
I Got Reincarnated as a Dragon Lord

Boreas Nordwind, the General of the Holy Knights of Drachenreich is betrayed by the so called chosen Hero and is choked to death. His Consciousness plunges into a never-ending abyss, only to be awoken by his mother's voice. He was reborn! Will he avenge his dear ones in this life? Would he be able to prevent the Hero from turning evil? Will he become the next Dragon Lord? Read to find out! Instagram:@aavhiyudhdas

Aavhiyudh_Das · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 The End.

"Being a throw away piece in a Hero's band is not a very enjoyable existence.." ruminated Kal, the Holy Knight of Interitus. It was fortold that being a member of the Chosen Hero's band meant inevitable death at some point of the journey, but he had not anticipated the situation he was in, being choked to death by the very Hero he had pledged his life to. Krodh, the Chosen Hero of Interitus had at last brought his band to the restricted Domain of Vrita, the Lord of the Underworld, to put an end to his evil ways of tormenting and torturing Elves, Dwarfs and Humans alike. His reign had been tormenting all the races on the surface since the very beginning of time. Although, being an Immortal Deity, Vrita was bound to be vanquished by the Chosen Hero of Interitus, as Foretold by the Heavenly Scrolls of Destiny, written and bestowed upon humanity at the very beginning of time, by the God of Creation, Brahma himself. But little did anyone know that Krodh had made a demonic contract with Vrita, and would be backstabbing everyone. It might mean that the Prediction proved to be wrong, misleading, wondered the Holy Knight.

Kal chuckled standing on verge of death, while his whole life seemed to flash before him. He seemed to remember little bits and pieces of his childhood, when he was free to do anything , be anything. But all these illusions of freedom shattered as soon as he got enrolled into the Holy Army , and gradually rose to the Highest Position of the Knights. He was then set to be in the Hero's band , whether he wanted to or not. Leaving his family behind was not an easy choice, but he had to face the fact that after he dies, they'll probably be annihilated , along with the total destruction of Interitus. Tears filled his eyes and rolled down to embrace his battle-worn skin, as he reminisced about his love, Parvitia. To leave her, "...no!" softly uttered Kal, before his mind went to an endless abyss, Death.