
I have a scroll of the diagram of ghosts and gods

《I have a scroll of the diagram of ghosts and gods》is a suspenseful ancient and modern legendary novel that combines time travel, system flow, invincible flow, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, grassroots rise, calmness, decisive killing, relaxation, classical fairy tales, mythology, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas , intangible cultural heritage elements.

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40 Chs

Chapter 38: Ink and Fragrance

"Not far from Yanbo Tower, there is a Boguzhai. Who of you can go there and buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstone."

After Zhu Yuanhao finished speaking, he instructed the students beside him.

"Slow down!"

"The pens, ink, paper and inkstone have been prepared!"

A fat man in golden silk clothes came running over, shouting all the way.

A servant followed closely behind him, holding a tray with pens, ink, paper and inkstone on it.

The fat man in golden clothes wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, and said with a smile: "No need to bother to run again, the shop has pens and ink."

"Come on, Awang, put it up quickly."

Yan Xiaowu curled his lips and said: "Mr. Chen, you really know how to do business."

"Why? Mr. Chen has such a big business, but he actually takes care of customers in this Yanbo Tower in person?"

He has recognized that this man is the owner of Yanbo Tower.

Although he was not happy with these pedantic scholars, he had to admit that Bailu Academy was indeed famous.

Especially the old ones.

If they could leave their writings, then Yanbo Tower would really be famous in Nanzhou, and even in Daji.

It would be a big profit.

That's why he said that Mr. Chen knew how to do business.

Mr. Chen was very friendly and said with a smile: "All the wise men and nobles have come to our shop, which is so beautiful. How can we bother you to worry about such trivial matters?"

"Chen has been waiting on the side for a long time, but I didn't come forward because I was afraid of disturbing you."

"The pen, ink, paper and inkstone have been prepared for you, just waiting for you to write."

"Uh, which noble man wants to show his poetic talent?"

He asked, but his eyes were already spinning around Xu Wenqing. Zhu Yuanhao looked at Li and Dai, and seeing that they were smiling but silent, he said with a smile: "Haha, since the shopkeeper has already made preparations, Wenqing, you should just obey his orders respectfully."

Mr. Chen was surprised: "Is this Xu Wenqing, the poet of Wuzhong, Mr. Xu?"

"Oh! A real god came to my shop today. I am so lucky, so lucky!"

Xu Wenqing saw that Mr. Chen had raised his title of Wuzhong Poetry Champion to Poetry Immortal. Although he felt that it was a bit too much, he was not embarrassed.

In terms of poetry, he asked himself that he was not inferior to others.

"Yes, sir."

He responded to his teacher, nodded to Mr. Chen lightly, and walked to the side. The servant had already prepared the desk, paper, ink and other things.

Mr. Chen's eyes turned, and suddenly he ran over in a hurry to stop Xu Wenqing who was about to write.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Xu! I think this ordinary paper and ink are not suitable for writing the great works of the immortal poet."

Xu Wenqing frowned. Although he was proud, he would not be flattered by Mr. Chen's flattery.

"What does Mr. Chen mean?"

Mr. Chen smiled and said, "You are all famous scholars and virtuous people. You are talented and upright. Naturally, you should be different from ordinary people."

"Mr. Xu, with your talent as an immortal poet, why don't you write an inscription on this Yanbo Tower? It will surely be a good story that will be passed down through the ages in the future!"

As soon as he said this, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed:

"Hey! Yes, I remember that Yanbo Tower was built with green jade and white sandalwood. The ink is thick and round, the fragrance is lingering, and it is not eroded by wind and rain. It will last for years and can be passed down for thousands of years."

"Green jade and white sandalwood!"

Everyone, including the people of Bailu Academy, was surprised.

Looking around. As expected, it was discovered that the columns and walls on the building were all made of a dark and shiny wood, with a faint trace of jade-like green and white silk patterns.

It was extremely extraordinary.

Those who knew the goods exclaimed.

Just as the man said, this green jade white sandalwood was extremely precious.

