
I have a Zhutian simulator

When Su Xuan woke up, he found that he could travel through the heavens and the worlds, and awakened the simulation system to infinitely simulate his future life. In the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a Taoist king who sweeps away the demons and monsters in the world. His majesty dominates the world for a period of time, and his name is passed down to future generations for three thousand years. He looks up to the sky and the earth, and is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Great Yan World: There is an emperor who conquers the world, builds an endless Great Wall, fights against the tide of barbaric beasts in the north, and kills ninety-six great demon kings. His merits are immeasurable. Starry sky world: There is a mythical body that travels across the infinite universe. The divine fire is immortal for tens of millions of years. It regards the stars as playthings. It is immortal and immortal, and the whole world is silent. ... In the prehistoric world: there is a saint who carries the constitution of heaven in his mouth, plans the heaven and earth, is incomparable, cuts off the long river of time, and respects Yi Daozu for all generations. Traveling through the heavens and traveling across all realms, Su Xuan suddenly realized that the eternal invincibility he was pursuing was already underfoot.

Immortality_6548 · Urban
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23 Chs


  Chapter 21 Su Xuan, a sixth-level citizen of the Federation, began his second reincarnation

  on Cross Planet at ten o'clock in the morning.

  Star Cross is one of the nine satellites of the Federation's home planet, and it is also where the headquarters of the Federation Bank is located.

  As the largest, most authoritative bank with the most customers in the federal civilization, the entire Cross Planet is the office of the Federal Bank.

  In a high-tech building, a young woman wearing glasses yawned and came to her desk with a cup of coffee.

  Her name is Ruan Yuna, a senior employee of the Commonwealth Bank, who is responsible for handling VIP customers of the bank.

  "Let me see which VIP customers we have."

  Ruan Yuna took a sip of coffee, opened the virtual computer screen in front of her, and began to operate quickly.

  Although Ruan Yuna does not have much money, as a senior employee of the Commonwealth Bank, she has naturally met many real rich people. To be able to become a VIP customer of the Commonwealth Bank, her assets must be at least hundreds of millions of federal coins.

  Generally speaking, the vast majority of Commonwealth Bank's VIPs have assets of more than one billion, but there are only a few VIPs with hundreds of millions.


  "There were twelve more distinguished guests yesterday?"

  Ruan Yuna could see at a glance that there were more than a dozen names in her service list.

  In fact, there are many senior employees like Ruan Yuna in Commonwealth Bank, and each of them specializes in serving some VIP customers.

  Ruan Yuna clicked on the new VIP list and looked down one by one.

  Even for the huge Commonwealth Bank, VIP customers are considered major customers, and each one must be well served.

  To implement this at a specific level, employees like Ruan Yuna need to be responsible for implementation.

  They have to write down the hobbies, thoughts, and opinions of VIP customers in detail.

  In order to better serve VIPs.

  Soon, Ruan Yuna read all the information about the previous eleven VIPs.


  "Su Xuan?"

  Ruan Yuna looked at the twelfth distinguished guest.

  The VIP customer named 'Su Xuan'.

  "There are only a few million federal coins in the account, and the turnover in the past ten years has not exceeded 10 million. How did such a person become a VIP?" Ruan Yuna glanced at 'Su Xuan's' account information and looked surprised.

  "It must be another descendant of a certain big boss."

  Ruan Yuna thought for a moment and curled her lips.

  Because there are so many benefits to becoming a VIP of the Federal Bank, there are many juniors of federal big figures who want to get into it.

  But I don't have that much money. After all, if you want to become a VIP of the Federal Bank, according to the formal procedures, you must have more than one billion federal coins in your account for a long time to be sure.

  If the big guys themselves have one billion federal coins, they will naturally have this asset, but only their descendants.

  Five to six million can be given, but one billion is still too much.

  So many big guys said hello to the senior leaders of the Commonwealth Bank. After all, it was just a VIP account. Many leaders of the Commonwealth Bank could not refuse and could only hold their noses and admit it.

  "Another one came in through the back door."

  Ruan Yuna shook her head, looking quite dissatisfied.

  Not only is she dissatisfied with the children of powerful people who use the back door to become VIPs, but many employees of the Commonwealth Bank are also dissatisfied.

  After all, these powerful children themselves have not created the value that VIP customers should have for the federation. Instead, they have done a lot of trouble. They often have to trouble them to work overtime

  for those real VIP customers. Ruan Yuna is willing to do so because a large part of her income comes from Interest on deposits in the VIP account.

  But if you work overtime for the children of those powerful people, there will be no benefit at all. Instead, you will have to face difficulties. Who is willing?

  "I want to see which family he is from."

  Ruan Yuna copied Su Xuan's identity number directly, and then opened the Federal Bank's internal information query system to see what Su Xuan's origins were.

  The information query system within the Federal Bank has extremely high authority. Even those third-level and fourth-level citizens can check everything.


  Ruan Yuna entered Su Xuan's identity number, then pressed the query button, and waited for all the information about the identity number 'Su Xuan' to pop up. Looking at the three words


  on the virtual screen, a smile appeared on Ruan Yuna's face.

  She wanted to see which of the rich and powerful children had the back door, so that she could have something to talk about when talking to her best friends.

  As for whether it could be found out, Ruan Yuna didn't have the slightest doubt.

  This is the Commonwealth Bank's internal inquiry system. Who can't find it?

  "According to the operating speed of the system, ten seconds at most."

  Ruan Yuna counted down from ten in her mind.


  at this time.

  The virtual computer screen in front of him suddenly trembled.

