
I Got Legendary Dragon Sword As My First Weapon

I, Tarun, had always harbored a fervent desire to become a legendary swordsman in a world teeming with dungeons and thrilling adventures. Regrettably, in the mundanity of my real-life existence, I never had the opportunity to test my skills against even the most common of thugs. It seemed as if my dreams were destined to remain unfulfilled. However, fate has a peculiar way of intervening. A cataclysmic event unfolded as a meteor descended from the heavens, causing a cataclysmic dungeon breakdown. Suddenly, my life was thrust into uncharted territory, and the tantalizing possibility of my dreams coming to fruition loomed on the horizon. The question now is whether this cosmic intervention will alter the course of my destiny. Will I finally have the chance to embark on the adventures I'd long yearned for, and will I emerge as the legendary swordsman I'd always aspired to be? The unfolding of this newfound reality promises to be a captivating tale of transformation and adventure, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Sai_suke · Action
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64 Chs

My New Way

While the other three graders fell into deep thought, I had a different perspective. They, as guild leaders, needed to carefully consider any deal or contract's implications on their guild's future. However, I didn't have a guild, and the countless deaths in the past six months had weighed heavily on my mind.

The indiscriminate loss of innocent lives without a clear cause was haunting. I compared it to a natural calamity, but in this case, we had no idea about the underlying cause.

Tying my fate to the government would limit my freedom to investigate this matter further. I felt a deep calling to give a new life to those who had lost everything in this apocalypse. It was a matter that transcended borders and affected the survival of every living being in the world. I had the power to make a difference. This could be the reason the legendary dragon sword had chosen me. This was my new purpose in life, and I believed in my right to choose my own path.

Calmly, I addressed the president, "Sir, this matter goes beyond borders and countries. I'm willing to help our government, as well as other nations and guilds in need of assistance. The condition is that they make a contract with me for clearing a particular dungeon based on its grade. This applies to our country as well."

"Now, only A-grade dungeons have appeared, but there is a possibility of SSS-grade dungeons in the future. If any government or guild requires my assistance, they can contact me and sign my contract."

The president considered my proposal, responding with a thoughtful, "hmmm" before asking for more details on the contract. I explained, "It's quite simple, sir. We'll distribute the mana stones in a '7:3' ratio, and I'll take 20% of the artifacts of my choosing from the dungeon."

"This is the default contract. If someone wants me to fight for them and offers something valuable, and I find their offer appealing, I'll consider it."

I concluded, "I hope you understand my approach to service, sir. If you have any doubts or questions, please feel free to ask."

The president accepted my terms, then turned to the other three graders and asked for their decisions. The guild leader of 'The Queens' guild declared that they would work in favor of their guilds and train to become more powerful. They intended to clear dungeons of A grade or higher independently, and if the government required their assistance, a contract or dungeon rights offer would be necessary.

President acknowledged her decisions with a simple, "Very nice." He then turned to the other two graders, who expressed a similar sentiment. They emphasized the need to become more powerful, prepared to face even more challenging situations in the future.

Upon receiving the president's instructions, we left the building. As we stepped outside, we were immediately surrounded by a throng of news media reporters, eager to capture our reactions and hear more about the recent events.