
I have a scroll of the diagram of ghosts and gods

《I have a scroll of the diagram of ghosts and gods》is a suspenseful ancient and modern legendary novel that combines time travel, system flow, invincible flow, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, grassroots rise, calmness, decisive killing, relaxation, classical fairy tales, mythology, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas , intangible cultural heritage elements.

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40 Chs

Chapter 37: Reputation

Even though he was well-educated, he couldn't help but get excited and opened his mouth to ask more questions.

Zhu Yuanhao asked for them: "If we can follow this 'one method', can the world be ruled?"

"Of course not."


Li Dongyang and others were all surprised.

I thought Jiang Zhou should take advantage of the victory after saying so.

Now he wants to overturn his own words?

Jiang Zhou smiled and said, "I just said that what that gentleman said, that as long as the people of the world are kind and polite, the world will be peaceful, is a fallacy, all because this road is not feasible."

"Don't you know that when the granaries are full, people know etiquette, and when they have enough food and clothing, they know honor and disgrace. If they can't fill their stomachs, who cares about etiquette? If they can't cover their bodies, who cares about honor and disgrace?"

"If you don't let the people have enough food and warm clothes, do you want them to talk about etiquette and benevolence when they are hungry and naked?"

"That brother said that people in the world don't know how to study and serve the country, but how do you know how many people in the world are struggling for a living, and even can't fill their stomachs with food and clothes. Where do you let them go to study? How can they report?"


A burst of applause broke out.

It turned out that when Jiang Zhou and the students were talking, they had attracted other guests in Yanbo Tower.

Some people recognized that the people present were Li Dongyang, Dai Yougong and other great scholars in Nanzhou, and they were even more surprised.

Calling friends attracted more people. Everyone was surrounded tightly.

But gradually they were attracted by Jiang Zhou's remarks.

At this time, they couldn't help but cheer.

Because most of the people watching were the common people he mentioned.

"Confucianism can educate the people, law can regulate the people, business can enrich the people, military can strengthen the country, agriculture can provide food, and industry can make its tools sharp. All the schools and industries are indispensable."

"If you want to rely on the words of one family and the two words of benevolence and courtesy to rule the country and bring peace to the world, please forgive me for speaking frankly,"

Jiang Zhou said firmly: "That's a foolish dream."


After he finished speaking, there was silence all around.

Yan Xiaowu looked left and right behind him.

He had also read books, but he thought he was not a good student, otherwise he would not have come to be a black-robed constable.

He only understood half of Jiang Zhou's words.

But judging from the expressions of the people around him, he was shocked.

He couldn't help but smile, and was eager to mock those pedantic scholars.

He pointed at Xu Wenqing: "What's up? You, wasn't it you just now? Didn't you say you wanted to fight?"

"Now my brother has drawn the line, what can you do? What do you have to say? Or do you want to admit defeat? Hahaha!"

The students came back to their senses, and someone immediately said angrily: "Humph, heresy!"

"The word ritual is the foundation of our Daji country. Back then, the Holy Emperor gathered the power of the mountains and rivers, and the destiny of the great humanity, cast the Ji Ding, established the Ji Li, and the Ding ruled the world!"

"There are eight thousand of our Daji Years of national prosperity!"

"The word benevolence is the brilliance of the wisdom of the 72 saints of Daji, the aura of the ancient and modern times, which is engraved on the heaven and earth, so that the heaven and earth can be made to manifest the aura of the long river, shining for eternity! It will stabilize the destiny of humanity for thousands of years!"

"It is the beginning of the 8,000 years of unfailing literary fortune of Daji!"

"You are just a low-ranking official, but you are so eloquent that you want to destroy the two major foundations of Daji with just one word. It is simply treasonous!"

Unlike those people who were watching the fun, most of them could not understand what Jiang Zhou said.

They just applauded because these words sounded good to them.

What they opposed was not whether these words were right or wrong.

But as they said, this was shaking the foundation of Daji.

What is the foundation of Daji?

