
I Found a Portal in my Toilet Bowl

I am Tsuchiya Ryleigh, a senior highschool student that ran away from home. Through some strange turn of events, I discovered a portal in my toilet bowl. Being an amateur scientist and mathematician myself, I tried to understand the inner workings of this unknown object. Unfortunately, my plans was interrupted when a giant T-Rex showed up in the toilet bowl. Using some boxes of gunpowders and a drone, I succeeded in killing the monstrous creature. However, I am now faced with the hard dilemma of destroying this toilet bowl to save my life. For now, I am thinking of accepting reality and exploiting this bowl to the max! For review swap, please put the title of your book below the comments otherwise it will be difficult to know.

Chaos_Butterfly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

TNT Kaboom!

Lightning strucked followed by a loud roar of thunder as the dark clouds from the East swallows the peaceful sky.

Inside the walls, the land is dyed red. Bodies impaled by wooden stakes are planted as far as the eye can see.

There is no life to be seen except for a single tree. The tree of life, Ygdrassil. Its leaves no longer a bountiful green, but a golden luster of endless greed.

Its roots bulges and beats like a human heart — sucking the essence of life from millions of corpses.

A massacre of unprecedented proportions all for a single goal - Immortality.

With the essence of life gathered from millions of humans, the Ygdrassil will bore fruit.

A crimson apple so captivating that no one will be able to resist its temptations not even the divine.

That is the forbidden fruit, the elixir of life.

- Argon The Fool

That's terrifying! Absolutely Terrifying! That T-Rex just dashed my hopes of conquering that other world. There's not even a need to dream of it.

This is a Freaky Huge Problem! What do I do? What shall I do?

I pace nervously biting my nails as I walk back and forth around the room.

Explosives? A possibility, but where can I get it? Concoct it? Are you stupid? Where do I get the skills to do it?

Hmm, TNT is produced in a three-step process. First, toluene is nitrated with a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid to produce mononitrotoluene (MNT). The MNT is separated and then renitrated to dinitrotoluene (DNT). In the final step, the DNT is nitrated to trinitrotoluene (TNT) using an anhydrous mixture of nitric acid and oleum. After nitration, TNT is stabilized by a process called sulfitation, where the crude TNT is treated with aqueous sodium sulfite solution to remove less stable isomers of TNT and other undesired reaction products.

(Source: Wikipedia)

To get toluene we can react benzene with methanol in presence of a solid acid to give toluene.

One of the ways Methanol can be produced is by pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse. Bagasse is the dry pulp left after the extraction of sugar juice from sugarcane. Pyrolysis is a method of treating reagents with mind-numbingly 400-500° Celcius of heat.

Another way to produce methanol is by reacting hydrogen with carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide and hydrogen react over a catalyst to produce methanol. Today, the most widely used catalyst is a mixture of copper and zinc oxides, supported on alumina. At 5–10 MegaPascals or 50–100 atmospheres and 250 °C, the reaction

CO + 2 H2 → CH3OH

will occur to produce methanol.

(Methanol Production, Source: Wikipedia)

You can also buy it commercially if you have connections and a license. Actually, you can buy TNT directly from chemists if you have a connection. Not that I have that though.

To produce nearly pure nitric acid, we will need pure nitrate salt and sulfuric acid.

Place it in a round flask, clamp it, and heat the flask with an oil bath. The nitrate salt will react to the sulfuric acid to produce nitric acid and a little bit of decomposed nitrogen dioxide. Use a distillation apparatus to get the nitric acid from the gases of the reaction. Let the nitric acid flow and collect it in a beaker. This will take an hour. The final result will be pure nitric acid with a little bit of nitrogen dioxide contamination.

If you don't have pure nitrate salt, you can use nitrate based fertilizer, hydrochloric acid, and copper, but the resulting nitric acid will be very weak.

To produce sulfuric acid, you can go near a volcano and find a sort of orange or yellowish fluid that is sulfur. If there is a natural sulfuric acid pool near your area, you are very lucky but then how are you still alive to read this?

Just buy it, alright?

Benzene can be produced or bought commercially.

