
“Call Aiden, I’ll deal with this.”

Mia and Yu Yan walked into Hangzhou seafood restaurant with smiles on their faces, Mia always loved seafood, so she was excited to try it from a luxury cuisine, Yu offered to split the bill, but Mia refused. Mia was making a steady wage after being promoted and didn't mind going all out. Mia managed to slip by Chu which in a way she felt guilty for, she didn't like being watched 24/7 she had her own life at the end of the day. Both sat down in a booth and ordered. Yu Yan got clam Sycee while Mia ordered Kung pao shrimp.

"Wait, your telling me just waltz in and started treating the patients? Who does she think she is?" Yu was riled up hearing about Camilla, Mia's trainee acting so self-centred. Mia decided to tide her in with some causal work conversation before dropping the bomb. When, Yu found out about Mia staying with Aiden, the world would probably collapse. Mia nodded her face filled with ecstasy as she put the shrimp in her mouth.

"Don't worry though, I put her in her place. I can tell she didn't like a twenty-three years old telling her how to carry out her work but it's my duty. In other words, tough sh*t." they both giggled and chatted for a while.

"Where were you staying then? It's not like you to stay at a hotel." Mia felt her face go red as the interrogation started. Yu looked at her suspiciously and then grinned.

"Who's the lucky guy?" she asked excitedly, Mia almost chocked on her food as Yu shouted it out.

"There is no lucky guy, keep your voice down. I don't want men swarming over thinking I'm a one-night stand type of girl." Yu snickered but wasn't giving up.

"Mia, I know that face. You wouldn't get embarrassed staying at a hotel. Come on, I'm intrigued spill it." Mia looked at her worriedly for a second and took a deep breath.

"I-I was with um…Aiden" Yu practically jumped out of her seat.

"What! Are you kidding me?" her high-pitched voice caused Mia to wince and shushed her shyly. The cat was out of the bag and Mia had no other choice but to tell her everything, Yu was her trusted friend after all. Yu sat with her face stunned the entire time, waiting for her chance to question her.

"I-I can't believe it, I don't see you for two days and the whole world turns inside out. Aiden took you to his house, but you didn't do anything?" Yu basically ignored all the other details and focused on the romance factor. Mia hated her brain right now as she blushed non-stop.

"No, nothing happened. He hasn't changed one bit except from he's a lot more reserved."

"Reserved? Meaning he's not pouncing on you every time he sees you. M-Mia what about his parents aren't you feeling a little uneasy, maybe you should stay with him." Mia looked genuinely offended Yu was taking his side. Little did Mia know Yu was still afraid after the stranger knocked ta her door looking for Mia, in-fact she was terrified. That man looked very dangerous, she didn't want Mia to get hurt.

"Why are you taking his side? Yu, you don't have to worry about me I can take care of myself." Yu looked at her wearily. How could a 5"6 small framed girl fight off a man like she'd witnessed it was implausible. Mia felt her face flush once more remembering she had left out crucial detail about her time with Aiden.

"I forgot about something…" she said quietly, and Yu placed her hand under her chin and leaned forward.

"I don't think he wants me to stick by his just for the time being. I think he wants me for life." Mia said sadly. Yu could see the conflict on her friends face and slowly understood what she meant.

"I could have told you that silly, that boy is obsessed with you." She joked but Mia wasn't laughing.

"Yu… he asked me to marry him." Yu's eyes widened, and she looked like her brain had shut-down. Mia averted her eyes shamefully.

"No…way." Yu said emotionless, all these emotions began rushing at her at once.

"Holy sh*t Mia what did you say!" she suddenly was bursting with energy this was too much for her little brain to take.

"I didn't say much, just that I needed time to think." Yu suddenly wasn't very excited as she could see the sadness on Mia's face. Yu pace-palmed herself and looked at her hopelessly.

"Mia, you always dreamed of marrying him. Why didn't you say yes? Aiden's the richest man in Shanghai." Any other woman would have jumped at the chance to marry someone like him, hell Yu would have done it in a heartbeat if he wasn't Mia's man.

"Money doesn't matter to me, you know that. It's just I'm still not sure if I can forgive him. Every time I look at him, I remember what I lost. I'm not doubting he could make me happy, I'm sure he could. My life's just a little hectic right now that's all." Yu sighed but understood, it was enough t send anyone to the loony house what Mia was going through.

"Don't worry I get it, just take your time. It's not as if he's going to leave you alone any time soon." She said matter of factually, Mia knew it was true. Aiden wouldn't stop until she said yes that man was relentless when he wanted to be. They both finished their meals and Mia put the money on the table. Yu began putting on her coat when a familiar face caught her eye. Mia saw Yu freeze on the spot and looked over to where she was staring. In the distance, the man who had visited Yu's apartment looking for Mia sat at the far table watching them.

