
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

An unexpected party

The doorbell rings Sujiro stops looking at her phone and goes to see whoever is at the door, Matheus goes too to satiate his curiosity.

He sees her taking a look at the magic eye and freezing for 5 seconds, seeing this strange behavior he approaches and sees her eyes wide open, and a face as if she is not believing what she is seeing.

"What?" Matheus says intrigued.


He gently grabs the keys out of her hand and opens the door.

It's Makima, Kobeni, and Sujiro's parents, not only that but they look healthy, well, happy, and are wearing new clothes than those they went missing.

Quickly Sujiro goes to hug them.

"They are here!"

The other residents quickly answer Matheus's call and join Sujiro to show how much they missed them.

Matheus just watches the reunion with a content smile on his face, you can't see him looking at the exterior, but he is feeling confused.

They go to the kitchen, to kill the hunger they claim to have, Matheus and the other are present to hear at the missing one have to say.

When the meal started being prepared Sujiro says to them "Where you all have been?"

Sujiro's father says "Sorry for taking your battery, I thought the ritual was going to work, but at least you don't have to go through the stress we went... right after you left we got inside, there we heard screams and saw turmoil, someone there helped us and others to hide inside a panic vault, we where worried that the plague would quickly consume all the city as it did in the temple, so when we realized that was not the case, we left though a tunnel that leads to outside."

Sujiro says "How many were with you there?"

"Hmm, I don't know for sure, around 40 I don't know I was just all the time worried about everyone."

Matheus went to the bathroom to take a shit, there he felt content that he found himself in a quiet and isolated place, a good place to plan.

He thinks 'It's a pain in the ass seeing the two sad all the time, glad they came back. I hoped their return was thanks to some miracle so I could convince them easier, but if it wasn't that way who I am to criticize the adm right? hehe... But I can still try to convince them again. And there is the Sujiro and Natsuki case, maybe the angel will ask them to stop this bullshit... I hope they don't realize that I'm avoiding calling them by their preferred pronoun, I'm being discreet I think, since if I bother them with the truth they could give up.'

He farts.

'Damm is really everyone in this town going to chill until Sunday? not that I want this town to become a huge hunger game, silent hill, and pathologic reference but damm, those people are really faithful... more than me.' he felt humiliated and sad about this fact 'Or not, maybe it's another reason, they religion sure looks fun, different the mine' he felt sad 'but how I'm gonna be useful now if nothing goes wrong Tokyo is just gonna wait for their doom... damm I can't just go on the street screaming that the end is near, I'm stuck here, I have to work with what I can like... I can ask Sujiro to tell me if someone needs help she looks like someone with lots of friends...'

An old foe appeared, the damm intrusive thoughts very enthusiastic to say what he has to say 'Ayo, why didn't you smell Kobeni and Makima's underwear while they were missing, did you see Makima's ass? Damm boy she is thick that's a'

Pissed off by his presence Matheus answers 'you are a worthless bitch ass bastard... your life is as literally valuable as summer ant and, I'm just gonna stomp you, you gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up my cracks, you gonna keep coming back, why? because you keep smelling the syrup. Your purpose in life is to be in my head telling me what I should do with my dick daily?... Your life is nothing, you serve zero purposes, you should kill yourself NOW! I mean that 100% I mean t-'

The intrusive though smiles and chuckles, looks don't take his anger seriously 'But you-'

'No! I'm not smelling pants! I'm not beating my meat! I'm not going to eat soap to taste the flavor!, and I'm not telling Sujiro she is never going to be a man just for the laughs! you should kill yourself NOW! so you could free up space in my head, so I could actually have straight-up legit ideas.'

Still smilling "but-'

'Nah hell no.' Matheus ignores the intrusive thoughts and leaves the bathroom before the bastard convinces him to beat his meat.

Talking with Sujiro he discovers that, no, none of her friends need help... he is lost again... 'Well... time to be a professional sloth'

So he decided to pass the entire day there, it was kinda cool, he ate a tasty meat pie made as a commemoration.


Now Matheus is in his room which used to be Jotaro's room, alone, doing push up and other exercises.

Kobeni and Makima open the door and enter, I think they are drunk but I admit that I can be wrong and they are just really happy for some reason.

Makima says to Kobeni and Matheus "Oh, exercises that's so cool, when all of this is over what do you guys think we go on walks together?"

Kobeni nods smiling, then doe lies to do a push-up in front of Matheus that was sitting resting since he just finished some push-ups.

He is not looking directly at her but he can tell that she is not hearing brah and is quite not caring if he sees her chest, his face shows no emotion but he is confused.

"Make-" he turns his head to look at Makima speaking "Some squats and-" she passes her hands through her thighs "Pin me to the ground so I can stretch my legs easier."

Matheus wonders 'they are flirting for real or just drunk?' "U two are drunk?"

Kobeni crawls close to him and closes his eyes "You can smell if you want" then open his mouth and sticks his tongue out. "We ate tooooo much, I wished you were there longer, socializing with everyone."

'I really shouldn't stick my penis in there... however' wanting to avoid interacting but not making it obvious Matheus pulls up his phone then says "10PM, I sleep."

While he gets his futon ready for him the 2 girls whisper for themselves making Matheus even more confused, and despise not looking, he is an introvert don't easily expose his thoughts through actions or words.

He lies on his futon and the 2 grab each one of his feet ads start pulling him, he looks at them with a face that begs for an explanation.

"You are our friend, we sleep together, remember?"

... "I forgot."

So they all sleep together Sujiro, Natuski, Makima, Kobeni, and Matheus.

They all sleep really close some even hug each other, except Matheus of course he doesn't want to wake someone up with his morning wood, the fact that their pajamas expose too much skin doesn't help.