
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Talking about dreams on the way

Matheus is waiting in the living room, alone with his own thoughts.

'I hope they put on some warmer clothes, now that I stopped to think, are they wearing bras? ... Dude comes on you gotta save the town, stop thinking about tits. Ok, time to think about a plan... I'm gonna... Shit, I don't know, I'm just gonna hang out with them I guess, bruh...'

After the girls put on some warmer clothes (it's 14C outside), modest makeup, and perfume, they went to Matheus, finding him sitting with his emotionless and almost robotic face.

They didn't know but on the inside, Matheus was very captivated 'look at that cute hat (Kobeni). Wow hmm, I wanna squeeze them so bad.' as you can imagine he finds all 4 very cute, adorable, and attractive.

"Can I leave it here?" Matheurs referring to his backpack and weapon


The 7 leave the building and make their way to the temple.

Sujiro's parents were walking together apparently talking about something.

Matheus was behind the 4 girls, following, seeing this Sujiro went to him and gently grabbed his wrist, to make him get closer to their group.

Sujiro says trying to start a conversation between the group "What if you (Matheus) tell us your dreams, and we tell you ours? what do you girls think?"

They think is a good idea.

"I wanna be a better person," Matheus said.

"And what do you mean by better?" Makima asked.

"I wanna go to heaven, and that's normal and fine right?" Matheus said.

They agree.

"But, if I'm only doing a good deed just because I will receive a reward in heaven, doesn't it make me egoistic? aren't I supposed to make what is right because is right, and not because I get rewarded for it?" Matheus said.

The girls look at each other shaking their heads and agreeing.

"But it's hard, it feels like I have a parasite in me, that tells me to put my own desires over the greater good. I mean, sleep, tasty food, comfort, all those things are good, sometimes we need to sacrifice them, and that's painful, even if it shouldn't."

Natsuki says "So you want to become a person, who does the right thing, even if there is no reward, correct?"

"Yes," Matheus meekly said.

Sujiro says "And how is your dream going?"

"Well, I guess."

They say that they like his dream.

Makima says "I wanna be a painter."

Kobeni says "Medic here."

Natsuki says "Be te best mage."

Sujiro says "I want to make a gender-affirming surgery."

Matheus seems to not understand "What?"

"It's surgery to make my body look like the one of a man." Sujiro clarifies.

Makima says to Matheus "He is too stubborn, we already told him that we are willing to help, with the costs."

Sujiro protests "But I don't wanna be a burden."

Makima ensures her "Your happiness is not a burden for us, you dummy."

Sujiro asks Matheus "So, what do you think about our dreams?"

He surprised them a little bit, "Personality, I think they are hollow." He has more to say, but doesn't because he doesn't know if they care about his opinion that much."

"What you mean hollow?" Sujiro asks a little intrigued by his statement.

"They depend on luck and aren't fulfilling enough. Even if a person manages to realize their dream, the good feeling of achieving it vanishes with time, and when is present, is not good enough, at least for me."

The girls weren't expecting such deep dialogue.

Matheus looks a little down, with eyes that tell he is a little bit tired of life and frustrated with something, Sujiro sees this and decides to change to a more cheerful topic.

"I saw how you looked at our mangas, you are a filthy little otaku don't you?" she said lightheartedly

Matheus release a shy cackle, and they talked about anime and manga until they arrived at the temple.