
I have a sacred tree in one piece

Klein realizes that now he is in the world of One Piece, dangerous futures will come into his life and he is just an extra in this world that already has main characters, the only thing he can trust is a small tree that simply feed it with simple fruits, or maybe they are not so simple....

pizzamozzarella · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


Great line.

The wind is blowing, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the plants exuded vitality, while the waves of the sea could be heard not far away.

On a hillside, a boy was sitting on a large sturdy tree, eating an apple, while enjoying the view, looking with complex emotions at the sea, he could not help but let out a sigh at the end.

"ugh..how the hell did I end up here and where the hell am I exactly..."

Klein was this child, but he was not always a child, its supposed he was a 24 year old man of the modern world, it was only suddenly that he realized that his body had become that of a child.

The strangest thing was not only that, the fact is he is in one piece world, a week had passed since he found out, the news from the world of One Piece still arrives on this unknown island.

He didn't have traps, nor a system like in the novels, nor was he a devil fruit user, he was just a normal child.

He realized that it was 10 years ago that Gold D.Roger died, starting the era of pirates, it was also 10 years ago that Klein was born, apparently he is from the same generation as Luffy's brothers.

Klein knew about the plot of One Piece, he had seen said anime in his previous life, but right now that is not very useful.

"Oh, this is really annoying."

With tired eyes, the boy finished his apple and he standing to look at the reflection in the water.

A young face, about 10 years old, with purple hair, dark eyes, pale skin, attractive eyes, well-defined nose and jaw, he had a very thin build, may be to much thin...

"Well at least I'm not that bad, with this face it wouldn't be difficult to outshine others, but... this body... IT'S TOO THIN, THINNER THAN NORMAL FOR A CHILD!"

Klein could no longer bear to look at his thin and weak body, he stood up to head towards the village, on the way he met several villagers who greeted him, Klein only returned the greeting from afar.

Arriving in front of a small wooden house that looked like it was about to fall down at any moment, Klein opened the door and walked in.

"Shit, this place smells really bad, how disgusting, I think I even just saw insects in that corner"

A house that was on its last legs, this is where Klein woke up, it turns out that he is an orphan child, apart from a makeshift bed and some old furniture, there was not much else.

"Maybe I really travel back in time and this isn't just a dream..."

time traveler, that sounds good, but is something like that really that good?

If you asked Klein right now he would surely spit on you face.

It doesn't matter the benefits that traveling in time, for Klein it didn't matter, he had a life, 24 years of his previous life suddenly stopped making sense, his family, friends, pet, studies There is nothing like that in this life anymore.

He was in a place he didn't know, alone, in a house about to collapse, feeling very hungry and not knowing what the next direction of his life would be.

"This is a big shit, but I have to think things through, I don't have any food, I can't depend on the other villagers for food either, and my body is too weak for any work"

Klein thought about hunting to get some food but hunting is not as easy as it sounds, he has no experience in it, for now the only thing he can do is think of another way."

Suddenly small knocks sounded on the door, Klein quickly went to answer it, when he opened it he saw a little figure.

"Hello klein, my mother asked me to bring you this basket with some food"

Klein saw a girl smiling at him while giving him a basket full of food, he knew this girl, she was his neighbors daughter, her name was Minelly,

Minelly's family often took care of Klein, as he was an orphan he had earned a bit of sympathy from the town, but especially from Minelly's parents or at least that's what he noticed as he walked through the town.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it, please tell your parents thank you for me"

Klein had started swallowing saliva after seeing the food, if he continued like this he would soon start drooling.

Minelly noticed this and became in a good mood, there was a small sparkle in her eyes when she looked at Klein.

"I'm leaving then, enjoy it"

Klein said goodbye to Minelly and went to eat quickly, he didn't eat everything despite his hunger, he knew he had to leave something for later, he wasn't stupid.

Klein suddenly began to clean the house, after a while, among the dust and some debris, he found a small box with a photo of three people, a silver pistol without bullets and a small jewel that had not yet lost its shine.

In the photo Klein saw a couple with a happy and kind face, in the mother's arms was a baby, the couple had similar features to Klein.

"These are the parents of my new body, I see, it seems that only now that I bothered to tidy up did I find it"

Klein found the jewel quite attractive to look at, he caressed it for a while until he felt a severe headache and fainted.


When Klein regained consciousness, he noticed that he was in a strange space, the atmosphere seemed unreal and illusory.

"Is this a dream or what the hell?" Klein suddenly noticed a tree in his sight.

Klein saw a tree that had no leaves, it was not very big either, on one of its branches there was a fruit similar to an apple but it was purple. Approaching it, Klein analyzed it but did not touch it.

"This is strange, suddenly a tree out of nowhere with a suspicious fruit, I don't even know what kind of place this is, but my feeling tells me that this is not something simple"

Klein, after hesitating for a moment, reached out and grabbed the fruit from the tree, looked at it for a second, brought it closer to smell it, and took a small bite.

"that..., no, it can't be, this... tastes too good!"

Klein felt like he was in heaven, he had never tasted something so delicious, he even stopped thinking about anything other than the exquisite taste of this, he just focused on finishing eating it.

When Klein came to, he suddenly began to feel like everything was starting to get cloudy again. Suddenly, he was in his house again, he had left that strange space.

"Was it really a dream? It felt very real, something is wrong." Klein noticed that his body was very energetic, he looked at his arms and noticed that he was not as weak as before, he felt a strange strength that a child should not have.

Klein thought of something, he suddenly reached out, grabbing a wooden board and using a little force, the board broke easily.

"My physique suddenly improved, something is wrong, it must be because of that strange space, no, it must be because of that strange fruit that I ate inside that space."

Klein suddenly began to remember everything he did before entering that strange space.

"The only thing I did before was touching that ancient jewel, nothing out of the ordinary, I don't understand."

Klein couldn't stop thinking about possible causes and effects, trying everything to get back to that space.

Even touching the jewel again didn't work at all, but he noticed that the jewel was no longer shiny like before, as if it had lost its charm and had nothing special.

"Whatever it is, it seems that I am not without anything in this life, I have to continue investigating this but in the end I also have some cheating with me haha"

May be is to obvious that i like Klein from lord of the mysteries. Anyways y'all keep follow the story, good things come soon, just let me cook.

pizzamozzarellacreators' thoughts