
I Gain Levels Through Lust

Jagrath_Ty · Fantasy
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2 Chs

City Of E-rantel

After our 4 hour journey. We finally reached E-rantel City where academy is.

We were on foot and waiting in line in front of Gate of City to verify our identities and enter the city.

Normally, We would be cutting the line and heading inside without waiting for our identities to be checked as we belong to Top noble family. So, there will be no one who would dare to make us wait to check our identities. However, this happens in 'normal' situation. But this not normal situation. We are trying to hide our identities right now. So, waiting in line is must for us right now if we want to avoid attention.

But still, How are we supposed to verify our identities without revealing that we are noble?.. Means how are we supposed to enter city without our real identities. and with fake identities which my mother didn't give when I asked her to...

When I told her that I wish to enter academy with fake persona. She told me to not to worry and that she will pull some strings to fulfill my wish. However, I still don't know how I am suppose to enter without anything on me as a proof of my fake identity.

while I was lost in my thoughts. It was our turn to verify our identity.

There were two guards who were standing on either side of the gate for protection and didn't move. One guard was checking our luggage & horse and another one was asking us question as to where we come from and who are we. All of those question were answered by maid Silvy.

"Ok. So what I am getting is, you guys came from Phin City and you are Isabella who is sister and guardian of this boy right here, correct?" He asked as he write something on the paper on his hand.

"Correct" Confirmed Silvy or supposedly my guardian, Isabella.

"Okayyyy... and what is your class and level?"

"Magician, Level 17" Though it was not common for general public (commoners) to be level 17. However, it was not uncommon for adventurers to have level 17. And with that cloak covering her body. Its pretty easy to get deceived into thinking that she is an adventurer.

After a nod of his head, he let us into the City. So now, we were walking on the streets in search of decent inn with stable. So, that we can get some rest in the inn and walk freely without taking a horse with us everywhere. and also, horse get 'professional' care in the stable during our stay in the inn.

"So, have you been here before?" I asked Silvy (Isabella).

"Yes, quite a few times actually." She replied without we looking back.

"So..... can I assume that you know a good inn here? and that we haven't walked past those inn for nothing?." I questioned in curious tone. I was genuinely curious, but due to exhaustion of riding horse for 4 hrs straight and dealing with a very overprotective mother, my mind and body was barely hanging on so I couldn't find better way to show my curiosity. And that's why my words were sarcastic and rude even though I didn't mean it like that.

"Of course, young master can't in those lowly inn, now can he?" She was definitely teasing me. yup, I am totally convinced that she was. She knew that a commoner or even an adventurer can't stay in luxury inns that are designed for the 'nobles' in mind. So, I am pretty sure that she was teasing me that we will be staying in 'luxury' inn and gets my hopes up while she goes and crashed them at the moment we reach the inn she is leading me to.

But I am too tried to think of anything fun, so I said "Thank you, my dear older sis" and looked away from her indicating that our conversation is finished now.

Its been 2 days since I last checked my status and its been 10mins since we enter this City. 'So maybe... Maybe, my experience has gotten a bit higher now.. maybe, by some miracle I have gotten some experience '.. I knew that it was nothing but wishful thinking but I still want to see that experience number go up. And so I checked my status while we were walking.


Name- Rubert Antony XP- 20\2000(*)

Level- 13 (Awakened) Race- Human(?)

Status- None

Title- Trickster [In use]

(Boost Trickster Skill Class by 1*)

Sense of evil\justice (-30) Neutral

HP- 8

STA-16 (stamina)

MP- 8.5

INT- 21.8 (Intelligence)

ATK- 4.9

DEF- 4.3

(Not Available)

(Not Available)

(Not Available)

Stats Points- 0

Class- Magician(?)


[Beginner(+1) Trickster lvl 21\25]

{Sub Class- Beginner(+1) Disguiser lvl 63\64}

[Baisc Speech lvl 20\20]

[Basic Magic lvl 50\50]

[Basic Warrior lvl 4\35]

[ Advance(+2) Magical Hand lvl 7\22]

[ Blocked ]

Appearance- Color(*) Hair-Black

Eyes- Brown

Skin- Smooth White

Shape(*) Human body (currently)


After opening Status, my eyes immediately went on [Name] to see whether there is (•) or not. Unfortunately, there wasn't. meaning there is no new notification. Then my eyes went over XP and it too hasn't increased one bit in these 4 years. The reason I even have 20 xp is because of a skill I got after 2 days of awakening, [Magical Hand] , I was massaging my mom's shoulders or more likely trying to massage them. And then I got 10 XP and unlock this new skill.

After that I tried to give massage to mom more often and after a while it stopped giving anymore XP and in total I got 20 XP from that.

