
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Interlude White

A quite large spider Skitters around the lawn.

Of the Barnes family, contemplating on its revenge.

What should I do to her?

Should I just kill her with my a sliver the original Power?

The spider was startled, out of its musings of revenge, by a dark wispy shadow moving around outside, the Barnes families home.

Curious on what the shadow was, the spider uses its vast knowledge to turn, invisible, using its sliver of mana.

Then she follows the wispy shadow, through a window and into the Barnes home.

There, she discovers a shocking truth.

Upon the shadows rematerialisation, she saw a black clad figure with an athletic build that had just took off her mask, revealing Sophia.??

Sophia is a cape, but which cape?

The spider white tried to think back to all of the Capes, she had seen and upon looking back she found a memory of a new Ward being recruited.

Her name was shadow stalker.

he had the exact same powers as Sophia. Sophia Is a Ward Sophia is a hero!!

For my original body This might be shocking, but for me, it is simply how the world works they strong take what, the want and the weak can't do anything about it.

But my original body is still me, so I have to think of a revenge plan that makes them suffer and benefits me.

[Half an hour later]

After thinking about it for awhile, I've come up with a full proof plan to benefit me and make Emma suffer, and that is to give her powers.

This may seem counter-productive, but there is a good reason to give her powers.

With power come strength with strength comes conflict and with conflict comes data data that my original body we used to get stronger.

The plan is full proof nothing could possibly go wrong and as a bonus, my original body can see the suffering of Emma because of the conflict.

I mean, fighting for your life every day, must be the worst thing that could happen in your life, brushing up with death every day must be hell, and you are unknowingly give your worst enemy all the data about you.

That makes them stronger and makes you an easier target.

But how do I? give them powers, and I do mean I also want to give Sophia extra powers so that I can monitor her.

But how to monitor them and give them powers at the same time. Well I don't know but I'm sure my other self heard my thoughts, and she'll probably will figure it out.

this isn't my problem all I have to do is find capes and absorb their powers.

Anyways, I think I'm gonna postpone my revenge plans.

Thank you for reading this Interlude. I hope you enjoy it.

And please, if you want this book to be recommended or seen more, give us some power stones.

or don’t

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