
I Have An Almighty System

Vyn, born into the legendary Aethelred family, was a stark outlier in a lineage famed across the Southern Continent Empire for its near-mythical strength and nobility. The Aethelreds, said to rival the saga of creation itself, were titans among men. Yet Vyn stood powerless, whispered to have either offended the gods or committed unforgivable sins in a past life. In a world ruled by strength, his lack of magical abilities rendered him nearly invisible. Seen as a stain on their prestigious history, the council of elders exiled him to the harsh battlefields to redeem his honor. After two relentless years fighting beasts and despair, an unimaginable twist occurred. At his lowest, a mysterious ‘System’ appeared, spouting utter nonsense. Was this a divine joke or an unexpected chance for a redemption? As bizarre messages flashed before him, Vyn faced a choice: succumb to his fate or seize this strange opportunity to rewrite his destiny. ... New chapters are updated daily, with 1-2 chapters released each day! If you're enjoying the story, please add it to your library. Your votes and reviews are a huge motivation for me, so please support the book in any way you can. Happy reading!

Saint_Grey · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Unnamed Skill

By the time Vyn left the Chamber of Commerce, the sky had already begun to darken, casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets.

It was late in the evening, and the city of Ravencrest was starting to glow with the soft lights from street lamps and windows. He walked briskly to the entrance where several carriages were stationed, each one ready to whisk passengers away to their destinations.

He quickly boarded one of the carriages, sinking into the plush seat as it began to move.

Now that he had been kicked out of the Ironclad Guild, he found himself without any affiliations or a place to stay. It felt like he was starting life anew in Ravencrest, but this time was different.

Unlike two years ago, he now had a wealth of experience. He wouldn't make the same mediocre mistakes he made before. He had learned and grown, and he was determined to use that knowledge to his advantage.

The first thing on his agenda was to find a good lodge where he could stay. His plan was simple but ambitious. He would get an adventurer's card, which would give him access to dungeons. Then, he would raid these dungeons relentlessly until he became strong enough.

With his new abilities, reaching the very pinnacle of this world seemed possible. Once he was strong and confident enough, he would start the next phase of his plan: conquering Ravencrest, building his influence, and amassing a huge amount of wealth!

His ultimate goal was to live a lavish and comfortable life until the end of his days.

Of course, those who had wronged him would not go unpunished. He planned to deliver a fair share of undiluted justice to them when the time came.

But he also remembered those who had aided him during his lowest times. He wouldn't forget their kindness and would repay them a hundredfold.

As Vyn sat in the carriage, he felt a surge of high spirits just thinking about the future. He envisioned himself as an unshakable force, achieving great things. It felt like it was only a matter of time, but he knew he had to work hard for it.

The excitement of what lay ahead filled him with energy and determination.

Who cared about the Aethelred family or redeeming his honor? A family that abandoned him at his lowest point didn't deserve even a single thought when he reached great heights.

He would establish his own legacy that would rival theirs, a legacy built on his own terms and achievements.

While Vyn was lost in thought, the carriage sped through several miles, taking him from the outskirts to the more central region of the city.

The carriage skimmed past rows of houses until it reached a large estate with multiple grand buildings. This was the Eagle's Nest estate, known for its opulence and beauty.

The carriage entered through the estate gate and traveled down a few streets lined with beautifully manicured gardens and elegant statues. Eventually, it stopped in front of a magnificent building known as Hawk's Tower.

Hawk's Tower was one of the grand lodges in Eagle's Nest estate, famous for its spacious and elegantly designed apartments. It catered to the city's elite and affluent residents, offering luxury and comfort.

When Vyn first arrived in Ravencrest two years ago, he had just taken an apartment here. Back then, it was nothing special to him. He had just left his family, where he had lived in luxury, and he had come to Ravencrest with a huge amount of money.

He thought he could conquer the world.

Living in that apartment was comfortable and exquisite. He had enjoyed the soft beds, the warm baths, and the beautiful view from his window. But that comfort was short-lived.

