
I Got Reincarnated as a Dragon Lord

Boreas Nordwind, the General of the Holy Knights of Drachenreich is betrayed by the so called chosen Hero and is choked to death. His Consciousness plunges into a never-ending abyss, only to be awoken by his mother's voice. He was reborn! Will he avenge his dear ones in this life? Would he be able to prevent the Hero from turning evil? Will he become the next Dragon Lord? Read to find out! Instagram:@aavhiyudhdas

Aavhiyudh_Das · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 The New Beginning

Kal witnessed darkness, being tranced, while swiftly falling into an endless abyss. They say the deceased are void of emotions, but he was there, dead, with moist eyes, Tears.

"...Kal!" came a faint voice from within the endless void. He was lying there in a trance until,"...Kal!..." the voice grew louder, slowly starting to resemble the voice of someone Kal yearned to hear from. His Pupils, which had faded away as soon as his consciousness slipped into this abyss, began to reappear and constricted as soon as the same voice came again, calling for him, a recognisable, feminine voice. "Kal!" called out the voice again and he witnessed a spark deep inside the abyss. The spark became consistent into a small luminance, which seemed to be sometimes either white or golden, shone with a warm illuminance, which in that pitch-black cold void, began to embrace Kal, enveloping him in a veil of warmness. His skin flushed and regained his liveliness, he shed his last tear, he was starting another life afterall. "All of my memories would be wiped out" thought Boreas, "I wouldn't even remember my name. God, where's God? Do I not have the privilege to even pay respects to him before I start drifting into my afterlife?" Downcast and gloomy, even the tears floated in mid air in this abyss. "I... just want another chance..." smiled the teary Holy Knight. That's when the warmth started seeping into his body, every cell lit with luminance. Suddenly he started shrinking, his hands first , then his head, followed by his torso and abdomen , until he couldn't be seen anymore. Just a chunk of armour in the void. The armour started to disintegrate into the abyss, revealing a small infant curled up in the embrace of the warm illuminance. The infant , carried by the light escaped the void, into eternal light so bright he had to shut his eyes. The infant was woken up by a voice, the similar voice he heard in the void, " He's a healthy boy, dear!" although the voice was faint, the infant could understand that she was a reasonably young woman. He tried to open his eyes but he could only figure out a woman and a man, both blurry." Of course! Look at him , his eyes are just like yours." responded a young man, this time the voice louder and clearer, along with his vision starting to make more out of the surroundings. He was in a very well heated room, it was winter, he deduced. The furniture looked new and elite but was antique in his perspective. He then glanced at his present parents, but was left dumbfounded and shocked. " Yes dear. Oh my- he started crying , there-there." comforted the woman. "Hey doesn't he look like he's happy to see you? That's very unusual, heh." exclaimed the father But the infant wasn't crying while having a huge smile across his face for any reason other than pure happiness as he was in the hands of his own mother, Anasuya, who was also his mother in his previous life! "Hey he's giving me that looks now too! Oh you're so cute!" roared the father, who the infant recognised as Atri, who was his father in his previous life as well!

"Kal! We will name him Kal." roared the overjoyed Astris. "Kal? The synonym of time. A very good choice dear, he does stop time whenever I look at him.."(used in a sarcastic way.)

"So I was reborn, as myself again." thought Kal. He longed to talk to his mother, his father, how he missed them, how he was sorry for everything he did in his previous life , but now, he could live by being in the arms of her and his arms wrapped around by his father's large warm hands. He realised the warm sensation did afterall came from his Father's aura, while the voice coming from the void was of his mother, their love trancending spacial bounds to bring their son back, Rebirth.