
"I'm done."

"Mia." Aiden didn't even hesitate leaving his parents lost for words, they expected some form of conflict.

"You would give up everything we have built for you, for that lower-class rat?" Aiden was so angry he felt sick, but Mia's reassuring voice echoed in his head. These were just words and nothing more, Aiden needed to prove it didn't matter what they said only one person knew Mia.

"It's irrelevant really, wasn't this supposed to be a meeting or did you come here just to talk about my girlfriend. For someone who despises her you sure spend a considerable amount of time thinking about her. It's pathetic." Mr Li felt his blood boil, he even sounded like Mia at this point.

"You're spending too much time with that girl son. I almost forgot who I was speaking with." Aiden smirked, they had no idea.

"Well, we live together so I'd be concerned if she didn't influence me." Mrs Li's mouth practically fell to the floor.

"Living together? I thought she hated your guts, your lying!" Aiden sat smugly with a happy smile on his face. Mr Li could tell he wasn't bluffing, and this relationship was out of hand beyond his apprehension.

"Interesting, well I can't say I'm surprised. You did always say you would live with her but are you really up to the task of keeping her safe my boy. From my resources she's been admitted to hospital twice since you reconciled, and you also got into an altercation over her. Is this true?" Aiden's mind went numb, he'd done his homework. He was already insecure about keeping her safe after failing countless times but didn't expect his father to know of this.

"Why don't you ask Lang Hai father, he's the one I fought." Mr Li's face turned a pale-yellow hearing of this, Lang Hai wasn't someone you wanted to contend with. Especially after what he'd seen. Mr Li and Lang Hai were close friend for a long time and even did favors for each other.

"You're an idiot you know that? Getting involved with him is the last thing I expected you to do. Was this because of her?" Aiden gritted his teeth.

"Mia does have a name, it wouldn't kill you to use it and no it wasn't because of her. I have my own reasons for hating that man and for once it has nothing to do with you. If you have nothing else to talk about apart from Mia, then I'll be taking my leave." He waited patiently for a few seconds before standing up. His mother swiftly grabbed his suit sleeve and held him in place before looking at the entrance. Aiden stood in annoyance trying not to get too enraged as the young woman he had seen this morning belonging to the fashion department waltz into the room.

"Nice to see you again Master Li. I'm Alice Koujo I'm looking forward to getting to know you better." Mr and Mrs Li both stared at his son waiting for a response, but he glared at the little woman ahead of him.

"Ah I see did they promise to marry you off to me? Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm already engaged." Mrs Li slammed both hands on the desk and stood up consumed in rage.

"Engaged! How stupid could you be, this lovely young girl is apart of a very wealthy family. She chose you out of all of the men in Shanghai show some manners Aiden!" Mr Li sat his wife back down. Aiden was lying, Mia hadn't agreed to marry him yet, but it was only a matter of time.

"Don't worry Mrs Li I'm sure once he gets to know me----" Aiden gave her a warning look and Alice stopped mid-sentence. It was obvious her future husband wasn't playing around.

"I want you all to leave, this whole thing is futile. I'm getting married to Mia and that's everything." Mr Li cleared his throat before standing up and sliding a piece of paper over to Aiden. Rolling his eyes, he gave it a glance, his face went white.

"You bastard…" he whispered in shock. It was a marriage certificate issued by the state, when a couple were planning their marriage, they are given a certificate of certification to say they are soon to share the same name. However, to render it both parties must agree, you are also not allowed to marry while it was still valid. Meaning Aiden was caught in a trap, it was clear Alice wouldn't agree to it. His parents were too far deep in her skull.

"Mia was right, this is war. Now get out." This was the first time he'd raised his voice, and everyone jumped at his dark tone. Aiden was smart but he hadn't seen this coming, I guess that means his parents were desperate. Aiden stormed out of the room into his office where Yang was windswept by his speed. Upon seeing the struggle on his face, he could tell it hadn't gone well. Soon following was none other than Alice.

"Yang escort Mrs Koujo out please." He said sternly.

"No, I'm not leaving, am I really that displeasing to you Aiden?" Aiden had never wanted to hit a woman in his life, but this victim act was really rubbing him the wrong way.

"Don't call me by my first name, look it's unfortunate my parents told you about this whole fairy-tale bullsh*t but I'm already taken." Alice crossed her arms, she was clearly a brat. When things didn't go her way, she'd throw a tantrum Aiden thought.

"I don't know who this Mia girl is, and I don't care. Your getting married to me and that's final I don't care if you like it or not." Aiden clenched his fists and sat down trying to compose himself. This annoying woman was just as delusion as his parents. Yang stood in the middle awkwardly.

"Excuse me, could you give us a moment?" Alice practically shooed Yang away as Aiden sat there with wide eyes, she was even taking over his assistant now? After Yang had been banished, she walked over and sat seductively on his desk before gripping his tie and yanking him forward.


