
I Gain Levels Through Lust

Jagrath_Ty · Fantasy
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2 Chs

So It begins

I, Rubert Anthony, is the middle child of the Jin house's head, Andrew Anthony.

Jin Family is among the top families in terms of power-in both magic and martial arts-and influence over the Empire, Drakeward.

Yes, You guessed it right. I am that cliche disappointment of some powerful noble clan. But, I am not the pervert, good-for-nothing, extremely weak and idiot kind of cliche disappointment. No, I am disappointment to my 'noble' clan because I am only at the level 13 at the age of 15 where other normal kids are at level 15+ or other 'noble' kids at level 19+.

Even though it only seems 6 levels of gap between me and other noble kids. it is a huge gap. not because of how powerful each level is, but rather because how 'Hard' it is to obtain said level.

To obtain each level, you have to gain "experience". However, how you gain experience is totally dependent on your class, level and 'System'. It can be by killing monster, by learning or creating spells if you are magician.

However, That's for normal casses... in cases of awakening, it's dependent on your type of awakening. "IF" it's good type then you might get huge boost of experience and gain level fairly easily. but If it's bad one, then you might stop gaining experience or might get cursed....

And that's why I am stuck at level 13 for past 4 years. When I was 10, I was a genius among genius and reached level 13 way before any other kid of my Era. I even had fully max-ed my [Basic Magic] skill and I was ready to breakthrough Basic skills and get Beginner skills upon getting another level up.

But after getting level up and reaching level 13, I had a awakening but a bad type one. I no longer gain experience from killing monster like I used to. and that's why every 'noble' kid with backing from their rick family surpassed me only after a year.

Everyone become stronger while I become disappointment.

However, From today i will not be a disappointment. From today, I will start becoming stronger. Today, I will be attending best academy in Drakeward Empire. Today is different.


"Ruby, Are you happy leaving your mother behind?," my mother asked me. While cutting meat with knife on the dining table. She is quite the character. She is overprotective, overly caring, and quite beautiful too. like any other blonde moms in most slice of life animes.

She has blue eyes, and blonde hair which goes very well with her white skin. Also because Today is the special occasion on which i will start attending the academy. She is dressed quite 'noble-like' .. or quite lavishly.? She is wearing blue 'dress'?? I don't know what to call it!. it's Princess like dress 👗 which goes to and beyond her feet. She is also wearing make up but it is very clearly ruined from her crying.

Today I will be attending the academy but this also means that from today i will out of house for 4 years and she won't be able to see me for 4 years. And it seems she was crying all morning because of this....

"...Mother, I will be back before you known it.So please don't be sad anymore and lift your head. You have been staring at that meal this whole time like it's your mortal enemy." I tried to joke a little at the end to lift the mood but failed quite spectacularly.

"Heh? So now our Rudy not only knows how to convince mom to leave for that 'Damn' academy. but also knows how to make fun of mom. Just much did our little Rudy grow."

"Mom.. I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I was trying to lift your mood!!. I promise mom I wasn't trying to make fun of you. really!!!" I pledge with every little strength I had.

{Using Basic Speech level 3 }

"If you really didn't intended to make fun of me. then Why are you leaving your mom??? Do you not like your mom??" for the first time, she lifted her eyes and looked me in the eyes with her sadden and dipressed eyes.

"Come on, honey. you know this is the last resort we have to level up our precious Ruby. Don't try to stop him. After all, You are--" My precious dad tried to help me but got interrupted by my mom before he could say anything to sway her mind.

"THAT'S MY POINT!!! WHY DO HE HAVE TO LEVEL UP??? I AM EXPERT-LEVEL MAGE AND AND YOU ARE HERO-LEVEL SWORDMASTER!! WE CAN PROTECT HIM!!!! I WILL PROTECT HIM AT ALL COST!!!!" aaaand my mom got angry.... though my mom is weaker than my dad by default as she is only Expert-level mage and dad is Hero-level Swordmater and she is whole 12 levels lower than my dad who is at level 73. My dad can't do anything but lower his gaze and cower in fear which made him look like a crying puppy under the enraged gaze of overprotective monster that is mom.

However, He wasn't the only one cowering in fear. someone's leg was shaking too. but they didn't show it on their face.

"Mom, but I want to level up.... And I don't want to be protected by my parents my whole life. instead, i want to at least get enough strength to protect myself and lower your burden. So that you can live yourself comfortably and not in constant worry of your 'pathetic' and disappointing son." I said with as convincing act as I could. I tried to be seen as dipressed with myself as I could like I have done many times. and To be honest, this is not the first time we are having this 'discussion' . the first time she heard it, she almost destroyed her office and also cried for 2 whole days straight.

{Using Basic Speech level 3}

{Using Beginner Trickster level 7}

[Basic Speech +2]

[Beginner Trickster +1]

"Oh.. My baby.... I know you feel like your parents are disappointed in you after you couldn't continue level. But please don't think like that. if anything, we are proud to even have you as our child. so don't care about what others think of you. And live like you want... and also please promise me that you won't call yourself burden. you are not a burden! but a very beautiful thing which happen to us, if anyone says otherwise, tell us about them and if your dad didn't take any serious action then I will, even if they are Emperor himself." To this day, I can't understand how she becomes extremely angry one sec then extremely loving person in other..? like how is this possible.

But this is not all. I also don't understand How the fuck did my parents reach lvl 61 and lvl 73 in their mid thirties!!

However before I could think of anything else. She stood up from her chair and cast some spell and flew over dining table and hug me tightly... very very tightly.

"My Ruby, were scared of your mom's angry? Don't worry, mommy wasn't angry at you. it was your stupid dad's fault that mommy got all angry. Now, stop shaking so much. Mommy loves you..." this went for another 15 mins. and only after 15 mins that she finally let go of me.


30minutes later.

I finally left for academy. Normally I would be in carriage and surrounded by many soldiers. But, I wanted to not attend academy as son of one of the top family, Jin family. But as someone ordinary. that's why I am traveling on horses.... A correction. We are.. We are traveling on 'horse' and not horses.

Maid Silvy, A person trusted by mother. in fact, she treats her as a part of her own family even though she is maid.

Silvy is level 47 Multipurpose. She is very powerful and also very beautiful. She has black hair and green eyes. She is wearing a cloak over her Armor because her Armor is made-up of adamantite-strongest metal known to mankind-which will attract a lot of attention as not anyone can afford full plate armor made of adamantite.

So, to avoid attention without sacrificing strength she was wearing a cloak over her Armor.

Silvy and myself were riding on a horse. She was in front controlling the horse while i was in back getting thrown here and there.

And so we continue on our 4 hour journey toward Academy.

To Be Continued