
I Got Reincarnated As A Lizardman?

A boy by the name of Daniel dies from a homicidal man in the open at gunpoint. He doesn't know why he went for him but he got shot. Died before reaching his house with his friends and family for his birthday. Such a tragedy. Daniel was always into anime and occasional "cultured" content. He had always thought about how being Isekai'd into an anime would be cool, but didn't want to find out. But instead of going into the Void like some people like one would think he faces, a light that shines bright. He speaks to it and it gives him a choice of living another life or dying and living out in heaven's grace. Daniel chooses the first option. But what he gets reincarnated into was not in the contract! [1-Heads up I am poor at writing and am doing this cause I have been inspired by other works. That doesn't mean I am good at it like them This is all meant to be fun for me and express my poorly creative side. 2-If you have a low tolerance of grammar errors and logic I am sorry

DekayNihilus · Fantasy
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119 Chs

I want to be an adventure(2)

She look as me breathing heavily and her eyes open wide with a jaw opening wide in shock.

"C-Coda! Your shot!" she cries out

I look back down at my arrow wound and start bbn to feel the pain again and ai groan to it. The adrenaline has worn off and now the pain had returned.

"Urgh! Shit this is starting to hurt a lot more!" I fall backwards on the ground feeling the effects.

"Coda!" she runs over to me dropping the sword one of the thugs had.

She places her hand where the arrow is and tries to pull it out but I stop her. She should know I dont want it pulled out otherwise it will bleed.

"Wait dont pull it out! If you do it will start bleeding and we didnt pack bandages or medical supplies."

"V-very well then. But we must get to Arcadia faster then."

"Right we need to leave n-urgh! Now we need to leave now.:

She helps me up and the carriage is jsut less than 10 feet away. We walk over and she helps me get in carefully. It is starting to really ache and is bleeding slightly through now.

"Get us out of here!" I yell at the driver.

the driver does what he is told and gets stop his seat and has the horses start running.

The sudden jerk of the cart causes my injury to sting a lot more but it is the price of heading to a medical area sooner.

I start getting sleeping but it is hard to sleep with an arrow stuck in my chest keeping me awake. But I think it is good I am not sleeping it could be dangerous.

-20 minutes later-

I did fall asleep it seems as my eyes open up and I feel the arrow in my chest move digging into me. We appear to be outside of the gates of the city. I hope I get medical attention soon.

As we are next at the gates we get stopped for an inspection and papers.

"Get out of the cart please this is a normal inspection for carts." she says

We get out of the car and people are shocked and some scream at the arrow in me.

"Oh my god he has an arrow in him!" someone cries out.

A guard inspecting out carriage walks up to us and inspects me eyeingly. Maybe suspect of why I have an arrow in me likely.

"Why do you have an arrow in you sir"

"We got-ack...We got ambushed by bandits about 20 minutes from here and I got shot...*sighs* Please I need help..."

"Get this boy some medical attention now! We will investigate this claim soon. You are safe here in the city, however." the guard says with a warm smile.

I get helped into the carriage and a group of guards on horseback guides our cart into some tents outside the city. Likely barracks for troops outside for safety.

-5 minutes later-

"Alright get out of the cart now.." one of the guards says on horseback.

I carefully get myself up with the help of Arla and I lean into her a bit. She can hopefully hold my weight a bit. As we get out a guard is standing next to him was a woman with red hair with glasses in a white coat. Looks like a doctor.

"So this is the kid who got shot? Tough luck kid. But ey, at least you got here." she tilts her head brings both arms up like a cheer.

"Can I please get some help now? This arrow is really starting to burn and hurt a lot more by the minute" I say

"Of course follow me" the doctor says perkily.

We make our way into a tent where I would be examined. It is circular and wide and tall. Feels like I could live in this tent. It has 3 beds and a desk inside it. With a chair next to the desk

"Okay take a seat please."

I take my seat next to the desk and she goes through some papers and then looks at me. I feel a bit nervous been a while since I had a check up. Actually, this isn't like a normal check-up actually who am I kidding.

