
Chapter 622: Delicious Clay Pot Rice

Fang Ye brought over a bamboo basket from the other outlet of the hulling machine, filled with dark yellow powder.

"This is what we call bran, which includes the crushed outer husk of the rice and the rough outer layer of the rice grain!

Since it's mostly husk, it doesn't taste good, is very dry, and hard to digest. Eating it might cause constipation, so it's usually cooked and fed to pigs or used as feed for chickens and ducks.

In the past, during wartime or famine, when people had no rice to eat, they had to eat bran mixed with tree leaves and wild vegetables."

Everyone listened attentively, feeling somewhat shocked.

"One should always remember the hard work behind every meal."

"Who knows how much effort went into each grain of rice on our plates."

These sayings from teachers and the banners in school cafeterias often felt like mere slogans.

Experiencing rice planting firsthand and understanding how rice gets to the table made a real difference.

While it might not be realistic to never leave any food uneaten, they'll certainly consider their portions more carefully in the future, ensuring they can finish their meals.

They also gained a newfound respect for the farmers who produce their food.


The bags of processed rice were loaded onto a cart and pushed to the road beside the zoo's office building.

For drying the rice, the open space near the plaza would be ideal!

However, with many tourists and flocks of pigeons around, it would be like setting up a buffet for the birds.

The office area, where tourists usually don't come, would be better. If it rains, the staff can quickly gather the rice.

In Linhai, summer rains are frequent, so drying mats were laid on the ground.

The rice was spread out on these mats, and in case of rain, the mats could be quickly rolled up for easy collection.

The children, using wooden tools similar to mops, ran around spreading the rice, shouting excitedly as they worked.

Drying rice is relatively easy and fun, and the parents took photos while the children played.

Some children, having worked up an appetite, were already feeling hungry!

The chubby boy ran over impatiently, "Brother Fang Ye, when can we eat?"

Fang Ye smiled, "Don't worry, the chef is already preparing it. There's crispy rice for you to enjoy.

We also have freshly picked corn, which is absolutely delicious! You can keep playing for now, and the food will be ready soon."

He had previously spoken to the chef about the children's desire for crispy rice, and the chef had assured him it was possible!

The panda restaurant had several clay pots usually used for cooking bamboo shoot soup, which were perfect for making clay pot rice.

Clay pot rice, a famous dish from Guangdong, is known for the crispy golden layer that forms at the bottom of the pot, offering a flavor superior to regular crispy rice.

The chubby boy swallowed, "Great!"

Tang Xiaoxin also ran over, complaining, "Brother Fang Ye, my face hurts! It must have been scratched by the rice straw leaves. It didn't hurt before, but now it stings! Will it leave a scar?"

Fang Ye laughed, "No worries, I'll get a spray for you!"

He fetched a healing spray from the supplies, which had proven very effective!

Sometimes animals would get injured in fights, or staff might get scratched. The spray worked quickly to heal wounds and was a staple in every exhibit.

He returned with the healing spray and called the children over, spraying each one.

The spray stung, making the children wince, but the effect was immediate, and the pain soon subsided.


By noon, the panda restaurant was bustling, filled with people!

Parents and children sat together, with two families per table. Those who couldn't find seats had to go to the animal restaurant.

The chubby boy eagerly watched the kitchen, practically drooling in anticipation.

Tang Xiaoxin and Qian Keke whispered to each other, guessing what they would have for lunch!

When they saw the waiter approaching with trays, their eyes lit up, and they eagerly rubbed their hands, staring intently at the trays.

The waiter placed several clay pots on the table, handed out white wet towels, and smiled, "Enjoy your meal! Be careful, it's hot."

They also placed several small, exquisite dishes of sauce, "This is the sauce! You can pour it over the rice."

White steam rose from the small holes in the clay pots, releasing a tantalizing aroma that whetted their appetites.

They could faintly hear the "sizzling" sound of steam interacting with the hot clay pot, creating a delightful sound.

After working all morning and burning a lot of energy, their stomachs were already growling. The enticing aroma made them swallow involuntarily!

"Wow, it smells so good!"

"Is it clay pot rice?"

"I smell crispy rice!"

They eagerly wiped their hands with the wet towels and couldn't wait to lift the lids of the clay pots!

Immediately, a cloud of white steam rose, carrying the sweet aroma of the rice mixed with a hint of roasted flavor and the savory scent of meat, much stronger than before, directly hitting their nostrils!

Inside the clay pot, the rice grains were plump and translucent, topped with slices of deep red cured meat. The oil from the meat had coated the rice with a shiny golden hue, and there were a few green leaves of bok choy, making it look very appealing.

The vibrant colors of the clay pot rice were visually stimulating, greatly enhancing their appetite!

Qian Keke picked up a piece of cured meat, blew on it gently, and put it in her mouth to chew.

She wondered if the cured meat was sweet or spicy! She preferred it a bit spicy.

With one bite, the savory, spicy flavor, and the aroma of the oil danced in her mouth, her eyes lighting up, "Yum! It's delicious!"

Tang Xiaoxin picked up the sauce, moved the cured meat and bok choy aside, and poured the sauce in circles over the rice!

The sauce quickly seeped into the rice, and the heat from the rice and the clay pot wall produced a satisfying "sizzle" sound.

The sound was very pleasant, like a spa for the ears!

Just hearing this sound brought a deep sense of satisfaction.

It was hard to tell if the sauce was wrapping around the rice or the rice was wrapping around the sauce, but they fused tightly together.

Tang Xiaoxin blew on the rice, scooped a spoonful, and put the whole spoonful in her mouth, chewing with delight!

Immediately, the fragrance of the rice, the savory sauce, and the aroma of the cured meat exploded in her mouth!

"Delicious! So delicious!"

That was Tang Xiaoxin's thought, but she was too busy eating to speak!

She kept scooping rice into her mouth, eating voraciously without any ladylike manners!

The rice grown with special soil was not only visually appealing but also tasted much better than the best rice on the market.

Each bite left a lingering fragrance, making her feel as if she were floating in a rain-soaked rice field, filled with pure joy!