
I Got Legendary Dragon Sword As My First Weapon

I, Tarun, had always harbored a fervent desire to become a legendary swordsman in a world teeming with dungeons and thrilling adventures. Regrettably, in the mundanity of my real-life existence, I never had the opportunity to test my skills against even the most common of thugs. It seemed as if my dreams were destined to remain unfulfilled. However, fate has a peculiar way of intervening. A cataclysmic event unfolded as a meteor descended from the heavens, causing a cataclysmic dungeon breakdown. Suddenly, my life was thrust into uncharted territory, and the tantalizing possibility of my dreams coming to fruition loomed on the horizon. The question now is whether this cosmic intervention will alter the course of my destiny. Will I finally have the chance to embark on the adventures I'd long yearned for, and will I emerge as the legendary swordsman I'd always aspired to be? The unfolding of this newfound reality promises to be a captivating tale of transformation and adventure, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Sai_suke · Action
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64 Chs

S Grade Dungeon

Facing a barrage of questions from the reporters, including inquiries about the frequency of such situations and strategies for dealing with future dungeons, I couldn't help but pause when one reporter asked, "When will all of this stop? And how many more people have to die?"

That question struck a chord, and I stood there for a moment with a somber expression. I extended my hand, requesting a microphone from a nearby reporter, who willingly handed it over.

With a determined look, I began to speak, "We don't know why these events are happening, or how long they will continue. But one thing we must all remember is that this is a test of our survival as a species. And we will pass this test."

"There will come a day when we can finally enjoy peace, spending time with our families without fear. The time will undoubtedly come when everything returns to normal. But until that day, we must fight with all our might. We must fight until our last breath. If we don't fight, who will fight for our sake?"

"We are fighting for our children, for our parents, for our loved ones, for our country, for the survival of all living beings. We have to fight, and when the time comes, I will fight for everyone's sake. I will fight."

As I concluded my speech, a heavy silence hung in the air. I handed the microphone back to the reporter and proceeded to walk away. The profound words I had spoken lingered, and the crowd remained silent until I had departed from the scene.

After reaching home and freshening up, my phone rang. It was Victor, urging me to quickly watch the news and then hanging up. I immediately turned on the TV, expecting news about another higher-grade dungeon.

The news report revealed a massive dungeon entrance, even larger than an A-grade dungeon. The reporter announced that it was an S-grade dungeon located in China, a nation with numerous guilds and graders. They had five powerful guilds, four SS-rank hunters, 37 S-rank hunters, and 117 A-rank hunters.

At the entrance of the dungeon, one SS-rank hunter, famous for his martial arts skills, and several S-rank and A-rank hunters, along with government officials, were present. A person emerged from the dungeon, appearing entirely human, and holding a green staff with a star-shaped head featuring six corners. Five stones of different colors, all of the same size, floated above these corners. Placing the base of the staff on the ground, he surveyed his surroundings.

Fearing his presence, some hunters rushed to attack him. A stone on his staff entered the weapon, changing its color to red. He unleashed a powerful fire attack that instantly incinerated the hunters who had charged at him.

In response, the remaining hunters and civilians began to panic. The person who had emerged from the dungeon spoke, warning everyone, "Stop, don't panic, because you're all going to die here."