
“I hate you…but I still love you.”

"You may be bass-ass but your also an absolute idiot, I could kill you right now." Ally pressed the hot towel on Mia's face purposely hard, so she would realize that this wasn't a game. This was real life and she was just almost kidnapped by a serious gang. Mia couldn't really argue with him he had every right to be angry with her. When she decided to stand her ground, selfishly she ignored the consequences and how panicked Aiden would be hearing about it. Aiden sat down scowling at her as she drank her tea, Mia couldn't explain it, but it made her heart hurt knowing her was furious with her.

"I made a mistake." She said quietly, and Aiden scoffed at her.

"Yeah, no sh*t. Not only did you slip by Chu, but you didn't tell me where you were. You understand how serious this is now don't you?" he said coldly, when Aiden was angry his eyes glazed over like he could suck the soul from your body. Mia sipped her tea and looked at him pleadingly.

"Don't look at me like that, how could you be so reckless Mia. Are you trying to kill me?" Mia bowed her head, she'd really upset him. Aiden put up a stern front but deep down he was hurt it had come to this. Seeing her face broke is heart, if Mia hadn't of been there, he wondered if he wouldn't have stopped strangling that asshole.

"Aiden, I'm sorry okay. You're right I was stupid, but I don't want to live my life watching my back." She said painfully. Aiden sighed at her, he understood what she meant but it didn't excuse her actions. Mia felt her eyes well up, the realization of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks.

"I-if you hadn't of been there, they would have—" Mia cut herself off gripping her cup tightly. Aiden could see her face fighting back tears. Aiden walked over and hugged her tightly and this time she didn't object, she felt so safe in his arms like she really was untouchable.

"I would never let that happen." He stroked her head feeling her body quiver as she cried. Mia believed him, seeing the way he protected her made her feel so happy. All her life she had fought her own battles and rarely lost, this time was an exception, but Aiden had her back like the good old days. Aiden pulled her face towards him and gave her a reassuring look, Mia didn't hate him at all. Love and hate were sparingly complicated emotions and often intertwined confusing the host.

"Do you forgive me?" she said sadly. Aiden looked at her hopelessly, slowly he pulled her face towards him before kissing her deeply. Mia felt her body stiffen, she wasn't expecting this at all. However, she didn't object as a calm shiver spread through her body. Aiden pulled away and smirked.

"Now I forgive you." Mia's face was bright red. Aiden sat beside her and dabbed the cloth on her lip. Mia took his hand and looked at it concerned.

"Your knuckles are bruised." She said despairingly, Aiden couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"Well there not going to look porcelain after hitting him like that." Mia rolled her eyes and snatched the cloth applying it to his hand, he hissed slightly at first before her application soothed them.

"You heard what he said right? That man had a leader meaning he was part of a gang. The job was paid for too, there must be someone scheming against us." She evaluated everything that asshole said and formulated an explanation. Aiden nodded in agreement, Mia had already worked it out.

"Do you think it was your father?" Aiden thought intensely for a while, it seemed like something his father would do but it didn't seem likely he would send one man knowing he was there.

"I'm not sure, if my father wanted to get rid of you, he wouldn't have payed a simple gang to do it, it's too risky he still has a reputation to uphold." Mia also began thinking, everything Aiden said made sense. Mia thought considerable before coming to a raging conclusion.

"What about Sam?" She said gripping her hands tightly. Aiden looked at her confused for a while. Mia didn't want to tell Aiden about the roses and the messages he sent her in-case he did something stupid.

"Do you really think he'd go this far?" Aiden wanted to make sure Mia was certain before acting, he'd happily run Sam's business into the ground as punishment, no-one touched his girl and got away with it.

"I wouldn't put it past him. Sam sent flowers to my work and messaged me a few days ago." Mia averted her eyes feeling guilty, she knew what was coming.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Aiden asked annoyed. Mia stroked her neck awkwardly.

"I didn't want to worry you it seemed harmless anyway, I never thought he'd go this far." Aiden actually felt a little better knowing she was trying to spare him trouble. It meant she cared about him although she tried her best not to show it. It was simple gestures like comforting him when he had his night terror and tending to his wounds when he was hurt, made him fall in love with her more and more. Mia had a hard shell but a soft center, she was kind and considerate. Mia didn't value money or jewelry or even clothing, all she valued was helping others because it was so rewarding.

