
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

Final Results

The last one?

Li Hui's face froze, and he bowed his head angrily, his face burning hot.

When he was in high school, he was one of the few gifted students in the class and even the whole school who had awakened his S-level ability.

Therefore, he is the pride of his parents, the object of frequent praise from teachers, and the envy of his classmates.

After three years, he has also become a proud and arrogant master, but he did not expect that in the first university examination, he would be ranked in the last place, the gap is too great!

Looking at Li Hui, who was at loss, the others didn't laugh at him at all, but they were even more nervous.

It can be seen that Dean Cao Tian announced the results from the bottom to the top.

The sooner you are called by name, the worse your grades will be, and the lower your ranking will be.

Everyone prayed in their hearts not to call their names too early.

"Xu Ya!"

Cao Tian was expressionless and called out the second name, Xu Ya's face froze.

"24 monsters, second to last!"

Xu Ya's face turned red, and she could not wait to find a seam to get in.

She is also an arrogant person, a sought-after object in school, a goddess in the eyes of boys and girls, but when she went to college, she was ranked second to last.

This made Xu Ya very embarrassed.

Especially when Ling Tian was still watching, which made Xu Ya even more embarrassed and depressed. Won't Ling Tian die of laughter because of this?

"Zhang Wenwen, 25, third from bottom!"

"Lin Shuanglong, 26, fourth from bottom!"

"Wu Jiabao, 27, fifth from bottom!"


Cao Tian announced the results of the freshmen one by one.

He is a ninth-level power user, and his brain's memory, computing power, and storage capacity are comparable to those of a large computer.

How many rhinoceros were hunted by each student every day, and how many rhinoceros hunted in total, he clearly remembered them, and he couldn't miss them.

"Zhang Long, 982, 6th!"

"Qi Chuan, 1537 monsters, 5th!"


"1...1537 monsters!!!"


Hearing Qi Chuan's results, the audience was in an uproar, and all the freshmen looked at Qi Chuan with shock in their eyes.

Wang Qianqian in tenth place has hunted 718 monsters.

The sixth-place Zhang Long has hunted 982 monsters.

The gap between the two is not big, which means that the gap between the tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh, and sixth places is not very big.

This creates an illusion for everyone that the gap between the top ten is definitely not too big, and the result clearly slapped that illusion.

The fifth-placed Qi Chuan actually killed 1,537 rhinos, more than 500 more than the sixth-placed Zhang Long.

Is that a human being?!

Facing the envious and shocking eyes of other freshmen, Qi Chuan was expressionless, but he actually hated Ling Tian and Song Hua in his heart.

The fifth place!

Only fifth place!

Qi Chuan clenched his fists, he was very dissatisfied with this result.

If it wasn't for Ling Tian and Song Hua to interfere, let him be injured and rest for three days.

His grades are definitely more than that, and his ranking will not be so low.

"Brother Song, this guy is very strong!"

Ling Tian looked at the expressionless Qi Chuan: "After being injured and resting for a few days, he can still hunt and kill so many rhinoceros, ranking fifth, his strength can't be underestimated!"


Song Hua said: "His speed is too fast, and Rhinoceros Island is so big, the hunting efficiency is naturally much higher than others!"


"Susanna Pandora, 2091, fourth place!" Dean Cao Tian announced Susanna's results.

"Hey! There are more than 2,000 monsters hunted!"

"I only hunted more than 20 monsters. Is there such a big gap between me and her?"

The freshmen were a little sad and angry. Most of them killed less than 100 rhinos, and Susannah directly killed 2,000.

The gap between the others and Susanna is wide.

But if you think about it, it's actually quite normal. Others have to travel in person and fight against Rhinoceros in person.

Susanna is different. She drives the Two-Winged Serpent, which can fly in the sky and run on the ground without getting tired at all.

Moreover, as a serpent, the Two-Winged Serpent has a temperature sensing organ, which can detect the Rhinoceros within a certain range.

In the end, Susanna is a third-level ability user, and the two slave beasts under her command are also third-level monsters.

With such two big helpers, how can others compare to her?

"Only fourth!"

Susannah was disappointed and not very satisfied with this dazzling achievement.

Since participating in the special training, she has only one goal: the first place!

It's not that she has big ambitions, but that she has always been the best among her peers since she was a child, and she is the first in everything.

After so many years, she has long been accustomed to taking the first place, but now she suddenly falls to the fourth place, she is very uncomfortable.

"Song Hua, 2140 monsters, third place!"

"Ling Tian, ​​2142 monsters, second place!"

Dean Cao Tian announced the results of Song Hua and Ling Tian one after another.

Song Hua and Ling Tian teamed up and killed a total of 4,282 rhinoceros.

According to the distribution of credits, Song Hua is responsible for finding the Rhinoceros, and Ling Tian is responsible for killing it, and Ling Tian deserves more credit.

Therefore, Dean Cao Tian gave Ling Tian 2 more rhinoceros and ranked second, Song Hua scored 2 less and ranked third.

Song Hua and Ling Tian were very satisfied with this result.

Song Hua knew very well that without Ling Tian, ​​he could not have killed so many rhinoceros and won such a high ranking.

He was very satisfied to get third place!

Ling Tian was also very satisfied. Without Song Hua's assistance, he would not have been able to hunt down so many rhinoceros.

"It's all a bunch of fucking beasts!"

"They are both freshmen, why can they kill so many rhinos, and I can't even get a fraction of them?"

The freshmen sighed, and they were all hit.

Before going to college, they were all figures in the class, the school, and the pride of teachers and parents.

As a result, the first competition in college was so miserable, they couldn't accept it, the gap was too big.

"Ling Tian actually killed so many Rhinoceros?"

Xu Ya looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was standing in the corner of the crowd, chatting and laughing with Song Hua. In addition to being shocked, she also felt lost.

When she was in high school, she was a goddess who was praised by everyone, a genius who held the moon in the eyes of the stars, and Ling Tian was a waste that everyone spurned.

She actually despised Ling Tian in her heart. If it wasn't for the cultivation resources, she would be too lazy to pay attention to Ling Tian.

And now, Ling Tian, ​​this scumbag, is actually doing so well in the special training, and surpassed her by a large gap and margins.

Just when Xu Ya was extremely angry, Cao Tian announced Mo Yuan's results: "Mo Yuan, 5244 heads, first place!"


Xu Ya felt agitated all over, suspecting that she had heard it wrong: "5...more than 5,000 monsters, what a joke!"

The other freshmen were also in an uproar, with shock in their eyes.

"5244 monsters!!!"

So many rhinos were hunted in just 30 days? How did she hunt? "

"On average, 174 rhinos are killed every day. Damn, beasts!"

Ling Tian was also shocked. He and Song Hua joined forces and killed a total of 4,282 rhinoceros. Mo Yuan alone killed more than 5,000 by herself…

"This woman is just a pervert!"

Song Hua complained: "There are only 30,000 rhinoceros on the island, and she did one-fifth of it alone, what a beast!"


Ling Tian nodded silently, and couldn't help saying: "I really want to fight her again, trying her power in depth!"