
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Natsuki the sorcerer

Matheus impressed asks Natsuki "Are all those books about magic?"

Natsuki answers "No, we store our mangas here."

She sits in the middle of the circle "Here is where I do my magic rituals,. Want me to explain in a nutshell?"

He nods.

She answers "The rituals are quick, I know only 3, healing superficial wounds, contraception, and anesthesia. The spell that I use most frequently is the contraception, when I use it the person can't be impregnated for 24 hours, so they can have as much fun as they want."

"But what if the person is already pregnant?"

"The body of the baby dies, and his soul goes to live with Asmodeus and her followers to be happy ever after."

Matheus's face says "Hhhhh" Natuski comments "It's okay, I know it's fascinanting. Do you wanna me how I became a sorcerer?"

He nods.

"A sorcerer is someone that receives powers from a god, but there is a limited number of sorcerers, so we must choose an heir to pass our power, with a ritual of laying on of hands. I got my power from my grandma." Natsuki said.

Matheus says "Cool, so, what you do in this" points to the circle "Thing"

She looks a little content that Matheus is interested "Oh, here the sorcerer masturbates to call the presence, of the goddess of love, to cast spells in someone inside the ritual chamber."

Matheus looks surprised, "so a sorcerer is just a glorified Coomer?"

Natsuki says "Hmm yeah, kinda."

'I could be a great sorcerer.' he found it funny but he keeps his blank face.

Natsuki stands "Yeah, that's all. Oh wait, I'm actually the lowest tier of sorcerer, there is the S, A, B, and C. The strongest tier lowers the number of sorcerers, in S class there are only 2."

She grabs one old book from the shelf "This..." grabs Matheus's hand and puts it in it "Has" He opens and starts looking at the pages "The prayers I need, each page has one, for each day of the year."

"cool," Matheus comments handing back the book.

"This has lots of memories," she says looking at it, right before storing back.

Kobeni that was using her phone says to them "Guys, I think we better go now, or we won't get a sit in front."

The girls leave to room.

Makima tells Matheus "We are going to get ready, you can take a shower too if you want, we will wait for you."

He answers "No thanks. Can I wait in your living room?"

Makima does thumbs up.