
I have a Zhutian simulator

When Su Xuan woke up, he found that he could travel through the heavens and the worlds, and awakened the simulation system to infinitely simulate his future life. In the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a Taoist king who sweeps away the demons and monsters in the world. His majesty dominates the world for a period of time, and his name is passed down to future generations for three thousand years. He looks up to the sky and the earth, and is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Great Yan World: There is an emperor who conquers the world, builds an endless Great Wall, fights against the tide of barbaric beasts in the north, and kills ninety-six great demon kings. His merits are immeasurable. Starry sky world: There is a mythical body that travels across the infinite universe. The divine fire is immortal for tens of millions of years. It regards the stars as playthings. It is immortal and immortal, and the whole world is silent. ... In the prehistoric world: there is a saint who carries the constitution of heaven in his mouth, plans the heaven and earth, is incomparable, cuts off the long river of time, and respects Yi Daozu for all generations. Traveling through the heavens and traveling across all realms, Su Xuan suddenly realized that the eternal invincibility he was pursuing was already underfoot.

Immortality_6548 · Urban
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23 Chs


  Chapter 22: The effect of the world's favor, Tianhu's

  reincarnation will have a chance to be reincarnated for free every month.

  Of course, the premise is that the last reincarnation evaluation reaches D level or above. Otherwise, you can only rely on props that increase the number of additional reincarnations.

  There are such props in the redemption list of the Reincarnation Hall, and the price is 10,000 points.

  In addition, such props will also appear in the evaluation rewards after each reincarnation.

  However, if you want to do this, your own evaluation must be high enough, at least an A-level evaluation is possible.

  The situation in the world of reincarnation is ever-changing, and no reincarnation can guarantee that he will get a D-level evaluation.

  Because of this, props that can increase the number of additional reincarnations are almost essential items for those high-level reincarnations.

  "Reincarnation will begin in seven days."

  Su Xuan rubbed his brows and made a decision in his heart.

  In fact, Su Xuan holds an additional reincarnation opportunity in his hand,

  which is the evaluation reward given by the Samsara Palace after he received an S-level evaluation.

  In other words, if Su Xuan wants to be reincarnated, he can do so at any time.

  But Su Xuan finally chose to keep that extra reincarnation opportunity.

  First of all, it has been almost a month since his last reincarnation. As long as he continues to wait for seven days, he can take advantage of the reincarnation hall's monthly free reincarnation.

  Secondly, Su Xuan wanted to be on the safe side, even though he had a 'simulation' system that could predict everything in the reincarnated world in advance.

  But there are no absolutes. Prediction in advance can only allow Su Xuan to accurately choose the path of life among countless dead ends and one way to live.

  But what if the road ahead is a dead end?

  Once he really falls into such a situation, Su Xuan may not guarantee that he will get a rating of D or above.

  Although this possibility is very low, Su Xuan has to guard against it.

  Anyway, it was just a seven-day wait, and Su Xuan could definitely afford to wait.


  Seven days flew by.

  Su Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and his mind began to integrate into the reincarnation mark in his body.

  Buzz! ! !

  next moment.

  Su Xuan's mind began to rise infinitely, and in an instant he was outside the blue star, deep into the vast starry sky.

  Compared to the first time, Su Xuan was much calmer at this moment and had time to look in other directions.

  "That's it?"

  Just this glance made Su Xuan's pupils shrink.

  I saw that in the infinite distance, a planet was floating alone in the darkness.

  If it were just planets, Su Xuan would not be surprised. After all, the universe is vast and there are countless planets.

  But Su Xuan vaguely saw a huge flesh-and-blood monster lying on the surface of the planet.

  This flesh-and-blood monster enveloped the entire planet and kept squirming, seemingly devouring certain materials within the planet.

  Wow! !

  Before Su Xuan could react, he was already in the Reincarnation Hall.

  "What is that?"

  Su Xuan's expression was as solemn as water.

  Although he didn't know how far away the planet he saw was from the Blue Star, it was undeniable that there were certain 'monsters' in the depths of the universe.

  For example, the flesh-and-blood life that fed on the planet, or the one that caused Su Xuan's brain failure The source of the disease was called the unknown evil god by the Reincarnation Hall.

  "Forget it, it's too early to think about this now."

  Su Xuan calmed down and began to prepare for the next reincarnation.

  "This should be my own room."

  Su Xuan glanced around and saw an empty hall.