"Yu, do you know that man?" Yu shook her head reluctantly and smiled faintly back at Mia.

"Nah, I thought I did but it's not him." Mia followed Yu outside and could see she was really flustered and walking quickly. Mia began walking to her car and Yu kept glancing back, something was off she could sense it. Mia took Yu's hand and spun her around.

"Who is he?" Yu looked away, but Mia pulled her face towards her, her friend eyes were tear-filled. Yu was afraid Mia could see it.

"Yu, I can't help you unless you tell me. Is he stalking you?" Yu gave in and shook her head.

"N-no he's not after me." The lingering words indicated that Yu wasn't the target…Mia was. Mia acted straight away and ran keeping close to Yu to her car. As they both sat inside, Mia investigated her rear-view mirror to see the man exiting the restaurant not far behind them. Mia handed Yu her phone.

"Call Aiden, I'll deal with this." Yu looked at her fearfully as Mia exited the car her fists clenched. It was times like this Yu hated that Mia was so stubborn. Mia wasn't being chased around if this man wanted something from her, she would face him head on. This was her life, and no-one scared her best friend. No-one. Aiden was fail-safe in-case her tactics didn't work. Mia strutted towards the man casually looking at him up and down. Slowly, a grin spread over his face.

"Aren't you supposed to run when a man is following you?" he said slyly but Mia didn't say anything, she was evaluating the situation. From a glance Mia could tell by someone body language what type of person her was. As she thought this man displayed a dominant stance to intimidate her, he was the real deal. Mia stood silently, this was like a sumo showdown, Mia knew how to defend herself but didn't see much point. This man was huge, his shoulder was enough to knock her down with one hit. Mia stood her arms crossed waiting for him to make a move.

"You fit the description, you must be Mia. How do you want to go about this? Easy way or the hard way?" Mia wasn't sure what his intentions were, he could beat her up, kidnap her or even kill her the way he went about his words. Mia scoffed at him.

"How boring would it be to take the easy way out?" the man stood a little stunned. Most people would beg on their knees for mercy bit she seemed unphased. This girl had balls he thought to himself.

"Fine, little girl have it your way." The man walked forward but so did Mia, Mia knew what she was doing. The only way to win against a dominant man was to be just as dominant back. It was a wolf pack, wolves would challenge the Alpha for dominance until there was one victor. Humans weren't much different. Yu was talking to Aiden on the phone in a panic seeing Mia square off with the stalker.

"Mia, where are you?"

"Aiden, it's Yu. Listen we need your help; a man was following us and he's after Mia."

"Tell me where you are." Aiden was blunt trying to keep him composure, his hands shook in anger hearing someone was after his girl.

"Outside of Hangzhou seafood restaurant, I don't know what she's doing but Mia's challenging him." Aiden left his face lose its color, what the hell was she thinking?

"F*ck, dammit Mia, I'll be there soon. If he does anything tell me. Hang on." Aiden hung up and began speeding through the streets, his heart was pounding out of his chest. If that man touched her, he was afraid what he might do.

Mia stood her arms still folded as she glared him directly in her eyes, the fire in them made the man question who she really was. This girl was unbelievable, she didn't show a shred of fear.

"You really are something aren't you, maybe I'll have a little fun with you until my boss picks you up." Mia smiled, he was giving her all the information she needed without pout knowing it. He had a boss which means this is a payed job.

"Kidnapping and sexual assault are you sure you want to take me?" she replied coldly, the man was smiling seductively.

"If you so much as lay a finger on me your dead, your boss might be powerful. But mine is the king pin." She gave him a warning glare and the man loosened his collar, she was putting a lot of heat on him. He even began to sweat, there was something about the way she spoke that made his exterior crumble. Mia knew what she was doing.

"I'm not scared of you, you little bitch. Threaten me again, I dare you."

"Why so flustered suddenly? You don't believe me, do you? How about you test the theory I'd love to see your face at the mercy of him." The man was growing impatient at her sly smile, she was acting like she was untouchable. Mia could see his fist clench like he was ready to hit her, but she beat him to it. Mia hit him with all of her might causing him to stumble back while she ducked under his arms, as she went to flee the man grabbed hold of her work coat and yanked her back.

"Not bad, little girl." He said hitting her face knocking her to the ground. Yu saw it all happen and exited the car.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her!" she shouted from the car, more than anything she wanted to run to her friend side, but the man blocked her path. Mia sprung up and kicked him in the crotch, but it wasn't very effective, Mia wasn't very strong and getting knocked down had taken the wind out of her. Mia's lip was cut, and her face grazed from the pavement, she was also quite dizzy this man had a lot of strength. This was just time wasting until Aiden got there.

