks and found herself standing in front of the young master's working room. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, before gently knocking on the door.

"Young master, Seraphine has arrived as you ordered," she announced politely.

"Enter," Damian responded, his tone more relaxed than their first encounter.

As Seraphine stepped into the room, she saw Damian seated at a table strewn with numerous paper documents. He appeared weary and sleep-deprived from his workload.

"Have you acclimated to this place yet?" Damian inquired, his gaze fixed on Seraphine's eyes.

"Yes, young master. Thank you for your concern," Seraphine replied politely.

Damian paused his quill and regarded Seraphine with a smug expression. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, as if he were teasing her.

"It seems you've managed quite well, despite my punishment order," Damian commented, resting his hand under his chin. However, his tone conveyed amusement rather than anger.

Caught off guard, Seraphine struggled to find a suitable response. She searched for an excuse in her mind, but even Alice couldn't offer a plausible explanation for this situation.

"Don't worry. I was merely teasing you," Damian reassured her, his intention not to punish her apparent from the start. "Now, let's get back to the topic at hand. I want to test your competence and see how well you can work for me."

Seraphine's heart skipped a beat at Damian's words. She knew this was an opportunity to prove herself, to demonstrate her abilities.

"What kind of work would you like to assign me, Young master?" Seraphine asked Damian, her voice filled with curiosity and determination.

Damian leaned back in his chair, gesturing towards the table beside him, which was piled high with papers and documents.

"I want to test your skills in accounting and tax calculation," Damian explained. "Work on these reports, and I will review them once you're done."

He handed Seraphine the previous accounting and tax reports, knowing the correct numbers himself. This was his way of assessing her competence. If she proved herself capable of handling such tasks, she would truly be a valuable asset to the household, surpassing any ordinary servant.

"Yes, Young master, I will do my best to solve them," Seraphine replied with a respectful bow. She approached the table, examining the handwritten documents. In this world, the technology of printing presses had not yet been introduced, making everything reliant on manual labor.

Although Seraphine was not particularly skilled in mathematics or calculations, her AI companion, Alice, was more than capable of assisting her. Alice analyzed each problem through Seraphine's eyes, providing quick and accurate answers. The speed at which she performed calculations surpassed that of any accountant in this world.

Within a mere ten minutes, Seraphine completed all the calculations. She called out to Damian, who was still engrossed in his own work, a faint smile gracing her face. It was clear that her competence would finally be recognized by Damian.

"Young master, I have finished the task you assigned,"

Well, I wish I have an Ai like Alice for the Exam.

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