
I found robot that was from alternate universe

When you open the door to your basement you are surprised about what happened you found a robot who resembled you and when you help him you shock by what happened.

cielfathan · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a hectic day for me today after being bullied by some bastard then but it doesn't matter now since I was now working to clean a basement by myself. Since I was orphaned and not many people want to take care of me, hell even my all family related doesn't want me to take care of me they only care about money for my deceased family.

But luckily my family lawyer won the case against my aunt who doesn't need me but needs my family, but now I am broke to cover my bills on my lawyer.

Let's see what is inside this basement this is my second time cleaning up the basement.

It takes 15 minutes to clean the basement and then it makes me see antics object like a keyboard and a violin from my parent.

When I look around to look what I want to sell to since I am broke…

Programming reboot…


I heard a sound I does ignore the sound but

10,15,27,34,40…. etc.


The sound itself can be heard by me but I began to brave myself when I look the source of the sound I can see a humanoid no when I look at closely it was a robot and that make me confused about that because the robot I see on television is looking like a human but the head is not made by silicon but by glass that can protect the robot at.


I can hear the sound it makes me curious about what that sound and then my question first is why the robot it's on here but well I hope this makes me cash a lot since I don't have money.

90,94,99,100…. The reboot is complete

When I heard the sound reboot it makes me think maybe this robot need to fix but I don't have qualify for repairing the robot.

"System reboot complete scanning looks around, found a human name look file name The maker," said the robot.