  According to the information Su Xuan learned from the Reincarnation Hall, only reincarnations of the first level and above will have their own exclusive rooms.

  As for the reincarnated people who have not yet reached the first level, they will be reincarnated with other reincarnated people in a certain reincarnation hall.

  Just like when Su Xuan was reincarnated for the first time, He Wangwen and others were reincarnated in the hall together.

  "The scenery can be adjusted to look the way you like."

  Su Xuan thought, and the surrounding scenery began to change, with mountain peaks rising into the sky one after another.

  "Start reincarnation."

  Su Xuan set up a scene at random and said silently in his heart.

  [Reincarnated person: Su Xuan]   

  [Level: Level 1]

  [Do you want to start reincarnation? ]

  A cold, mechanical, and loud voice came.

  "Reincarnation." Su Xuan affirmed.

  [Check that the reincarnated Su Xuan holds a copy of the world's favor. Should he use it? ]

  "The world favors you?"

  Su Xuan suddenly remembered the evaluation reward he received in his last reincarnation.

  Regarding the favor of the world, there is no specific explanation in the Samsara Palace.

  Su Xuan guessed that it should be related to the world's luck, but the specific effect was unclear.

  "Use it."

  Su Xuan thought for a while and said.

  Since you don't know the role of the world's favor, wouldn't you know it after using it once?

  Anyway, Su Xuan didn't buy this with money, and he doesn't feel bad about using it.

  [Determined to use the favor of the world. Luck is tilting.]

  [There are still ten minutes until reincarnation. Should the reincarnated person spend points to obtain information about the reincarnated world? ]

  "Get it!"

  Su Xuan nodded without hesitation.

  Information about the reincarnated world may not be of much use to other reincarnated people.

  But for Su Xuan, it is more important than any props or treasures.

  Only by getting the information about the reincarnated world can Su Xuan use the 'simulation' system to simulate it.

  This is Su Xuan's greatest advantage, even those high-level reincarnations are far behind.

  [It is detected that the reincarnated person has more than 100 points. Should he obtain higher-level world information? ]

  "Higher grade?"

  Su Xuan was confused.

  [The levels of world information are divided into low, medium and high levels, with 100 points for low level, 500 points for medium level, and 1,000 points for high level]

  [The higher the level, the more detailed the world information involved]

  "Then the high-level world Information."

  Su Xuan thought for a moment and then said.

  Only by knowing more information about the reincarnated world can the future simulated by the 'simulation' system be more comprehensive and accurate.

  As for the one thousand points spent, as long as Su Xuan's final evaluation increases, how can the benefits earned be comparable to the one thousand points?

  As one thousand points were deducted from the Palace of Reincarnation, a large amount of information about this reincarnated world poured into Su Xuan's mind.

  I have to say that although I spent a thousand points this time, the information I obtained was far more than the last time. From the world view to the power system, there were even introductions to many forces.

  "Start the simulation."

  Su Xuan let out a breath and said silently in his mind.

  [Background of reincarnation: In the current world, the Three Kingdoms are standing in a powerful position. The Great Yan Dynasty is at its peak, swallowing up thousands of miles like a tiger. The other two dynasties are retreating step by step, joining forces vertically and horizontally, and the situation is turbulent.]

  [Zero Years Old: You were born. He is the only son of His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty in the world today, one person is inferior to ten thousand people]

  [One year old: You have shown extraordinary talents since childhood, and are deeply loved by the Emperor of Great Yan, and are regarded as the great Yan Dynasty. The heir]

  [At the age of five, you were established as the prince and began to practice martial arts. In just one month, you established the foundation of martial arts, which is unprecedented.]

  [At the age of fifteen, you stepped into the realm of martial arts, shocking the past and the present, and surpassing the previous one. The youngest Martial Saint is approaching fifty years]

  [At the age of twenty-two, your father handed over the dynasty to you with peace of mind, and you became the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty]

  [At the age of twenty-five, you broke the limits of martial arts and became The first Martial God in history]

  [At the age of thirty, under the cannibalization plans formulated by the previous emperors of the Great Yan Dynasty, the Great Yan Dynasty easily swallowed up the other two dynasties and achieved unification of the world]

  [At the age of fifty, you, the God of Martial Arts The realm is perfect, ready to find a way to break through to a higher level]

  [At the age of seventy-two, you died from the tide of wild beasts]

  (End of this chapter)