
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


6 July Wednesday.

Forgive me if I say something that doesn't match with reality or don't tell you information that might be of your interest. I know that sometimes I tell you what people are thinking but I'm not omniscient, as you can remember I thought and told you Natsuki was a girl, despise being a boy.

Matheus woke up at 6AM apparently out of nowhere, so he goes to the kitchen to eat something, there he finds Sujiro's grandfather eating too, he is smelling good thanks to perfume.


"Yeah, going to visit a friend, why ya wake now? and the other?"

"I don't know why but I hope up alone."

"Strange, I thought you younglings loved to wake up late."

Matheus starts drinking a cup of water.

Naruhito says "Going to visit old fella, I think you wanna see him."

"Why is that?"

"I saw you had Winston Churchill on your phone lock screen, so I thought that you maybe are interested in ww2, that friend of mine was alive that period, not only that but he was a member of unit 731."

Matheus shows in his face that he finds it intriguing and is curious to know what he has to say, "I will go then."

He takes a sit to wait, "he must be a good friend for you to visit him in those times."

"Yeah, all I know about medicine is thanks to him. Gotta make him company and check on him he is old and his family lives in another city, they don't visit him because they dislike him for some reason. Only his ex-students and other old friends visit him but don't feel bad for him he is fine, look he even gave me a copy of the key to his place. I wanna ask him some questions, see what he has to see about all that is happening."

Silence... there is nothing much for Matheus to comment so he waits in silence while Naruhito eats and drinks.

"If I was your age I would be stroking my shit with lotion all over my dick right now watching Sujiros's friends sleep." Naruhito said friendly.

Matheus doesn't react, keeping his emotionless gaze on the table 'Okay boomer.' "So you ask him for a direction as if he is some kind of Gandalf?"



The way was calm, despising the battle royale and the possible food shortage giving people a reason the freak out and cause chaos. Just a peaceful 5 min walk. The 2 chatted on the way.

Impressed Matheus says "Damm so he survived ww2 and covid."

Naruhito chuckles "he doesn't survive covid, covid survived him. We arrived."

Looks like an average home from the outside and inside.

Matheus points at his year and looks a Naruhito for an answer.

"Yeah, he likes to hear music when he is alone."

When they got inside they started hearing gigachad music.

To his surprise, Naruhito cries "DADDY YOU KITTEN HAS ARRIVED!" then looks at him expecting a reaction, but Matheus is just casually taking off his shoes. "It's a joke." he casually explains since he thinks Matheus is confused and despises not looking.

Matheus nods.

An extremely masculine voice says "Daddy is showering."


So the 2 wait.

The owner of the voice appears, wearing only underwear with the flag of the rising sun in it, he is buff, 2 meters in height, white long beard, and hair, masculine, healthy, and extrovert.

Matheus thinks 'Damm, he is so masculine that makes me feel like a woman.'

The 3 get comfortable in the living room to chat.

"Hirohito Kira," he said extending his hand to Matheus.

Matheus shakes it "Matheus Alves Pizano" he fellt like an child.

"I heard about you from Naruhito, what brings ya lads here?"

Naruhito says smiling "A Gandalf in my life would be nice."

"And what about this..." he refers to Matheus.

"Oh, I told him you were with the Japanese in the ww2, so he thought it looked cool and came to see you."

Hirohito gets up and starts walking towards Matheus while staring at him, making the boy wonder 'he can rape me if he wants, should I delta the fuck out?' but he looks calm.

Hirohito analyses Matheus and then says finding something funny "Back in my day the girls were twice the man you are, it's a good thing you are interested in those times, maybe you learn a thing or two, but first my friend shall speak." he gets back to his seat and drops in it.

I think they have an iron or steel structure inside then, I don't think wood would sustain this bull.

Naruhito gets serious and then says "The fog, plague, and the dream, what you think?"

Hirohito did a quick and subtle smile of happiness "Nah, don't worry, I have tons of food and antibiotics, we chilling."

Silence "hhh why?" Naruhito said confused.

"I thought this could happen, "hey Naruhito I'm stocking food and medicine but everything is chill", how do you think you would react?" he laughs

Naruhito looks frustrated but he understands "ok, but how did you know?"

Hirohito leans on his back and looks around I guess he is thinking then says "So 2 weeks ago I finished Zelda botw and there was this elf that lying on the grass to grab a frog, I saw her ass, and decided to bang a girl like her, and so I did right there where the lad is..."

Matheu slowly goes to sit in another place.

"But then I got bored and decided to make my last epic act."

Naruhito says "What?"

"I'm getting old, got 5 to 10 years left to live, started remembering the stories my father told me and the things he left."

"What stories and things?" Nahurito said.

"So thousands of years ago there was sorcery, giants, and other shit like that, but then it stopped, I don't remember the reason he told me, but he left some things that he told me would bring those times back, so I and my homies decided to do it."

"The lad here don't know the homies," Naruhito said.

"The homies are sorcerers, they are doing the ritual right now I guess, it will end on Sunday, not sure if will work but whatever... anyway I know a virgin when I see one I can call some chick to deal with that if you want."

Matheus says "I'm busy."

Naruhito says "What the hell you guys do at this ritual that could explain such punishment?"

"Maybe it's because of the abortion part, they are not human just fetuses but some gods don't like that or something like that... Look I even made her hear the elf ears," he said showing a photo to Matheus.

Naruhito says "Bruh, we talking serious shit stop trying to take the boy's virginity."

"I'm just trying to help."

"ok, and what about the jester in the dream?"

"That mf is just pranking us, ignore him, this happened with me some decades ago, some gods just want to see the world burn." he puts his hands on Naruhito's shoulder in a comforting way "It's okay, I'm here for you, son." they hugged.

Matheus wonders 'Did I lose him?'

Hirohito says "It will end by Sunday, how many times have you heard about a town getting completely destroyed by a god?... never."

They sit.

Hirohito says "Hope it works, would be fun. If someone needs my medical experiences let me know."

Naruhito tells Hirohito about the ritual Matheus wants to do.

Hirotito chuckles then says "Oh, boy you have to... Why you are simping for Mary?" he looks disappointed with Matheus.

Matheus says nothing.

Hirohito says "Look you won't be happy if you do that catholic stuff, you gotta work together with a god that does what you want, I bet that's why you rejected my elf, ah man, that explains why you look lame, and dull." he was smiling finding funny the way Matheus thinks, I guess. "Hold up let me get you something."

He leaves and comes back holding a rifle, scaring Matheus a little bit, he gets close and drops it in his lap.

"Arisaka type 99, what you think?" Hirohito said with pride.

"Cool," Matheus said eating the gun with his eyes and hand.

"I don't have a license for that, I'm a war criminal, did rituals that made me buff, all of that because I make my own rules. I don't even know if the gods I work with will give me the post-life they promise, and I don't care, because all happiness I'm sure I can have is here and I will do anything to get it, and you should too... and not have Jesus or any shit like that telling to not enjoy the freedom you have and the power you possess."

Docily but firmly Matheus says "No."

Naruhito's phone rings he got a call.