In homes, benzene may be found in glues, adhesives, cleaning products, paint strippers, tobacco smoke, and gasoline. This cancer-causing toxic substance can be produced if you have the skills, but for everyone's sanity just buy it.

Nitration and sulfitation both refers to a general class of chemistry processes or techniques that can produce what you want.

In short, I don't know how to get or produce TNT so cross that off my list of T-Rex killing methods. Also, don't try creating an explosive if you are not planning to explode a humungous T-Rex or you will enjoy the lasts of your life either in bars or in a coffin. In a very unlucky case, you may just turn to ash and inscinerated for free. Cool, right? So stop that.

Also, I'm an amateur physicist not a chemist, so how in the universe will I know how to produce a bomb?! Don't even think about hydrogen bombs. It was produced by physicists, but I will get into trouble if I did that.

How about poison? What poison can even affect a T-Rex? A T-Rex was estimated to have 5-7 tons of biomass, but considering that it is 3 times the size in this other world, then its estimated weight will be 27 times that or approximately 100-200 tons.

I can give up thinking about cyanide or anything of the sort. I will need tons of that to even hope about tickling this T-Rex.

It's disappointing. I even have a surplus of apples in my fridge, though even if I reconsider it still isn't enough.

How about plutonium? A very radioactive substance that kills silently! Yeah, where do I get that? The government had surely restricted it. Such a bummer. Did the government not even think that it is safer to give me plutonium than a TNT? Sigh, they haven't probably expected that a senior highschool student will need plutonium to silently kill a T-Rex.

Radon? It is more common, but no, no, and no! I am not only endagering the T-Rex but also myself. I don't even have an anti-radiation suit. I will die before I create an Anti-T-Rex weapon. That's actually quite poetic, isn't it?

Iye, iye, iye!

My mind is getting too dangerous.

If I fire a bullet in my toilet bowl and if I consider the loss of momentum from the film and the pull of gravity from this other world, then I can probably shoot its eyes with near 90% accuracy. But even if I can, where's my gun? Oh, it's America. Surely there's some guns here. If there's some guns then I can also hope for gunpowder. Yep, Gun and gunpowder acquired, proceed.

No, it's a very bad idea to shoot the eyes if it can't instantly kill the T-Rex. It will 100% run away.

For any hunting enthusiasts, what is the best way to kill a humungous beast? I don't have a friend that I can say to be a hunting enthusiast, so I only have myself.

I closed my eyes and imagine a 3D model of the T-Rex. I am simulating the T-Rex desires, motivations, fears, wariness, and other emotions. A clear psychological profile of this T-Rex. That's what I need.

Now, let's proceed to gunshot simulation. Imagine a bullet shot from the toilet bowl travelling at the speed of light, a mass of 100 grams, and a diameter of 2 centimeters.

The target is 3 times the size of a T-Rex with a mass of 100-200 kilograms. Skin thickness, approximate it using 100 layers of alligator skin.

Eyes, instant kill. Brain damage guaranteed. Lower the speed to 2,000 kph.

Begin Simulation.

Result: 36 deaths out of 100 trials.

Not enough.

Target: Neck

Result: 10 deaths out of 100 trials.

Simulate every body part, maximize the killing probability function.

Optimal Target Spot: Eyes.

I'm back from where I started. The most optimal body part to target is the eyes, second is in the hollow part between the cheekbones, and third is the back of the head. Other results are the mouth and near the heart, but there are too much muscles and bones that it will not result in instant death.

Another way! I need another way!

Use gunpowder. How about a 1 kg crate of gunpowder equivalent to 3 megajoules or 0.43 TNT.

Place 10 crates near its feet, shoot it with a bullet, and 30 megajoules of energy will go Kaboom! With its mobility gone and pulverized, I have created a sitting T-Rex I can shoot for leisure until it dies. For sure this time!

What a good plan! But this plan has a flaw. Where will I get a gun and 10 crates of gunpowder?

The most pressing question is where will I procure gunpowder. Will I produce it myself? Hella no! The chapter will be hella long if I do so.

I can buy it myself legally. I will just ask my landlord to buy me a high-caliber one.

Here in America, guns are tools not weapons.