However, this skills is kinda weird. Normally, you obtain a Skill at basic level then upgrade it as you Level up. but I got this skill at Advanced lvl and not Basic.. Plus, this skill is not only helpful in giving massage but also helps in casting spells.


Though I was looking at my Status, I was 'somewhat' keeping an eye on my surroundings and I noticed that we were in kind of 'indecent' street. There were a lot of places named as 'Bars', 'You don't wanna miss this', 'Join us for a night' etc. with one or two women standing on the entrances waving their hand with weird postures to everyone who walks by.

I closed my Status and teased Isabella, "So... Academy isn't the only thing great about this City. Huh" I wasn't looking at Isabella when saying this. I was looking at the ladies on either side of the road. Some of them were human, So then some of them where of Humanoid races which I couldn't recognise at all. Though, those humanoid ladies had tails and some 'animal' ears. Some even had claws. But one thing was common in them, They all were wearing very revealing clothes. And with given the chances, I tool it and enjoyed the beautiful scenery that is presented to me. Some scenery had big mountains while some had small bumps but all in all, they all were very pretty and pleasing.

"Nope, Academy is the 'ONLY' great thing about this City" answered Isabella(or Silvy) with hint of displeasure in her voice.

"Oh, well I did forget that our dear sis is female. But 'I' don't think that academy is the 'Only' great thing around here. We just have to look around and to notice other great things. After all, you can't see great opportunities with your eyes closed."

To my disagreement of answer, She laughed lightly before saying something disappointing.. just like me, disappointing.

"Haha, Forgive me for laughing, But I totally forgot just how low your level is. Please don't get me wrong I am not saying that young master is weak or anything. But that if you were of higher level, those tricks wouldn't have worked on you."

"Tricks?.. please continue." I didn't take offence of what she said but rather I got curious as to what she meant by tricks.

"All those 'things' are fake, 'They' are magically enhanced for a period of time. also their faces are also covered in Magical spells.-" she was about to clarify further but a glance on my face told her that I got what she meant. And stopped further clarification."-Sorry to disappoint you. But yes, academy is the only great thing about this town."

"Still, I have to disagree. Their mountains or other scenery might be fake, But the service they provide is still great. So, yes there are other great things about this City other than the obvious."

"Oof!. on the topic of their service, I can sure you of it that the statement 'Academy is the Only great thing about this City' still stands true."

"Oh... so, you haven't only 'visit' this City a couple of times. right?"

"Of course. as always, you are right young master." She said with monotone of voice but somehow I felt that she had sadness, fear and disappointment behind her tone.

After that we walked in silence, not because the mood had become gloomy or something. But rather because we didnt felt that silence was burdening or uncomfortable.


After a couple of minutes, we arrived at the inn we will be staying at.

The inn was not particularly interesting or pleasing to look at. But for a adventurer's inn, it was not that bad. It had 2 medium size stables which were properly cared of with a large ground to practice or train. And a room right after entrances to send request to blacksmith to repair their gears in case they are worn out or damaged.

We handed over our horse in their care then we headed for our designated rooms at 2nd floor after exchanging words with receptionist.

"Isabella(or Silvy)" I called out to her softly as we are in halway heading toward our rooms and we don't want to cause trouble for others by shouting. So, I decided to spoke softly until we enter our separate rooms.

"Yes..? how can I help you?, young master"

"My whole body is aching badly. would you mind giving me a massage after you have freshen up?" I asked as I try loosen up my muscle in left shoulder.

"As you wish. give me command when you wish to have massage" She answered with a light bow of her head which quite surprising as I didn't thought that she would act as a maid while we are in City. I totally expected her to drop Master-servent relationship and start giving me commands instead. But I guess, I was wrong about her.

We were now in front of our respective rooms. So I nod my head on her offer and went inside my room while she went inside the room on the right side adjacent to mine.


Author's Note -

I am very thankful to everyone who read it and liked it. Really, I am very very happy to see 300+ views and 4 collections.. I was so happy to see it that my touch screen broke and I had to fix it. The power of Happiness was so strong that my touch screen couldn't handle it and broke....

Well, that aside. PLEASE DON'T EXPECT GREAT THINGS FROM THIS NOVEL . This novel will be very short novel. less than 20 chapters... So don't expect great things please.. and also, This is my first r18 novel + it was a dare to write it.. I was dared to write a smut, proper novel which has at least 15+ chapter with each chapter 1k+ words ... So its not going to be great.. That's why please don't expect much.. Though I will try to write better but I don't think I can write 'decent' r18 scenes on first try. And also, It would help me a lot if you could drop a comment on parts of chapter which you don't like or can be done better.

and also next chp is r18..

Thank you for reading.