
I Have An A.I Chip In A Post-Apocalyptic World

_________________________________________________ It's the year 2098 AD and Dan is living his best life, playing virtual reality games and earning millions but one day it all vanishes when he wakes up on a parallel earth in the body of a kid. It's the year 2068 AD and Dan realizes that he has travelled back in time but to a different earth where animals have become humongous monsters and people have superpowers. And now he has a chance to fulfil a wish that he never got to fulfil back in his old world, having superpowers. And to help him he has the AI chip from his old world which seemed to have mysteriously travelled with him to this world. ( It will be a kingdom building or kind of like a kingdom building with some conquering elements to it. But before kingdom building, there will be some survival and adventure which will be exciting.  Kingdom building will start from around 50 -60 chapters while survival and adventures will start from chapter 25. Support me by buying me a beer on buy me coffee. Here is the link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Parzivall

Parzivaall · Urban
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46 Chs


"We can't hide here forever. We need to do something. "Ashley said, her voice sharp and her face solemn.

"So what do we do? Going out would kill us. Didn't you see that monster that was chasing after you? Who knows how many of them are there outside waiting for some small human to come out of their hiding?" Kane replied to Ashley, his voice cracking up. He was scared just as everyone else and he looked vastly different from the Kane who had killed Aiden a couple of hours ago.

"Staying here will kill us too. "Ashley retorted, frustration creeping into her voice.

Ace, the skinny kid, shook his head and said in a soft voice while locking eyes with Kane, "Staying here is not an option. We will have to leave sooner rather than later. We need food and water to survive which this hole cannot provide. "

Kane stared back but then sighed and shook his head. There really was no option but the beast's horrifying image still haunted his mind. He had never seen a beast this big before.

"Alright. "Kane sighed, defeated. He knew that staying here was not a good choice. It would just be a slow painful death but the fear in his mind overpowered his survival instincts.

He had to suppress his fear if he wanted to survive. Cowering was not an option.

"We need a plan then. "Dan, who had been silent till now, spoke. "A concrete plan should be put in place if we want to survive. Otherwise, we will just be meat on the chopping block. "

Dan had been wallowing in despair, insulting himself while these kids were thinking of their next course of action.

It was pathetic of him to be so terrorized by a single event in his life that was different from what he was used to while people at least 10 years younger than him had already overcome their fear. He had to do better than this if he wanted to survive.

"What does meat in the chopping block mean? " Ace suddenly asked interrupting Dan's mental pep talk apparently confused by the term.

Dan glanced at him and realized that this idiom was probably not used in this world. "It's a figure of speech meaning to be at the mercy of the others. " He explained with a smile on his face, albeit a bit forced.

Everyone nodded after hearing Dan's explanation, showing their interest in the strange and new figure of speech used by Dan. They were quite surprised by the fact that Dan who looked like he was sixteen was handling everything so well. He had been sitting there silently and even when Kane had killed Aiden, he didn't have any big reaction. It was impressive and Dan had managed to make a good impression because of his bravery. Or so they thought. 

Dan shakily stood up and walked up to the entrance of the hole. He looked outside and he could see the metal frame of the airship, lying on the ground like the skeleton of some massive monster. Some smoke wafted from the heaps of charcoal on the base of the frame, remnants of the wood used in the making of the Airship. 

But there was still a small part of the ship intact. It was the hull of the ship lying a bit far away. It was broken but not burned which meant that there might be some supplies there that Dan urgently needed.

He was weak and getting weaker by the second. His gut was empty and his body limp.

He needed food and water and he needed it fast. And to get that, he needed the help of these kids who seemed to be quite strong.

"I think I have a concrete plan," Dan said as he turned towards the strangers but now companions behind him with a smile on his face. 


Fact Of The Day: Psychics have a stronger will than Warriors and normal humans. ( This is something I will now be adding after every chapter to make it easier and also more immersive for the reader to understand the chapter. )


Note: I was not going to upload a chapter today and take a day off since I uploaded two chapters yesterday but we reached the goal of 30 powerstones for which I had to upload a bonus chapter. So, here it is. 

And since today is the start of another week, I will be updating the weekly goals and I will upload bonus chapters that I owe you on the first day of the next week at once. Here are this werks goals, 

30 powestones= 1 bonus chapter next week 

5 golden tickets= 1 bonus chapter next week 

2 ice cola gifts= 1 bonus chapter next week

10 reviews= 1 bonus chapter next week

If we complete all the goals, I will be uploading 11 chapters next week, 5 chapters in the first day of next week and then six chapters in the remaining six days. 

So thats all I have to say, Happy reading and if you are from Asia, then good night. )

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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