After he lost all his money and couldn't afford the monthly rent, he was kicked out.

Those days of luxury seemed like a distant dream. Now, things had changed. He had the means to live comfortably again, and he decided he deserved a very good place to stay.

He would be working hard in dungeons from now on, risking his life. He deserved a nice and comfy environment for the moments he had to rest.

Vyn got off the carriage and walked straight to the booking office, which was located near one of the Hawk's Tower buildings. The sight of the grand tower brought back memories of his first days in the city.

Upon entering the booking office, he was greeted by a spacious and elegantly decorated reception area. The floors were polished marble, gleaming under the soft light. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork and rich tapestries, adding a touch of class to the room.

Comfortable seating areas were arranged around low tables, where prospective tenants could wait.

At the far end of the room stood a large mahogany reception desk, shining with a deep, warm glow. Behind it, a receptionist greeted Vyn with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with professionalism and kindness.

Vyn walked over to the receptionist and asked about the available apartments. The receptionist informed him that there were three apartments currently available. However, since it was already night, she suggested he return the next day to get a proper view of the apartments and decide which one he wanted.

Vyn declined her suggestion, explaining that he had nowhere else to go and needed to book an apartment immediately. His voice carried a sense of urgency, and the receptionist nodded, understanding his situation.

She reached under the desk and brought out a round device. Upon activation, the device glowed with brilliant runes and projected several images of the three apartments, showing both the interiors and exteriors.

All the apartments were spacious and elegantly furnished, with large windows allowing plenty of natural light to pour in. Each room was tastefully decorated, creating a warm and welcoming ambiance.

Vyn hesitated as he found it difficult to choose between them because of their similarities. Finally, he picked one of the apartments due to its location and proximity.

The receptionist informed Vyn that the monthly rent for the apartment was five gold coins. He handed the money to her, feeling a slight sting in his chest at the expense.

She then gave him a set of keys along with a welcome package that included important information about the estate and its amenities.

After leaving the booking office, Vyn located the apartment he had just rented and entered. Seeing it in person was even more impressive.

Despite it being night already, the entire apartment was well-lit. The source of light was a series of complex rune technologies embedded into the architecture of the building, casting a soft, soothing glow throughout the rooms.

Vyn took a deep breath, feeling a sense of satisfaction and relief. He had a place to call home again.

He couldn't help but feel nostalgic about the days when he first arrived at Ravencrest. Back then, he was young and naïve, dazzled by the luxury that surrounded him. Those days were gone now, but he was about to start a new chapter in his life.

His new apartment was beautiful and grand, but he didn't have the chance to fully appreciate it. He headed straight to the bedroom, feeling extremely tired and exhausted from the day's activities.

As soon as he collapsed onto the bed, it didn't take long for him to drift into a deep, sound sleep.

When Vyn woke up the next morning, he felt completely refreshed. He stretched and then went to take a warm bath in the large, beautifully designed tub in the wash area of his apartment.

The warm water relaxed his muscles and cleared his mind. After the bath, he lounged on one of the comfortable sofas in the living room, thinking about his plans for the day.

Today, he had a lot to do. First, he would visit the adventurer association to get a new card as a lone and unaffiliated adventurer. Then, he planned to gather information about available dungeons and purchase a dungeon ticket.

If there were dungeons open today, he might even go for a raid.

This was the beginning of a new era for him. He knew he couldn't afford to slack off. He had to work hard and become stronger as soon as possible.

With this determination, he summoned the system window with a thought, preparing himself for any surprises the system might throw at him today.

The events of yesterday were still fresh in his mind. He couldn't understand why the system sometimes acted so unpredictably and maliciously.

Its whims came out of nowhere, making him wonder if he had somehow offended it before they even met. Since he still didn't know what the system truly was, there was no way to figure out how or when he might have wronged it.

Vyn navigated to his stats window. Just then, a notification popped up.

[Host is yet to name a newly created skill. Click to see skill information.]