"Okay we need to remove the shirt so I will just cut them off if that's okay with you. Likely you can't move hat will with the arrow inside you hehe"

She laughs but I don't respond joyfully. "I am fine with you cutting my shirt off ma'am."

She takes some scissors and cuts from the front and exposes my chest to her. Arla is staring at me while biting her thumb now. I wave to her and she waves back to me with a nervous look on her face.

"Nice body" the doctor says abrubtly

Wait for what? Did she just say that to me? I am getting flustered as she can see but she must've done that on purpose to mess with me.

"Hmm...That arrow isn't to deep to leave a lasting impression on your but let me just say..." she places her finger on the tip of the arrow end. Then rips out the arrow from my chest. Emediantly I start bleeding a bit but stop as fast as it started.

"Here let me just wrap this around you," she says while taping some bandages around my chest with wicked speed.

"Oh and take this pill. It should help you recover faster" *winks*

That's weird...What is she on about?

"Oh god my heart is racing now...Could've warned me you were going to yank the thing out of me!"

"Well then the fun wouldn't have been there huh..."

I sigh from the sheer stupidity of this woman but ignore it. I then stand up and stretch a bit but that causes my chest to hurt ache in sharp pain in my chest. I should've expected that.

Arla runs over to me and holds my chest and hugs me right after. It seems she might've been worried for my well-being. Not to brag but this feels good having her hug me.

"I would suggest you wait here for the night. Just my suggestion" she says while walking out of the tent.

Arla grabs me by the horn and pulls me in for a kiss on the cheek and with a hot breath brights into my ear. It feels so off.

"I am so glad you are safe. I felt you would've been severely wounded because of me not protecting you when you needed me. I am sorry"

"Oh no! It is totally fine! I was being negligent of the fact we were in a fight and got distracted and just-"

"Shh," She places her finger on my lips silencing me in the middle of my sentence. She then takes her hand and runs it up through my feathers which tickles a little and feels good. I start bellowing in arousal.

"W-wait not here this is too public we...we shouldn't."

"Very well then but I won't take no for an answer next time" she says while seductively biting her lower lip walking out of the tent.

-hours later-

So we chose to stay inside the camp for a while longer overnight and move into the city in the morning. Arla is sleeping in a more private tent while I stayed in the tent from before. I got to read some random medical book which I didn't get in all honesty. But I tried to at least learn something while I was here.

I started dozing off in the darkness and fell asleep. Soundly finally getting some rest after this exhausting day of fighting and physical pain. I guess we didn't stay out of trouble.

-hours later-

I start getting this weird tingly feeling inside me. I then start waking up to what seemed to me sleeping on my side. I move onto my back and feel myself and realize I have an erection...damn you...I will not be consumed into a lustful rage!

-30 minutes later-

Oh my god, why won't this thing go back down it has been who knows how long! I have been waiting for a while for this erection to go down and wait...That doctor...

I took that pill of hers because she said it would help me recover! She lied or something! Did she give me something equivalent to what is it called...viagra?! God! Save me from this!

I can't get back to sleep with this...I have two options...sleep...or jack off. I would rather sleep than jack off!

-Hours later-

I barely got any sleep last night...I swear the sun came up when it finally started to go back down and then slept for one hour only...I swear the doctor did that on purpose giving me viagra. "Help me recover" my ass

I get myself out of bed with slight pain in my chest but push through it. As I walk out of the tent some of the guards look at me for a bit. Maybe because I am a stranger bandaged in a barracks tent or whatever. That stares sort of make me uncomfortable.

I start walking through the camp seeing many other similar tent but with more beds I can see. I finally get up Arla's tent and attempt to knock but realize it is a tent and fell forward into it

"Oof!" I say as I fall onto the ground causing my injury to go into a sharp needle like pain.

"Agh damn it!"

I look up to see Arla getting dressed halfway and seeing her breasts. She blushes a bit but continues to dress in front of me without a care.

"Would you like help getting up sir?"