
I Edit My Way To The Top

Yan returns 20 years to the past before he was a solider who accomplished nothing other than barely surviving,he finds himself days before he enlist and he wasn’t alone he had something new “the edit system”,how will a solider who achieved nothing use this new ability?”

BurntToest · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I returned (1)

It was early morning in the small city called Triga.

Birds and roosters were singing and pigs were rolling in waste,and there was also deep breaths and exhales could be heard coming from a room in a shabby inn.

Huff huff huff.

'What's happening I thought I died…no I know I died I saw my own Nugget body!!!!'

A young man who could be considered more girly then manly was covered in sweat laying in bed his chest was beating fast,faster then ever.

His felt hazed and dehydrated it reminded him of the day when he fought in the front lines of The 'Holy War'.

It was the day he barely survived and lost an arm against the left overs of The Beast emperor's Sword Aura.

His heart which had been beating fast felt as if it were about to rip out of his ribcage at any moment and say hello to him.

As his breathing sped up,he hyperventilated he remembered something,and in a calm manner he stopped completely.

He stopped breathing.

Then All thoughts ceased.

Then when finally was unable to breath anymore he'd take a breath this continued until his heart stopped beating as fast as it was and he was calm enough that everything began to feel normal.

He learned to keep as calm as possible over his 20 years as a solider.

It made no sense to panic and do something he would regret and be reprimanded for,thinking to himself he couldn't help but sigh he was 38 years old yet he was still a solider not even leading a 10 man squad.

He was truly disappointing.

His self pity wasn't long lasted due to a screen he had never seen before showed up,

It was different compared to the status screen's everyone had, this said "Edit System".

It had a block of text introducing the uses of it as well as the fact It used souls as a currency to edit himself!

There was examples of people who had this type of system and what they did with it.

These people were from different 'universes' some went from peasants to kings while others would never touch the system thinking it was the same as selling their soul.

It also told him one final thing.

"Welcome 20 years to the past!"

That very sentence made Yan look at his surroundings and was immediately reminded of the time he stayed in small ran down Inn before he signed up to be a solider for Baron Lance.

'I remember this place this was after I ran away from home…that was one of my biggest regrets, I wouldn't be home for over 16 years.'

He would miss out on his nieces birth and many other family event.

'I won't let that happen this time around,the one thing I wanted when he was older and was fighting for my life was family.'

'If I know the future and I have this system then I should at least make the best of it! I will not settle for being a mere solider again for 20 years

If anything I'm gonna strive for something more. I should at least try to be an emperor and If I can't be the emperor then I'll be a duke,if not possibke then I'll be a count! Bare minimum I have to be a Great Knight!'

'I know the future I know where all opportunities that haven't been found are and I have this system I can't settle at all!'

Yan found himself motivated and was looking at himself in the mirror.

His face was so different from what he was used to but he was elated,he couldn't ask for anything better then a second chance at life especially after all his regrets.

Right now he had his long black hair something he couldn't grow being a solider and was forced to cut off, how he missed having two of his dark (dull) blue eyes intact still and he only had two scars!

One across his nose and another vertically on one eye something that happened to him when he was a child.

The eye was able to survive due to a priest healing it however his vision in that eye was forever blurry.

All in all he could be considered Super pretty!

It was something he disliked in his younger days but he had learned to accept himself and stand proud of his good looks.

However he would miss how he looked when he lost his eye completely,lost the tip of his nose,have no ear and got burned by a Fire spell on his left side of his face.

This was another blessing,the blessing of having a good face!

He truly knew he was in the past seeing himself and the first thing he wanted to do was get power;And he knew exactly what to do.

He walked out of his room with determination.

how was the first real chapter? give me feed back if possible I’d appreciate it.

your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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