"Mia." Aiden's tone was gentle as he pulled his face towards her. Mia looked at him wearily, what was he going to do now?

"Do you still love me?" Mia felt like her heart had burst hearing the lonely tone in his voice. Aiden looked at her with hopeless eyes and Mia couldn't break his heart, she didn't have the strength to do that even though he had done that exact thing to her five years ago.

"I hate you…but I still love you." She admitted reluctantly. Mia stood up and turned around gripping her hair.

"Uh why do you do this to me! Every time I convince myself I hate you, you spin it around on me. I'm sick of fighting you." Mia was stressed, her head had been in tatters since his return. There was a constant flutter in her chest whenever he said her name or looked at her.

"Then, stop fighting me." He said standing up facing her with a serious expression on his face.

"If I do that then what was the point of resenting you for the past five years, it means all of that was a waste."

"You were the one who told me if the past was too much to bare then it was better to stop carrying it with you. Mia, I messed up and I know that but I'm trying to fix it."

"Don't use my own words against me that's not fair." Mia began pacing around in distress.

"You know what's not fair? You are blaming me for something that was completely out of my control." Mia stopped in her tracks and looked at him angrily. So, this was all her fault now?

"You just don't get it do you?" Mia knew the venom was on the tip of her tongue and she was regretting starting this argument.

"Get what Mia?" Mia shook her head trying to hold herself back. This was too dysfunctional for her, how could she switch from love to hate in the matter of minutes, it was so confusing.

"It doesn't matter." Mia went to walk upstairs but Aiden grabbed her arm refusing to let it go.

"Tell me what I don't get?" Mia looked at him pleadingly, she didn't want to say it. Mia didn't want to say; his parents killed her father out of spite because that would hurt him just as much as her.

"I-I can't say it. Some things are better left alone Aiden. Now, let me go." Mia pulled away from him and ran upstairs. The minute she got beyond the door and closed it she sat against it crying with everything she had. This was a battle that was tearing her apart. Mia loved him more than anything she really did but every time she looked at him, she couldn't help but think if her and Aiden hadn't of met her father would still be here right now. Mia's mother wouldn't be in a psychiatric ward and she wouldn't be afraid of everything. Aiden stood outside of the bedroom door listening to her quiet sobs and he felt heartbroken. Whatever was eating her up inside he wanted to help her with, hearing her cry like that was killing him. Lightly, he knocked at the door. Mia immediately stopped crying and wiped away her tears, it wasn't like she could lock him out it was his room after all. Mia slowly opened the door letting him in but wouldn't look at him. Aiden didn't hesitate and held her tightly cradling her like a child. Mia couldn't hold back and began sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I won't bring it up again." He whispered gently. Mia nodded and sat on the floor with him. Could this really work? Could they be together like they both wanted to be? Mia was tired after having much an eventful night and was ready to sleep. Both got dressed for bed not saying much else. Mia was ready to climb into bed when Aiden walked straight towards the bedroom door. Mia rushed over and grabbed his shirt, Aiden looked at her stunned, Mia held it tight with her eyes pleading. Mia didn't want him to sleep on the couch, when they spend the night in bed together at the hotel, she felt safe. After what she'd experienced, she needed that right now.

"Please don't leave me alone." She said cutely.

"I don't want to wake you up if I have a night terror."

"I don't care, please." Aiden hesitated for a second and gave in seeing the anxiety on her face, this was the firs time she'd asked to be around him. Both climbed into bed but this time they didn't face away from each other. Mia was slightly closer to him facing towards him her eyes closed, Aiden also faced her reveling in her features once more. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was, he could never get enough of watching her. Aiden leaned over and kissed her head and she smiled lightly. Soon enough they were both asleep.

-------------------------------James Finance industry---------------------------

"What the f*ck do you mean she got away, she's 5"6 are you really that incompetent." Sam was furious yelling at Lang Hai down the phone, how hard was it to kidnap one girl.

"Watch your tone with me, she had an accomplice we underestimated her connections." Lang Hai's voice was like glass, gritty and harsh. Sam didn't feel so clever suddenly and changed his tone.

"What are you talking about?" Sam could hear Lang Hai clear his throat on the other end.

"My men don't go down easily, whoever she was with is a problem. We don't have a name yet were biding our time. Right now, my man is in a jail cell, he won't talk he's tougher than nails. We can't make a move until he's out on bail." Sam tapped his head in annoyance, he was a little flustered. Although he said the man wouldn't talk, Sam was head of finance company if this was traced back to him, he would go into ruin.

