
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

Entering Concentration Tower

In the bright blue and cloudless sky.

The dazzling ten suns hang in the sky, freely swaying their youth.

The arrangement of the ten suns is very interesting, that is very close to each other.

The other nine suns form a circle, surrounding the original sun in the middle like the stars holding the moon.

They rise together, work together, and fall together, and they are intimate.

From an astronomical point of view, it is impossible for the stars to line up in this position.

Therefore, scientists have speculated that the extra 9 suns a hundred years ago were not real stars.

But when scientists observe with astronomical telescopes, they cannot see the existence of 9 suns at all.

The solar system is no different from before. There is only one sun, eight planets, and countless moons.

But they can't see the nine suns' existence!

Without an astronomical telescope, you can see the nine suns with the naked eye.

Visible to the naked eye, but impossible to observe, these nine suns are like ghosts, existing in a strange form that humans cannot understand!

Therefore, in the past 100 years, the nine suns have attracted countless scientists.

Scientists are scrambling to study, all trying to decipher the mystery of the nine suns.

But it cannot be observed with astronomical instruments, and research has not progressed.

One hundred years later, scientists have been unable to decipher the secrets of the nine suns, and many people have gradually lost interest.

After a four-hour flight, the ten buses finally returned to the Imperial Satellite City and landed on the square.

The freshmen got out of the car and looked at the spacious and tidy square.

"God knows how I got here this month, I'm finally back!"

"I'll go to the cafeteria later, I'm going to eat and drink a lot, then cover my head to sleep, and wake up naturally!"

"Finally free..."

"I'm back!"

Ling Tian stretched his waist.

"Yeah, we're back!"

Song Yu sighed: "After the special training, our college career will be on the right track. At least before the winter vacation, we don't have to go to the wilderness area for another month!"

Ling Tian nodded.

Compared with the comfortable dormitory, the wilderness area is simply a suffering place, and no one wants to spend every day in the wilderness area if they can.

"Everyone come and gather!"

Ling Tian and others were called together again to hold a special training graduation meeting and listen to the speeches of the school leaders.

Fortunately, the school leaders knew that the freshmen were physically and mentally exhausted, so they didn't do much nagging. They let them go after talking for half an hour.

All the new students flocked to the cafeteria at the same time, just like hungry wolves.

Ling Tian and Song Hua also went to the cafeteria and ordered a table of vegetarian dishes, noodles and rice, and finally a fruit.

After drinking and eating, the two returned to the dormitory, and then fell back to sleep.

He slept until 8 o'clock in the evening, his stomach was growling, and he couldn't sleep anymore, so Ling Tian got up.

As a third-level ability user, Ling Tian's digestion ability is extremely amazing.

Despite yesterday's dinner, right now Ling Tian is hungry again.

Ling Tian was not in a hurry to go to the cafeteria, he took out his mobile phone and sent a video to his mother.

There is no signal on Rhinoceros Island, and I haven't called home for a month.

The video was connected, and the happy face of my mother appeared on the screen: "Xiao Tian, ​​have you finished the special training?"

"Yeah, I just came back this morning, and I slept!" Ling Tian smiled happily: "Are both of you in good condition?"

"Okay! Your dad and I are both good!" Mom was also very happy: "Xiao Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a month, you are dark and thin!"

"It's dark and thin!" Ling Tian smiled and said, "By the way, mom, where's my dad?"

"Your father has gone to the Imperial Capital!"

Mom said: "Didn't I say before that he is going to see their chairman in the Imperial Capital, and he went there the day before yesterday. You can call him later and let him see you!"

"Alright, I got it!"

After chatting with his mother for more than half an hour, Ling Tian called his father again. The father and son chatted for a while, agreed to meet tomorrow night, and then hung up.

The next morning, Ling Tian and Song Hua got up early, went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then came to the Concentration Tower.

The super-large condenser on the top of the mountain gathers the divine energy, and finally transmits it to the Concentration Tower at the center of a mountain.

Therefore, the Concentration Tower is built in the center of the mountain. Outside the Concentration Tower, there is a tunnel leading to the belly of the mountain.

The freshmen walked along the tunnel for a few minutes, and a hall appeared in front of them, just like the hall at the front desk of a hotel.

In front of the hall is an electronic display screen, which records the special training results and rankings of 247 freshmen in detail.

From the first place to the last place, the record is clear.

At the same time, it is clearly indicated which freshmen will go to the first floor, which will go to the second floor, which will go to the third floor and the fourth floor.

Ling Tian and Song Hua glanced at each other, then took the elevator to the fourth floor, and Mo Yuan followed.

When I got out of the elevator, they saw the gate of the Concentration Tower. There was a table in front of the door, and an old man sat beside it.

The old man is watching the drama, which is a very popular love idol drama at the moment.

When he saw Ling Tian and the others coming in, the old man restrained his smile and said without raising his head, "Take out the card!"

The one-card is the same as the one in the university in the previous life, which is used for on-campus consumption settlement and identification.

The three took out a card, and the old man swiped it on the card machine one by one. After confirming that the information was correct, he opened the door to the Concentration Tower.

"From Monday to Thursday this week, every day from eight in the morning to six in the afternoon, you can all stay on this floor to practice!"

The old man urged: "Remember, after entering, you are not allowed to make loud noises, let alone fight!"

"Who dares to mess around here, I will peel his skin! Remember?"


The three should be in a row.

"Go in!"

The old man waved his hand and urged impatiently.

The three entered the Concentration Tower, and they were greeted by a spacious room.

The room is cylindrical, about 20 meters in diameter, and very spacious.

The walls are covered in white tiles, but the room is mirrored in gold.

Because... the divine energy in the room is too strong!

The rich divine energy almost condensed into a liquid, Ling Tian felt like he was suspended in water.

The whole body is squeezed by the viscous and flowing liquid, but the breathing is not affected in the slightest, and it is easy to breathe.

"This room is too rich in divine energy!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand to touch the liquid-like divine energy, and felt extremely shocked: "One day of cultivation here is equivalent to 5,000 days in the outside world?"


Hearing Ling Tian's words, Mo Yuan laughed and seemed to be amused.


Song Hua coughed: "Brother Ling, it's not like that!"


Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"The divine energy here is very rich and pure, but there is a limit to the divine energy we can absorb every day!"

Song Hua explained: "It is impossible to continue absorbing like a bottomless pit, because the body reaches a saturated state, it cannot continue to absorb!"


Ling Tian made a big face.


Just as a person has an appetite, he can only eat so much every day, and he can no longer eat when he eats it, so it is the same with the divine energy.

Therefore, despite the fact that the concentration of divine energy here is 5,000 times that of the outside world, it does not mean that cultivating here for a day is equivalent to cultivating for 5,000 days in the outside world.

These two are different in concepts!


Ling Tian found a corner and waved the two clones out.

Then the mind is divided into three parts, entering the real body and the two clone bodies respectively, and manipulating them to absorb the divine energy.


Mo Yuan suddenly looked at the second clone, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"Beauty, do I have flowers on my face?"

Ling Tian looked at Mo Yuan with a wary expression on his face, but he didn't smile: "Or are you attracted by my handsomeness, and you can't extricate yourself from being addicted to it?"

"The data says that your ability is an enslavement ability. Now it seems that the data is fake, right?"