It is Confucianism, aristocratic families, and clans.

Among them, there is no word "people".

In the cognition of these students, the art of governing a country is the art of herding people.

The word "mu" is enough to say everything.

The common people are just animals.

The "people" who really need to be rich are the aristocratic families, who are the foundation of Daji.

To them, Jiang Zhou's words are no different from playing the lute to a cow.

In fact, Jiang Zhou himself knows it well.

He was a refugee at the beginning, although it was only a few days, it was enough for him to see a little bit.

The reason why he dared to "talk nonsense" here is that he knew that most of what he said would not be taken seriously.

But it is enough to bluff people.

Jiang Zhou smiled slowly and said: "I am just a small demon patrol guard in the Sujing Division. I haven't read much. I talk nonsense and make a fool of myself. You gentlemen can just listen and laugh, but how can it damage the foundation of the country?"

The man snorted: "It's good that you know it. You still have some self-knowledge."

When they were talking, they didn't notice that several teachers and commanders were silent one by one.

Li Dongyang and Dai Yougong looked at each other, and the surprise in each other's eyes was not concealed.

Zhu Yuanhao stroked his black beard, and from time to time he flashed a few strands of struggling and confusion.

They naturally knew that Jiang Zhou's words were not that simple.

These students were just quibbling, or they simply didn't understand.

But after all, there was a difference between relatives and strangers. They admired this patrolling demon guard, but they would not help him to attack the reputation of Bailu Academy.

Hearing the words of the student, he couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Wenqing, what do you think?"

Xu Wenqing bowed to him and said, "I am ashamed. Although I don't know whether what this brother said is right or wrong, I know a person by listening to his words. In terms of reason and literature, Wenqing is ashamed of himself."

He turned to Jiang Zhou and said, "Brother, can you tell me your name?"

Jiang Zhou clasped his fists and said, "I am Jiang Zhou."

Xu Wenqing said seriously, "Brother Jiang, I am not as good as you in literature and reason."

"But it is related to the reputation of Bailu Academy, Xu I am not convinced, but I still want to compete with you again. "

Yan Xiaowu said sarcastically: "Tsk, you are going to put on powder and go to the coffin - you want to save face, right? Okay, let's compete, not to mention one game, you will lose even if you compete ten times!"

"Tell me, what do you want to compete?"

Xu Wenqing didn't have Yan Xiaowu in his eyes, he just looked at Jiang Zhou and said:

"Poetry and lyrics are not comparable to the high theory of Jiang brother, but Xu is the best in this life. For the reputation of Bailu Academy, Xu can't care about this face."

How can Jiang Zhou write any poems?

Although it is not difficult for him to copy dozens or hundreds of poems, and he is thick-skinned enough, it is also a very pleasant thing to show off in front of people.

But today he has been in the limelight enough, too much is as bad as too little.

He then clasped his fists and said, "Your Excellency is too kind. I am a rough man, how can I understand poetry? I was just afraid that my friend would offend you, so I was anxious and said nonsense. Don't take it seriously."

"If Brother Jiang is not good at poetry, Xu would not force him. I will write a poem. If the gentlemen and elders, and everyone present, do not have a word of disparagement, then we will both win."

Xu Wenqing only thought he was being modest, and had no intention of giving up.

With a serious and firm expression, he said, "Please help me, Brother Jiang."

Jiang Zhou said helplessly, "Brother Xu, I really don't understand."

Xu Wenqing folded his hands and bowed, "Please teach me, Brother Jiang."

"..." Why is this guy so stubborn?

When the two were in a stalemate, Zhu Yuanhao tried to smooth things over by saying, "Since this young man doesn't want to be publicized, Wenqing, don't force him."

He then changed the subject and said, "Didn't you want to write a farewell poem for Mr. Dongyang just now? Take this opportunity to recite it and ask this young man to comment on it for you."

Although he had no complaints about Jiang Zhou, as a doctor of Bailu Academy, he still preferred Xu Wenqing and wanted to save some face for the academy.