
I found robot that was from alternate universe

When you open the door to your basement you are surprised about what happened you found a robot who resembled you and when you help him you shock by what happened.

cielfathan · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

The situation is tense because of what happened first why the robot is in my house and second why the robot calls me the maker.

When the robot looks around and began to stand up and then began to hug me.

Wait why did this robot hug me?

"Anuu what is your name?" told this robot, the robot began to look at me with a confused eye, when I look into the eye it makes me feel uneasy about how the robot looked so real, and then the robot looked at me again.

"You are my maker I am designed as a maid and as your latest inventor," said the robot to me.

While I don't want to cause any problems, I need to be honest about this robot.

"there's a problem I don't create you or any of them," told me.

The robot looks at me with dull eyes which I see as sad, but this is the truth.

"I don't understand by looking at you are matched no by the voice and your face you matched my maker created me!" told the robot

This makes me a surprise, but I don't understand why this robot insisted on me being his creator.

And then I began to explain to him that I am not his creator I said there may be a malfunction in him, but I got the Idea.

"Can you give me proof that I am you're a creator?" ask me

"master I can give you my memory by using a hologram on my eyed, I will be projected on you master," told the robot, and then appeared the silhouette, when I look is look hologram.

"How I am using this," told me.

"Master you can use your hand on the left side of the front eye is will automatically appear on the keyboard," said he.

When I began on the left side, I can see that the keyboard and then the cursor appear, and I began to dig in.

When while dig in I can see a photo that shock me this was me, but the place is strange I don't remember creating him, hell even my intelligence is basic to create this program and robot.

And then I see a video and I click, the man showing AI and tell

"If you see this you are probably a lucky person because I will send my robot to my Alternate since I have been found by them the AI is"

"Mister Yamato come we need to talk to you"

"Shit they are already here to summarize this robot will help you study and have knowledge for everything like Quantum computers, etc. Since I will die from this bastard now, I will send my robot"

The man, no my alternate myself began to grab his watch and began to click on the top of the button and begin to put the watch into the socket of the robot, while he waits for the robot he began to run, and then I found them on the left side while carrying his weapon and began to destroy anything.

And then the recorded end.