
I have a secret and an ability

Morgan_Merges · Urban
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31 Chs

I was there

Yes, now I was there, if I step one more front, I get to hang out with the cool guys. I would be a named character for the rest of this few years, everyone would accept me, no questions asked and I could go to any events, without even an invitation.

Though we all know, that this step is a double-edged sword. At these parties people tend to do things, what are not too... How should I put it... I mean, I do not like this style, I like, when people gather together and have fun, you can drink, but play sometging etc. But if anyone thinks about these parties... These are like Project X, how to be the asshole of the world. If i go there, I might feel myself good, I do not close out that being an opportunity.

But also think about it. I am not just a serious person, because my familys harsh way of raising up. These kind of things are not OK. There are rules for a reason. I can do this anytime in just a few years in a place called university, things being legal(hopefully) and my choice. If I go with this guy up, there is no question what will happen. It will be catastrophical and traumatic. For me, for everyone. I wanted to come out, not to be the number 1 idiot.

-Me: Please, I give anything, leave me be, I know, that the night is long and I appreciate the invitation, but this is too much.

I started to smell... Party smell... Alcohol, sweat, vomit and things I would not even want to know about. This is not a place for a kid or for myself. The teachers are great, but unfortunately, the party of the student council is off of their limits. I do not want to be a part of this.

-The guy at this point holding me less than gently: Oh come ooon, 1 drink or 2 or 1 smoke or 2, you will enjoy it.

Get hooked another place man... I mean like woah woah woah, I am underage and you want me to smoke and drink whatever came out from unknown places... You. Are. Ill. Unfortunately I started slowly moving my free arm down, what he thought was towards him. LOL, I wanted either a grip of a bar and jump down or a grip, what had 15 9×19mm round still in it and an emergency call. Call me conservative, but this is not OK and it is dangerous, they play with fire.

In the end I had no word in it, a girl simply just drew me in to the place full of smoke and odor of a place, where no normal people would like to go and in 3 hours I slept outside, because I had no spine left tp show to my roommates.

The next day looking at the nothing in front of me, at least cleaned up, I packed and went home. To the parents, who made me train to know these situations.

But from this point on, I got to be the cream of the school. No need to worry. I got to choose whatever I wanted. If I did not like some girl or guy, I just had to point, he went to the teachers room for a heading... Or if I liked someone, it was just a word to get a date... And this is only, because I sat somewhere for a little time...

I nearly throw up, when I see a mirror...