
Chapter 623: Crispy Rice

"That was so delicious!"

"Oh no, why is it so tasty? The rice at home tastes bland in comparison!"

"No wonder it's so good; I grew this rice myself! I deserve some credit for this deliciousness!"

"I've never had such delicious clay pot rice before!"

For a while, the panda restaurant was filled with exclamations of praise and the sound of people enthusiastically chewing their rice.

The chubby boy's father, a hefty man, was also eating the rice with gusto.

As he ate, he found it unbelievable!

He used to be fit when he was younger, often exercising. But over time, frequent business meals and social gatherings led to weight gain, resulting in a beer belly.

Despite his size, he didn't eat much now, as eating too much would make his stomach uncomfortable.

He had planned to just taste a bit, but the rice was so fragrant that he couldn't stop eating!

Surprisingly, his stomach didn't protest as usual; instead, it felt warm and comfortable, and he even wanted more.

The chubby boy was stuffing his mouth with rice.

By now, more than half of the rice was gone, revealing a layer of golden crispy rice at the bottom of the pot!

The pot had a smooth glaze at the bottom, and the chef had also smeared a layer of lard before cooking the rice.

This way, when the water was almost evaporated, the rice would become crispy without sticking to the bottom.

The chubby boy gently pushed with his chopsticks, and a large piece of crispy rice lifted up.

He eagerly put it in his mouth and chewed, producing a satisfying "crunch" sound!

The crispy rice was fragrant and crunchy, with a stronger grain texture compared to the soft rice.

The chubby boy chewed the crispy rice, feeling the grains break apart in his mouth, and his face lit up with happiness.

It was the pure, roasted flavor of the crispy rice!

Even without seasoning like cumin or chili powder, it tasted better than any store-bought crispy rice snack.

The crunching sound echoed, and the layer of crispy rice at the bottom was quickly devoured.

The chubby boy, still craving more, tapped his dad, "Dad, you can't eat too much, right? How about giving me your crispy rice?"

His dad chuckled, "Today, for some reason, my appetite is great!"

The chubby boy sighed, "Oh~~"

Other diners at the panda restaurant, seeing how much these people were enjoying their rice, couldn't help but feel envious!

They called the waiter over, "Hey, waiter, why isn't the clay pot rice they're eating on the menu? Can we get some too?"

"Yeah, the aroma is making me hungry!"

The waiter smiled, "This rice is from our zoo's experimental field! The families eating the clay pot rice participated in the farming activity, so it's not available on our regular menu."

"Can I pay extra for it?"

The waiter apologized, "Sir, it's not about the money... It should be added to our menu in a few days. Please come back then to try it."

The tourist insisted, "I don't care! I want to eat it today. If I can't, I'll stay here and not leave."

The thought of not getting to eat it would keep him up at night, dreaming about the aroma of the clay pot rice.


Someone tried to appeal emotionally, "I've been a regular at your panda restaurant! I bring lots of friends here and often promote you on social media. Doesn't that earn me some employee-like benefits?"

An older man pleaded, "There must be some leftover rice. Can you spare us a bit? Please ask the manager."

The waiter, under the pleading gazes of the hungry diners, finally relented, "Alright, I'll ask, but I can't guarantee anything."

Fang Ye was having lunch with Lan Li at the cafeteria, where they were also eating rice from the new harvest.

The panda restaurant, though scenic, was too crowded, so they avoided the hustle and bustle.

Upon receiving the call, Fang Ye thought for a moment and replied, "Alright, if there's extra, we can make more. One serving will be 299 yuan!"

"299? Is the rice made of gold? Or is the husk made of gold?"

A first-time visitor to the panda restaurant was shocked by the price!

Regular visitors, however, were unfazed, "I'll have a serving of clay pot rice!"

"Make that two for me!"

After placing their orders, a companion explained, "The restaurant uses organic ingredients without any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, making it natural and pollution-free.

Though expensive, the taste is far superior to regular food. There's a limited quantity each day, so you have to come early to get it."

The visitor was amazed, "Is it really that good?"

The companion leaned in and whispered mysteriously, "Did you know? The zoo's director, Fang, can communicate with animals. He pets lions and tigers like they're kittens. People say he's a hidden druid in the city.

These vegetables and rice must be specially cultivated by him! Otherwise, even organic produce wouldn't taste this good. Look at how much they're enjoying it."

The visitor was skeptical, "Really?"

But any doubts vanished the moment he tasted the clay pot rice!

Every cell in his mouth and lips rejoiced, and his stomach felt a wave of satisfaction and joy.

It was truly delicious! He almost swallowed his tongue.

There was only enough rice left to make about 20 servings.

The tourists who didn't get to try the clay pot rice reluctantly accepted that there was no more and sighed in disappointment.

They planned to return in a few days when it officially went on sale to try it!


Besides clay pot rice, the animal restaurant also prepared bamboo shoot soup and other dishes for the diners.

After a while, the food was served, and everyone ate to their heart's content. They leaned back in their chairs, rubbing their full bellies and burping in satisfaction.

Having just learned about the value of precious food, and with the meal being so delicious, everyone ate very cleanly, leaving no grain of rice or drop of soup behind.

As they rested in their chairs, they watched Yun Duo, a panda, soaking in the pool at the panda exhibit.

The weather was hotter than at the beginning of summer, so more measures were taken to keep the animals cool.

Misting nozzles created a hazy mist around the pool, giving it a dreamy, ethereal feel.

The mist covered Yun Duo, who closed her eyes and soaked in the bath, gently swaying her little feet in the water, her round ears twitching in enjoyment.

A round, chubby fairy soaking in the bath—how adorable!