Mia had finished earlier today and although her quarrel with Hao had ruined her happy mood all she could think about was Aiden. His parents were the most exhausting people she had ever contended with because they were so consumed by wealth, they were unbelievable stubborn as well as stupid. Mia wanted to ensure he was doing alright and if not, she'd happily give them something to be upset about.

In a brave attempt she got into her car and began driving towards Shijie Li Industries to surprise him. After all, without Aiden she would be a wreck right now not to mention she most likely wouldn't have her job or a steady income to live. It was true he was her knight in shining armor. Her heart beat through her chest the whole way, this nervousness wasn't anything knew but was really intense. Considering this was the first time she had been to his work, Mia had every right to be nervous. As she cautiously entered the building, she crossed paths with Yang who was also looking quite flustered. Mia recognized him as Aiden's assistant.

"Excuse me, we've met before. My names Mia, I was just wondering if Aiden was finished with his meeting?" she said kindly, Yang looked at Mia in a different light this time, she was innocent and pure.

"Yes, Master Li should be finished now. Out of curiosity why have you come to greet him?" It was different from usual Aiden usually rushed out to greet Mia, but the tables had turned today. Mia smiled at him.

"Aiden's parents are really hard work and I just wanted to make sure if he was alright, that's all. I was worried about him." Yang smiled back, she truly was kind coming all of this way just to comfort him, it was true Aiden was very stressed maybe Mia could calm him down.

"I see. Follow me I'll take you to his office." Mia felt her heart jump unto her throat. What would be Aiden's reaction when she walked into his office? They arrived outside and Mia felt slightly dazed worrying about if this was a good idea, but he was her boyfriend she should be worried about him. Yang knocked at the door but heard no answer, which was strange. Surely, his marriage candidate had left by now? Bravely, he opened the door allowing Mia to go first. Mia put on a smile and waltzed in but stopped in her tracks at what she saw.

Alice had pulled Aiden forward and was kissing him passionately, Mia had never felt her heart hurt so much in her life and stood there wondering if what she was seeing was real…wasn't this the man who would do anything for her. Alice broke away and Aiden pushed her away angrily wiping off his mouth, as he was about to shout a hurl of abuse at her he heard Alice chuckle as she looked at the door. Mia had tears in her eyes as she watched the sadistic smile on this mysterious woman's face.

"Oops, you must be Mia." She said playfully. Aiden felt his whole face go white as he peaked from behind Alice to see Mia clutching her shirt, her face filled with sadness and rage. Aiden couldn't even speak, this was the last thing he ever wanted.

"I'm Aiden's fiancée nice to meet you." Alice said formally blowing a kiss Mia's way. Mia wanted to punch her, strangle her. Aiden too, how could he do this to her? Aiden shot up out of his seat and started running over to Mia. Mia went on the defense and pushed him away forcefully allowing a gasp to escape her lips as Aiden tumble back into the bookshelf behind.

"Wow aren't you feisty. Don't worry Mia I'll take good care of him." Aiden's anger flared up, had Alice planned this all along.

"Shut your f*cking mouth Alice! What the hell were you thinking!" Mia watched Aiden's eyes practically glow red in anger, she guessed that's what happened when men were caught out.

"I'm done." Mia said quietly and ran from the room. Aiden panicked and got up running after her as quick as he could. Yang felt undeniably guilty, he never meant for this to happen and knew Aiden would never kiss someone like Alice. Meaning this was all her doing trying to break them apart.

Mia covered her mouth as she ran, she was much faster than his and ran out into the parking lot looking frantically for her little ford. Aiden caught up with her in the lot and didn't know how to get out of this. Alice had kissed him forcefully, the last person he expected to walk in was Mia.

"Mia, please just listen to me!" he said, he felt sick what if this was going to break them. Mia was already on her last legs after everything she'd been through. Mia ignored him and walked towards her car after she spotted it. Mia couldn't even look at him right now. Aiden in a last attempt grabbed her arm and spun her around grabbing her wrists and she flailed her arms up trying to get away from him.

"Calm down, let me explain." Mia looked up with tears steaming down her face.

"I was worried about you! I wanted to make sure you were okay, well you look more than okay to me Aiden! Let me go now or I swear to god I'll do more than push you!" she screamed angrily. Aiden felt so guilty, he could be sick at any moment. That's why Mia had come, to see if he was alright and she was rewarded with that.

"Listen! I didn't kiss her, she was sent by my parents for this exact reason. To break us apart, she was arranged for marriage, but I refused! I promise Mia I'm not lying to you!" he said desperately, he's never been so afraid in his life.

"I'm going to ask you again, please let go of me. I don't want to see you right now." With that she snatched her arms away and stormed to her car as Aiden arms dropped by his side in exhaustion, he's never seen Mia so upset with him before. Mia put her music on blast as she sped away, as she drove away, she screamed into her steering wheel, she was sick of this. Feeling so uneasy, being let down all of the time. Every time she had that slither of happiness it would be ripped away from her.

