

Adrian finds himself unexpectedly catapulted into the world of "One Piece," waking up on Dawn Island with no memory of how he got there. Believing it to be a prank, he soon discovers the reality is far more complex. As he encounters figures like Makino, Dadan, and the formidable Garp, he realizes he's not just in any world, but inside his favorite anime. Under Garp's mentorship, Adrian navigates the dangerous seas as a Marine, equipped with a mysterious power called the Shadow Monarch System that allows him to summon and command shadows of the deceased. As he subtly influences events and raises powerful allies from the shadows, Adrian must balance his knowledge of the series' future with the unpredictable twists his presence introduces. Caught between the worlds of Marines and pirates, and wielding powers that could alter the course of the story, Adrian must decide where his loyalties lie and how to use his unique abilities without disrupting the foundational elements of the world he loves. ------ 3 chapters every week. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters, only the one's that I have made up or the main character. I apologize if the it doesn't match the One Piece lore as it was based on my knowledge.

Drewy2cold · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Conomi Island

As the weeks progressed, Adrian continued to train under Garp and Bogart's rigorous supervision, all while keeping the existence of the Shadow Monarch System a secret. His strength and skills grew, but so did his curiosity about his place in the timeline of this world. From the events he had observed and the stories he had overheard, he suspected he was around the time of the early adventures at Syrup Village or perhaps during the tumultuous events at Baratie.

One clear morning, Garp announced they would be making a stop at Conomi Islands, a group of small islands in the East Blue. The mention of Conomi Islands immediately sparked a recognition in Adrian's mind—this was where the infamous Arlong Park incident would unfold. He wondered if they might encounter any signs of the impending trouble that he knew brewed on these islands.

As they approached the island, Bogart, who had been more of a silent presence during Adrian's training, finally struck up a more extended conversation with him. They stood at the bow of the ship, watching the coastline approach.

"Adrian, you've come a long way in the last few weeks," Bogart began, his voice always cool and collected. "But remember, true strength is not just mastering techniques. It's about understanding the situation and adapting."

Adrian nodded, taking in Bogart's words. "I understand, sir. Every situation here seems to be a test of more than just physical strength."

Bogart smiled slightly, a rare break in his usually stern demeanor. "Indeed. And speaking of tests, Conomi Islands will be an interesting place. It's quiet now, but these peaceful waters can be misleading."

Adrian glanced at Bogart, curious about the cryptic hint. "How so?"

"Let's just say that not all threats announce themselves with a Jolly Roger flag," Bogart replied, his gaze scanning the horizon. "Sometimes, the most dangerous enemies are the ones who pretend to be part of the community."

The conversation was interrupted as Garp bellowed from behind them, "Boys! Prepare for landing. And Adrian, make sure you're ready to observe more than just the scenery."

Adrian chuckled, appreciating Garp's blend of seriousness and levity. "Of course, Captain! I'm always ready!"

As they docked, the trio disembarked, with Garp leading the way. The island seemed peaceful, with fishermen going about their business and children playing near the docks. Yet, Adrian couldn't shake the feeling of tension in the air, knowing what he did about the future of these islands.

Bogart leaned in as they walked, lowering his voice. "Keep your eyes open and learn everything you can. And remember, the most important lessons often come from the places you least expect."

Their steps took them further into the island, the market bustling with activity and the locals greeting the Marines with a mix of respect and caution. Adrian followed closely behind Garp and Bogart, his senses heightened and his mind racing with possibilities.

As they moved through the crowds, Adrian's training continued—not with swords and fists this time, but with observation and insight.

After a few hours of leisurely downtime, Garp clapped his hands together, looking over at Adrian with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Alright, Adrian! Time to burn off that big breakfast. I want you to run around the whole island. And when you're done with that, take a nice swim around it too!"

Adrian stared at Garp, his expression a mix of disbelief and resignation. "Sir, with all due respect, are you training me or trying to turn me into a marathon swimmer?"

Garp laughed heartily, slapping Adrian on the back. "A Marine needs stamina, my boy! Consider it a challenge. Who knows, maybe you'll outrun a sea king one day!"

With a groan that was half-hearted and half-amused, Adrian set off. Jogging along the island's perimeter, he took in the sights and sounds of Conomi Island's beautiful landscape, albeit through a veil of impending exhaustion from the daunting task ahead.

As he rounded a bend on the path leading toward a village, Adrian's attention was caught by the sight of four individuals making their way toward the village with determined strides. The seriousness of their demeanor was unmistakable, and Adrian recognized them instantly from the descriptions he'd pieced together from various sources.

There was Zoro, the swordsman, with his distinctive green bandana and three swords slung over his back. His expression was stern, focused entirely on the path ahead. Next to him was Sanji, the blonde cook, his curly eyebrow and sharp suit making him stand out, even in the heat of the East Blue. Usopp, the long-nosed sniper, seemed to be telling some tall tale to Luffy, who was wearing his trademark straw hat and a carefree smile that belied the intensity of their mission.

Adrian knew this moment—this was the beginning of the Arlong Park arc, a pivotal chapter in their journey. Curious and eager to observe but not interfere, he decided to follow them discreetly. His recent training with Garp and Bogart had honed his skills in stealth and reconnaissance, making him well-equipped to tail the Straw Hats without being noticed.

As he followed at a safe distance, he recalled the essence of the Arlong Park story. Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats, was entangled in a painful history with Arlong, a ruthless fish-man who dominated this part of the East Blue. The Straw Hats were here to confront Arlong, free Nami from her burdens, and dismantle the oppressive rule that Arlong and his crew had imposed on Nami's home village.

Adrian watched as the group made their way into the village, their faces set with resolve. He knew the battles that lay ahead would be fierce and transformative for the Straw Hats and particularly for Nami.

Keeping low and moving quietly, Adrian continued to shadow the Straw Hats.