"Keep me updated." Sam hung up and picked up his whiskey glass smashing it against the bookshelf. Being a spoilt brat, he wasn't one for waiting, Mia should be at his mercy by now. Who was her accomplice? Mia wasn't seeing anyone, and she only had Yu as a close friend. Sitting down he began speculating refusing to let it slide, if this person was strong enough to take down one of Lang Hai's men then he must be someone serious.

-------------------------Aiden's house---------------------------

Aiden's alarm woke him up first, initially he thought how warm and cosy he was considering he'd slept really well. Aiden didn't even have a night terror, as he rubbed his eyes, he looked over to see Mia snuggled into his arm, obviously she didn't realize she was doing it but Aiden was in heaven right now. Mia was taking small shallow breaths; the alarm didn't even stir her. Aiden rolled over and put his face close to hers. Everything he ever wanted was right there in front of him. Slowly, Mia smirked.

"Aiden Li if you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to give you a demonstration of what I did to that man last night." Aiden was stunned for a second, did she have second sight or something. Mia was still groggy and didn't realize she was so close to him. When she opened her eyes and to his face so close, she jumped back stumbling out of bed, falling ass first onto the floor. Aiden burst into laughter seeing her hair fall over her face as she puffed it comically aside.

"Spare me I was only seeing how long it would take you to notice how close you were to me." He chuckled helping her up. Mia huffed and strutted over to the bathroom to get changed, she'd slept in and was running late. Aiden couldn't get enough of her cute reactions whenever he caught her doing something affectionate. They were bickering like last night didn't even happen. Mia got changed and pushed everything to back of her mind, it was pointless ruminating over situations she couldn't control. Until, the police asked for her testimony she was waiting around like an idiot. Aiden also got changed into his signature suit and went downstairs to make pancakes. Mia wasn't far behind, her face lit up smelling the sweet aroma coming from he kitchen. Sitting at the breakfast bar she watched him cook effortlessly, it made her slightly jealous how good he was at it.

"I have to say not bad Mister Li." She said faintly. Aiden handed her a plate and she tucked in, he sat opposed reading the stock material for the day. Aiden stared reading an article about him composed by the Bachelorette magazine, to his annoyance his mother had given a statement in the article. All she blabbered on about was him looking for a wife, and that he was looking to settle down after being away for five years. Mia could see his face darken reading the article.

"What is it?" she asked discerningly. Aiden sighed.

"My mother still trying to rule my life, it's just pointless gossip you don't have to worry about it." Mia felt intrigued more that he wasn't telling him. Tactically she walked behind his to pour some more coffee and glanced at his phone. Seeing it was from the Bachelorette she could guess what it was about.

"Looks like I'm out of the running, if only I was a socialite like all these women." Aiden spun around and glared at her.

"You're funny." He said sarcastically. Mia poured him a coffee and went to return to her seat when Aiden grabbed her and sat her on his lap. Mia squirmed but he was too strong.

"Is that Jealousy I hear?" he said seductively.

"No, it's humor something you clearly lack." Aiden chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, Mia felt a little uncomfortable as their position wasn't exactly easy on the eyes.

"I'll let you go on one condition."


"Move in with me." Mia sighed, were they really going to do this again. Mia thought for a while, he hadn't been to her little apartment in three days now and to her surprise she didn't even miss it. Mia liked It here a lot, the scenery and waking up next to someone gave her happiness she didn't know she could feel. Aiden was waiting for her to curse him and refused but was caught off guard.

"Fine." She said bluntly. Aiden spun her around to see if she was joking around but her expression was serious.

"Really?" he said in disbelief.

"Why do you look so shocked, it's what you've been nagging me to do since I saw you." Aiden felt his heart beat faster, he couldn't believe she was agreeing. Aiden thought he would have to fight her nail and tooth.

"Plus, at least now I can see if you bring any of those women home." She joked, and Aiden flicked her head playfully. Slowly, he let her go and they finished breakfast. Mia's face was piping hot being so close to him. Even if they couldn't really co-exist like she wanted them too, having him around made her feel secure from anyone who was trying to hurt her. Aiden couldn't stop smirking, he was overjoyed.

"Don't think you've won Aiden, I'm moving in of my own accord." Mia could see he was quite pleased with himself and scowled.

"Of course, who would move in against their will?" he said sarcastically.