"Yu, go!" Mia shouted seeing Yu approach them, Yu stopped in her tracks fearfully tears in her eyes. Mia braced herself for the final blow as the man raised his fist but was surprised to see his face drop. Mia spun around to see someone running towards them and as the streetlights hit his face, she could see Aiden's green eyes zeroing in on the man. Aiden took one look at Mia's face and the gates of hell broke loose. Without hesitation Aiden ran over and hit the man so hard he immediately fell back to the floor hitting his head on the pavement. Aiden removed his tie and wrapped it around the man's neck tightly.

"Who payed you?" he asked angrily. The man lay gasping for breath before finally giving in, it was clear by the fear in his eyes he knew who Aiden was. Aiden wasn't man you wanted to cross, with the amount of wealth he obtained he could cut him up and drop him into the sea without the police batting as eye.

"I don't know my leader payed me to do it. I don't know the payee." Yu was by Mia's side at this point, Mia was standing in awe watching this whole other side come out of Aiden. Aiden hit him one more time before turning around breathing heavily still filled with rage. Mia walked over to the man defeated on the floor and stunned everyone as she kicked him hard in the abdomen where she knew it would hurt. He coughed violently, Mia kneeled down so his face would come close to hers.

"Next time someone tells you not to f*ck with them, I'd listen. As for your boss whoever he is, I'm sure he'll be delighted when I thank him for your effort." Aiden suddenly didn't feel so angry if anything he was shocked at how dark this side to Mia was. They had both fought off a criminal, if anything he felt filled with pride for her. Yu rushed over and hugged Mia tight. Mia stroked her head and looked at Aiden who was talking on his phone. Most likely to the police as he paced back and forth his hands still shaking. Not long after the police arrived, and Mia explained what had happened and listen to Yu give her statement. When Yu said the man turned up to her house it made Mia feel awful, Yu had been dragged into her and Aiden's mess. Aiden was busy chatting to the police as they took him away in handcuffs. Before they put him in the van Aiden gripped his ear and whispered.

"If you ever come after her again, I'll kill every one of you." The man gulped and fearfully averted his eyes. The head policeman walked over the Mia and asked her if she was alright, strangely Mia felt fine the minute Aiden showed up. It took him less than three minutes to find her, he must have run every red light in the district.

"Okay, we may contact you in a few days. We would appreciate your testimony to get him sent down for this." Mia nodded, she was tired and yawned. The police pulled away leaving them on the pavement, Mia looked at Aiden who wouldn't even glance at her. Mia could feel his annoyance like a knife in her chest.

"Yu, I'll drive you home." Mia said kindly stroking her friends' arm, Yu hadn't said much either still in shock. Aiden shook his head at her.

"I'm driving get in." there wasn't much room for argument and Yu hopped into the backseat. Mia slid into the passenger seat nervously, Aiden wasn't mad he was pissed. As if thing couldn't get worse the silence in that car was deafening, all Mia could hear was the gravel under the tires scraping away.

"Thank-you Aiden." Yu said quietly in the backseat and Aiden looked at her in the mirror and smiled. Yu instructed him where to go and gave Mia a hug before leaving, Mia didn't want to let her go she wanted her to help her. Aiden was like a ticking time bomb right now. Mia sat awkwardly looking at her bruised knuckle after punching the man, her skin was broken and bleeding. Aiden glanced over seeing she was hurt and tutted.

"Are you alright?" he asked sympathetically catching Mia off guard, he wasn't yelling at her?

"Um y-yeah I'm fine." She was lying, she was scared. This had gotten very dangerous very quickly, if Aiden hadn't of showed up that man would have surely overpowered her. Aiden looked over at her grazed face and felt shitty, if only he gotten there sooner, she wouldn't have that mark on her face. Mia couldn't stand the silence any longer.

"Aren't you going to yell at me?" she said sadly, looking down at the floor.

"Not yet." He said bluntly, he was biding his time. Aiden knew silence was Mia's weakness, the longer he kept quiet the longer she had to wait for him to explode. Mia huffed and shuffled nervously in her seat. Aiden pulled up to his house and went in before her as she shamefully followed behind. Mia would rather face her kidnapper than Aiden's wrath. Aiden went straight to the kitchen and returned with a hot cloth and some tea setting them down in the table.

"Sit." Mia sat on couch clutching her hands together and braced for the worst.

"You were pretty bad-ass back there." He said emotionless, Mia looked at him alarmed.


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