Mia didn't go to Yu's, and she didn't go home either instead she sped directly towards Aiden's parents house, enough was enough. Mia had let go what they did to her father for Aiden's sake but now they were trying to get in-between them she couldn't take it. Aiden was all she had left, Yu was leaving tomorrow. Although, she hated him right now, he was all she had left.

Mia skidded to a stop and took a deep breath attempting to console herself, she felt like shattering but before she did that, hiding her hurt from Aiden's parents would kill them more than anything. Mia had to be strong and ensure they wouldn't win. Mia's blue eyes were glassy, and her skin was red raw from rubbing her eyes not to mention the graze at the top of her cheek from Lang Hai. There was a time where she looked entirely different, she looked healthy and happy. Now look at her…

Mia plucked up her courage and walked slowly up to the Li residency, for some reason she was afraid but not of Aiden's parents. Mia was afraid of herself. Just as before she opened the door without knocking a made her way up to the second floor where the TV was blaring loudly as his parents laughed away at the comedy special show. Mia stood in the doorway watching them go on with life as if they were untouchable.

"Having fun?" she said darkly, Mr and Mrs Li froze up and turned of the TV knowing immediately who it was.

"You're making a habit of strolling into my house you little rat!" Mrs Li stormed up, but Mr Li was smarter than that and held his wife back.

"Nice to see you again Mia." He said kindly, even he could tell the state she was in seeing her red eyes and grazed face. Mia calmly sat down, she wasn't defeated just yet. Mr Li was biting her tongue so hard it could come off at any moment.

"I would like to know what exactly you did to my father." Mia took off her jacket and spread her arms apart to prove she wasn't recording this, this was surely for her peace of mind. Mr Li would already tell she wasn't trying to catch them out. If he owed this girl anything it was the truth.

"Fine, I think we owe you that much." Mrs Li was stunned and tugged her husband shirt, was he thinking straight. They both sat down after he gave Mrs Li a reassuring nod.

"I gave your father a warning beforehand, I'm not sure if you knew that. I told him if you continued to date my son then there would be consequences. Like you he was rather stubborn and didn't listen so to give him a warning of how serious I was, I asked a few men do to a job for me and scare him. I never knew he would have a heart attack and pass away." Mia clenched her fists as she listened until the sounds around her faded out and all she could hear was her won heartbeat. Pulsating in her ears and chest, ringing so loudly she winced with the pain. So, that's what her mother meant when she said it wasn't natural causes.

"Do you know why my father wanted me to be with Aiden?" Mrs Li smirked.

"For his wealth of course why else would a rat like you date a star like him?" Mia gave her a warning glare before looking at them both like idiots.

"No, you're completely wrong. Aiden was the one who pestered me to date him until I gave in. When I introduced him to my parents, they fell in love with him. My father especially took a shine to him, called him a second son. They would go on trips together…cook for him. Even come to watch his Judo games sometimes. I'm not just angry because you took him away from me, you took him away from Aiden too. Do you understand now, how truly evil you both are? Are you proud, your son was devastated when I told him my father passed away? Are you both happy?" Mr and Mrs Li had nothing to say back, they were under the impression her father wanted Mia to be with their son so they could accumulate some wealth. They had no idea how much they're son admired them.

"You've ruined everyone's lives over a false impression to keep your wealth and name. I've never heard of something so shameful. I'm in love with your son for his heart not his money you idiots, if I was wouldn't I have quit my job and solely relied on him. Wouldn't I have just ignored your attempts to break us apart because money is all I care about. I don't give a sh*t about his money or you. He's already turned against you for what you've done, how much more are you going to make him hate you! As for your marriage proposals, it's pointless I've asked him myself if he wants to marry another woman and he said no, so save your breath. This is your last warning, try to come between us again and I'll do more than make you feel guilty. I'll destroy you both." Mia slammed her hands on the table and stormed out, that was all she needed to say. Mr and Mrs Li were both silent, Mia had never hurt them both so much in their lives. All of a sudden, they felt a sudden sympathy for their son and Mia which they had never felt before.

"Forget it dear, that rat doesn't expect us to believe her!" Mrs Li snapped out of the silence and instantly went on the defense in denial.

"That's enough Laura, the girls right…if she really wanted to turn Aiden against us, she would have told him we killed her father, but she hasn't. It just proves how serious she is and I don't want to upset her anymore, I think we've hurt her enough." Mrs Li's face went bright red in fury.

"She didn't tell him because she's afraid it's obvious!" Mr Li slammed his fist on the counter and glared angrily at his wife.

"Afraid of what? Was she afraid when she waltzed in here unannounced? You heard about the situation with Lang Hai, right? While our son was being beaten, she stood up for him, she even went to the hospital for him Laura. That's enough!" he shouted angrily, he really had misunderstood this girl. Seeing her in such a vulnerable state had changed his perspective of her.

"You're being poisoned by her, that stupid little b*tch is even getting in my husbands head pah! I'll decide when it's enough so as you like!"