
I got transmigrated with no cheats whatsoever!

I'm writing this for fun ..there is not a constant speed .. I write when I in the mood also my English is my second language so expect mistakes I'm open for suggestions and opinions and corrections.

SamiOyakodonLover · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 4

Title : soul mate?


renji put the incoming headache for later and start plan for his next step.

"what a crazy day, first I got transmigrated into this body, having no easy way and no hand holding to this shit show of a world, without the ridiculous idea to change a pen's color I would not my true linage...but I gotta say I'm real lucky to have them...could be they my cheat?" renji said with wonder look.. but he soon shook his his

"nah... cheats supposed to hand holding you and give you an easy life where you only suffer from success...and had everything thrown into you like candy... I had none of that..I had bit of luck and even with that I almost died with my own linage being on drugs" he shrugged and said with helpless sigh.

"well anyways I survived and had perfect harmony between my bloodlines so that's a plus"

and now he think about it..what was that during the transformation?

it was a feeling a like his soul starts to help him conquer the bloodlines...

he start to look at his soul..or trying to

he begins to remember the previous feeling

the feeling he soul touching him.. soothing him...as if was hand comforting him..he feeling this until his soul start to shook!


his soul start to separate into two smaller souls

"UGHH" the pain of soul separation was unbearable!

"why my soul is separating?! is this a result of forcefully surpassing the bloodlines..? their pressure was strong enough even my soul didn't go unscathed! I have to think of something before my other soul begin to disappear!"

his thinking accelerate and start brainstorming for any way to preserve his separate halves..he kept trying to merge to souls together but no avail

it was if the souls were separate entities in the first place!

"dammit! NO! I will KEEP you!" he first half soul starts roaring and part of it generate a rope like soul and stars merge with the other soul half!

the soul rope between the soul strengthen and renji start to use his mana to make the connection between the souls even stronger!

he used all he condensed mana as a means to strengthen the connection... suddenly a second soul rope goes the second soul and third..they kept increasing one after the the other.. hundreds upon thousands of spiderweb of soul rope chain like connecting the two souls together.

the soul pain gradually disappeared as if it was never there!

renji stare in his inner self at the souls connection and pondering to himself.."hmm I don't feel the second soul but the same time I feel it...what contradictory feeling"

he start to think what to do with soul.."hmm I lost half my soul but I don't think that's a negative results..wait..the souls starts to grow! it is very slow but it exits! it uses my mana to recover the original size and than goes further beyond and goes to my body limit! even with my compressed mana it will take a while"

he then begin to think.."what if I use the half soul as core of psudo system! it won't has the crazy quests and the rewards and punishment system..but it will serve as data collector.. analyze anything in a certain range and study their behavior and how to mimic them..it's also will have it's own intelligence and how to think and evolve because it's a soul and can develop it's own conscious..but I gotta be careful.. I don't want to take any chances of betrayal and takeover!"

he begin to plan his idea...he starts with making the soul optimal personality..."I always want to have a get go waifu whos companies me with my whole life! I start to projects on the soul my perfect version of my waifu.. let's see..loyal,smart, playful but serious and has goudere natural , will do anything and everything to have something in advantage to me but in my reason of course" he starts to drool of having such waifu with him but he quickly recovers.."no.. I must not cooks my eggs before collecting them! first let's start projecting before the souls developing it's own conscious".

so he start projecting his ideals to the pure half soul that's it is like a new born baby..sheet of blank paper ready to be filled!" and so the projection continues the whole night, he didn't need to sleep as much because of his new powerful vitality but even if he did he won't sleep! it's matter of life of death of have his perfect waif *cough* *cough* I mean to prevent being betrayed my his half soul and soon to be his soulmate!