  [warn! ! ]

  [warn! ! ! ]

  [The other party's authority is too high! Unable to query! ! ]

  [Commonwealth Bank employee No. 795212 Ruan Yuna, you illegally inquired about senior citizen information! ]

  [Your behavior violated Article 1962 of the Federal Charter and is suspected of abuse of power! ]

  [Since this is your first offender, I will give you a warning! ]

  [If you commit another crime, you will be taken to federal court and sentenced to exile! ]

  Lines of dazzling bright red fonts appeared on Ruan Yuna's virtual screen.

  All the bank employees in the whole building were alarmed, while Ruan Yuna sat there with a pale face.

  After a while, Ruan Yuna was taken to a huge office.

  "Ruan Yuna, you are also an old employee who has worked for the bank for more than ten years. Do you know what risks the bank took for you just now?" A tall, fair-skinned woman looked at Ruan Yuna, who lowered her head and did not dare to speak, and hated Iron cannot make steel.

  "Manager, I really, I really didn't mean it, I thought that person, that person..." Ruan Yuna was sweating profusely.   

  "That person?"

  "What that person? You can check the information of senior citizens of the Federation if you want?"

  The tall woman glared at Ruan Yuna and continued:

  "Every senior citizen of the Federation is a big shot in the Federation, no? Knowing how much contribution they have made, their safety is related to the future of the federation. If you are not a senior employee of the bank, I am afraid you have already gone to the federal court." The

  tall, female-looking manager said this, paused for a while and said: "Half a year's bonus will be deducted. If you do it again, you should know the consequences."

  "Thank you, manager. Thank you, manager."

  Ruan Yuna was relieved and thanked her quickly.

  As long as I can keep my job at the Commonwealth Bank, as long as I deduct half a year's bonus and have a basic salary, I won't starve to death.

  "Su Xuan."

  After returning to her work station, these two words suddenly appeared in Ruan Yuna's mind, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

  Just querying the other party's information alarmed the entire Federal Bank. What is the origin of this person? Could he be the next federal president?

  Shuiyue Community.

  Su Xuan successfully raised his citizen level to level six.

  "Level 6 to level 7 requires 100,000 merit points."

  Su Xuan shook his head and didn't think too much.

  After he handed in the improved 'Physical Refining Art', he only received a total of 30,000 merit points. In addition to the more than 20,000 merit points consumed to upgrade the citizen level to level 6, he naturally could not afford the consumption of level 7 citizens.

  In fact, there is a qualitative change between the sixth-level citizen and the seventh-level citizen.

  Once a Federation citizen reaches level seven, he or she can apply to the Federation for a Starfleet dedicated to protecting itself.

  after an hour.

  Su Xuan Federal Bank received 1.111 million federal coins.

  Third-level federal citizens can receive one million, fourth-level federal citizens can receive 10 million, fifth-level federal citizens can receive 100 million, and sixth-level federal citizens can receive one billion.

  The total is 1.111 billion federal coins.

  "Finally rich."

  Su Xuan opened the Federal Mall website again, then selected 'Advanced Nutrient Solution' and clicked directly to buy twenty bottles.

  Pay and deduct money in one go.

  Two hours later, Su Xuan looked at the twenty alloy boxes placed in front of him.

  "Start practicing."

  Su Xuan opened the first alloy box, took out the 'advanced nutrient solution' inside, swallowed it in one gulp, and slowly refined it.

  In this way, Su Xuan did not leave the community once in the following time, and concentrated on refining the 'advanced nutrient solution' at home to restore his strength.

  Ten days later.

  Su Xuan opened his eyes quietly.

  At this moment, Su Xuan had recovered all his strength.

  The next moment, Su Xuan's figure disappeared into the room.

  Su Xuan's figure appeared silently a hundred meters above the ground. With a slight leap of his body, he reached the top of a building.

  His speed was so fast that the vehicles on the road, the high-altitude aircraft, and even the ubiquitous breeze seemed very slow.

  "I can feel that the suppression in the federal universe is much stronger than that in the reincarnated world."

  Su Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and felt the changes in the void.

  In the world of Daqian, Su Xuan's final strength has surpassed the master level, and he can penetrate a mountain with a single blow.

  It's just that in the federal universe, Su Xuan clearly felt that his strength was suppressed. What he could do with a casual blow before could now be done with all his strength.

  In addition, the range that enveloped the four directions when the mind fell into silence has also been suppressed a lot, and now it can only cover a radius of two miles.

  "The world is different, and of course the rules are different."

  Su Xuan was not disappointed. His level had not dropped by half a point. It was just because the world was different that his combat power was lowered.

  This is not just for him, it is the same for all reincarnations.

  "Let's go shopping again."

  Su Xuan took a step forward, his speed directly exceeded the speed of sound, making a dull sonic boom sound. There was still an afterimage in the original place, and his body was already dozens of meters away.


  boom! !

  boom! ! !

  Su Xuan's figure came outside the city and ran wildly in the wasteland.

  at the same time.

  Outside the Blue Star, there are invisible fluctuations covering the entire planet.

  "It was discovered that there are traces of unknown supernatural energy on the Blue Star. It is confirmed that it is Su Xuan, a sixth-level citizen of the Federation. He meets the identity and authority. The crisis is resolved." After the

  federal planet security detection system confirmed the identity of Su Xuan, it immediately canceled the mobilization of the nearby star fleet. Decide.

  Half a day later.

  Su Xuan returned to Shuiyue Community.

  In just half a day, he ran at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers, which was really enjoyable.

  "Now that the strength has been restored,"

  Su Xuan lay back on the massage chair and looked up at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window:

  "It's time to start reincarnation."