And it was hard to find a piece, and it was worth a hundred gold.

If this huge Yanbo Tower was built entirely with this kind of precious wood, it would be like a pavilion built of gold!

No wonder it is often heard that many literati and celebrities love to come to Yanbo Tower, and they are very keen to write inscriptions on this building.

However, if you are not a real celebrity, you are not qualified to write in Yanbo Tower.

Xu Wenqing was also very moved when he heard it.

"Then Xu will show his ugliness."

Imitating the predecessors, leaving ink and fragrance.

Xu Wenqing was also excited.

With a wave of his sleeves, he held the pen in his hand, showing a little wildness. Walked to a round column that was almost as thick as a person, and wrote with a brush.

The iron strokes and silver hooks were as smooth as flowing clouds and water.

People in the crowd kept reading out the poem word by word.

"The boat girl sang at the end of the river at dusk..."

"The setting sun reflected on the water and the water flowed..."


"Good poem! Good calligraphy! Good literary talent!"

This Yanbo Tower is located on Huaishui River and surrounded by the river on three sides.

At a glance, the blue waves are thousands of miles, connecting the sky and the sun.

It was almost dusk, and the orange-red sun seemed to float on the river, casting a golden red, rippling with the waves.

It was like the setting sun casting thousands of golden lines, swaying with the river.

Fishing boats and passenger boats, thousands of sails competing.

In Xu Wenqing's poem, a short sentence fully expressed the artistic conception.

This beautiful scene, with his big brushstrokes, added a touch of parting sorrow, like silk and cotton, entwining people's hearts.

"I want to go down from Lutang and ascend to the sky, and there is only a boat in the green mountains."


Everyone was immersed in the beautiful sorrow of parting, and suddenly saw Xu Wenqing's pen turn.

But in the sorrow of parting, he turned into a full of lofty ambitions.

Lutang is Bailu Academy, which indicates that Li Dongyang will rise to the top and ascend to the sky to show his ambitions.

Even Zhu Yuanhao and others couldn't help showing joy and relief.

Li Dongyang, the protagonist of the poem, stroked his long beard and nodded slightly.

Obviously, he also admired it very much.

Only Yan Xiaowu pouted and whispered: "What's so great about it."


"The pen shines!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed loudly.

It turned out that Xu Wenqing's last stroke was made, and the ink words on the green jade and white sandalwood pillars actually showed a faint glow.

"The pen shines, the ninth grade of Confucianism, a sign of a gentleman's conduct!"

"Oh! It's incredible! This Mr. Xu is only in his twenties, right? He has already reached the realm of a gentleman's conduct!"

"It's worthy of Bailu Academy!"

Everyone was amazed, and Zhu Yuanhao also stood up in surprise.

His disciple had only been hovering in the broken scroll before, how could he suddenly reach the ninth grade in one step?

Xu Wenqing stood with a pen in hand, looking at the glittering ink on the pillar, and couldn't help but feel full of pride.

He knew that his leapfrog breakthrough this time was largely due to the inspiration of the demon patrol guard.

And in this Yanbo Tower, the combination of emotion and scenery stimulated all his potential and accumulation, and he stepped into the realm of a gentleman's conduct in one fell swoop.

Although he was proud and conceited, he was not a person who didn't know what was good for him.

He turned around and bowed to Jiang Zhou: "Thank you, Brother Jiang, for your help."

Jiang Zhou was looking at the glowing words on the pillar, complaining in his heart that it was "unscientific".

Hearing this, he waved his hand and said: "This is Mr. Xu's talent, what does it have to do with me?"

Xu Wenqing ignored him and stood up after finishing the greeting.

He said with a serious face: "Please teach me, Brother Jiang."

He still did not forget to compete with Jiang Zhou.

Jiang Zhou was helpless: "I really can't..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Xiaowu pulled him from behind and whispered: "Hey, don't give in! Help me beat down this kid's arrogance, and I'll invite you to have fun in Chuyun Tower!"

Jiang Zhou: "..."