
I Have An Almighty System

Vyn, born into the legendary Aethelred family, was a stark outlier in a lineage famed across the Southern Continent Empire for its near-mythical strength and nobility. The Aethelreds, said to rival the saga of creation itself, were titans among men. Yet Vyn stood powerless, whispered to have either offended the gods or committed unforgivable sins in a past life. In a world ruled by strength, his lack of magical abilities rendered him nearly invisible. Seen as a stain on their prestigious history, the council of elders exiled him to the harsh battlefields to redeem his honor. After two relentless years fighting beasts and despair, an unimaginable twist occurred. At his lowest, a mysterious ‘System’ appeared, spouting utter nonsense. Was this a divine joke or an unexpected chance for a redemption? As bizarre messages flashed before him, Vyn faced a choice: succumb to his fate or seize this strange opportunity to rewrite his destiny. ... New chapters are updated daily, with 1-2 chapters released each day! If you're enjoying the story, please add it to your library. Your votes and reviews are a huge motivation for me, so please support the book in any way you can. Happy reading!

Saint_Grey · Fantasy
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31 Chs

System is Pleased with the Host

Vyn was taken aback after seeing the system prompt flash before him. The bright light of the notification was sudden and unexpected.

So many things had happened since he got injured. He had been quite engaged all this while, dealing with one crisis after another, that he had almost forgotten about the system. This system used to be quite generous with notifications, always buzzing with updates and alerts. But lately, it had gone awfully quiet, almost as if it had disappeared.

Although the system used to act quite petty sometimes, he couldn't deny the fact that it was something otherworldly. It was a mysterious and powerful force that had entered his life.

It was one of the key reasons why his life had taken a new turn, a turn for the better. Before the system, his life was a series of endless struggles and disappointments. Now, things were different. He was slowly climbing out of the abyss of despair.

The system had really been helpful, he couldn't deny this fact. It had given him tools, skills, and advantages that he would never have had on his own. If the system continued to be of help in the future, maybe he could just ignore its bit of pettiness. For the sake of the greater picture, for the sake of his future, he could overlook its quirks and annoyances.

[Host has performed an action that the system never thought as possible due to host's nature.]

[Host has bought a quality shield and a sword for an exorbitant amount of money, far above market price while taking quality into consideration. This is a great feat performed by the host who has a legendary level of stinginess towards his own self.]

[System is pleased with the host.]

[System feels it can at least manage to cohabit alongside the host if he can continue to make more rational decisions like this in the future.]

[As a result of this new change in host's character, the system shall grant the host a massive reward as encouragement to make more improvements on himself in the future.]

[Host has received a new system reward. Would you wish to open it?]

"What the hell!"

Vyn exclaimed, his voice echoing in the carriage.

He was dumbfounded by what he had just read. His mood fell instantly, like a stone dropping into a well. He couldn't tell if the system was actually praising him or mocking him.

The system had gone silent for a while only to come back with what seemed like cooked-up insults...

What sort of system was this? Vyn wondered, shaking his head in disbelief. Before he pondered more on what he had just read or thought too much about it, he decided to click to see what sort of reward the system had given him.

His curiosity was piqued despite his irritation.

[Reward box opened. Host has gained 1 point in intelligence as a special reward from the system.]

[System congratulates host for the increase in intelligence and hopes Host can make more critical decisions in the future as it can't stand foolishness. System will be glad if host is wise.]


Vyn couldn't be more dumbfounded by what he had just heard. This system was even crazier than he had imagined! It had a very twisted way of doing things, and he was its favorite target!

What the hell was one point in intelligence?

The system had bombarded him with insults only to reward him with a single point in intelligence? Was this its idea of a massive reward?

Vyn felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. He thought he had understood the limits of the system's pettiness and stinginess, but now it seemed like all he knew was just a drop in the ocean.

What kind of terrible coincidence had led to him being paired with such a terrible system? Could someone's luck be this bad?

Who had he offended to deserve this fate?

