
I got tired of being a god so I went on a trip to the mortal world

these story follows a god who got bored watching over the mortal realm from above and decided to go on a vacation by travelling to the mortal world and try living like a human

Nada_D_Nada · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue This story

This story begins with a cliche trope where the humans and demons are at war, the demon lord leading the demons was a powerful being with powers second to none.

When the world was being devoured by the demons, a ray of hope shone upon the humans. It's because there were people who started receiving special blessings from the gods to face against the demons, with that, there were six powerful beings born with the most powerful special blessings among the humans and other different races. The blessing of the war god, aka god of war, Ares, gave his special blessing to a beastmen named Argos, a brave warrior from the tiger tribe, the water god, aka god of sea, Poseidon, gave his blessing to a being from the mermaid tribe that dwell under the sea, her name was Hinami, also known as the princess of the sea, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, gave her blessing to a being from from the elven tribe, the princess of the elves, her name was Alea, god of fire and forge, Hephaestus, gave his blessing to a being from Dwarven tribe who was famous for his forged weapons and armours, Asclepius, god of medicine gave his blessing to a human girl, she was called Saint by the humans because she often received oracles from the gods and was a priestess in a church at a very young age, and finally the god of heroes, Heracles, gave his blessing blessing to a human child born in a normal village. Well to make the story short, all of them joined forces and finally defeated the demon lord, now since the demon lord was defeated everyone lived happily ever after, but, what about the gods?

Wrote on a whim

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