At this point, Vyn's mood had plummeted to an incredibly low point. One could almost feel the chills in the entire carriage if they were seated with him.

He dismissed the system prompt without uttering another word, fearing that he might throw a tantrum from sheer frustration if he continued to engage with it.

Before long, the carriage arrived at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce in Ravencrest. It was a grand, imposing building made of finely cut stone and adorned with intricate carvings. Tall columns flanked the entrance, giving it a regal and authoritative appearance.

The building loomed over the bustling city, a testament to the power and influence of the Chamber.

The Chamber of Commerce, apart from their administrative duties, also held ownership and monopoly over several important establishments in the city, including the skill library, where Vyn had accidentally destroyed two rooms during his last practice session.

While still recovering in the apothecary chamber, he had received a letter from them, inviting him to discuss the details of the damage and the compensation he had to pay.

Vyn was not surprised. It seemed that the leaders of the Ironclad Guild had succeeded in their plan. They must have submitted the forged contract he was forced to sign, indicating he was a lone adventurer prior to the destruction. As a result, the responsibility for repairs rested solely on him, not the guild.

Although he was extremely pained and bitter about the situation, Vyn decided it was better to settle things quickly with them if he hoped to have a smooth and prosperous future in Ravencrest. There was no benefit in being on their bad side, as they had a very fearsome reputation.

As Vyn entered the large building, which was bustling with people as expected, he showed the letter he had been given to a receptionist. She ushered him to one of the several offices, where an office representative was waiting for him.

After glancing through the letter, the representative brought out an archive device. It was a large, ornate cabinet resembling a chest, imbued with powerful enchantments specifically designed to store and manage vast amounts of documents securely and efficiently. It combined magical elements with practical features to protect and organize records.

He opened up the device, and immediately, a magical projection screen appeared, displaying a search field.

The office representative seemed able to control the device telepathically, as he immediately inputted a code from Vyn's letter into the search field without physical contact. Instantly, the display projection changed, showing a document containing Vyn's case.

The document contained all the background information about Vyn, detailing his history, the events that had transpired, and the board's review and final verdict. It was a thorough and detailed account.

The office representative read the statement aloud, his voice echoing in the room. Vyn had to pay forty gold coins as compensation for the damages he had caused.

Hearing this, Vyn did not hesitate or object. He knew resistance would be futile and might make things worse. With careful and cautious movements, he selected forty gold coins from his small, weathered pouch.

He handed them to the office representative, who looked quite taken aback. The representative had expected more resistance or at least a plea for leniency, but Vyn's compliance was surprising.

Vyn's report and information contained far less than impressive stats. The board had initially thought he wouldn't be able to afford the forty gold coins he was charged for compensation.

This assumption was based on the modest details of his earnings and possessions. But to everyone's amazement, Vyn handed over the gold coins easily, without any sign of hardship or reluctance.

Initially, the representative had planned to suggest an alternative to paying the compensation. He had considered suggesting a work pact with the chamber of commerce.

This pact, however, was notorious. It was akin to a slave contract, one that had trapped many people. Those bound by it were forced to work under the chamber of commerce for life, without any hope of freedom.

It stripped away the basic freedoms they had as adventurers, chaining them to a life of servitude, like slaves.

Vyn was well aware of this grim reality. This was the reason he didn't hesitate to hand over the forty gold coins. As someone who dreamt of a bright future, he wasn't willing to tie himself down to an organization that would keep him stagnant.

He wasn't ready to kill his dreams and aspirations by becoming a pawn in someone else's game.

The office representative counted the gold coins meticulously, ensuring the amount was correct. He then stored them away securely before updating the information on Vyn's document.

A set of enchanted quills within the cabinet sprang to life, automatically updating and transcribing the new information onto the document. The document was then duplicated, and both copies were stamped with the official seal of the chamber of commerce, solidifying the transaction.

The office representative handed over a copy to Vyn, who glanced through it thoroughly. He wanted to ensure there were no mistakes, no hidden clauses that could trap him. Satisfied with the accuracy of the document, Vyn made his exit.