
I Edit My Way To The Top

Yan returns 20 years to the past before he was a solider who accomplished nothing other than barely surviving,he finds himself days before he enlist and he wasn’t alone he had something new “the edit system”,how will a solider who achieved nothing use this new ability?”

BurntToest · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Two days quickly passed and Yan had collected many low tier souls coins having killed so many goblins and kobolds in the Newbie Dungeons.

Yan had decided to save his coins up for a few edits on the day of the corruption raid.

This was after seeing the three sections of the 'Edit System' .

The left section showed a 'character' model which was yan;it showed a young pretty man with scars on his face and at the Height of five eight pretty skinny as well as long hair down to his lower back.

The middle showed something similar to the normal system everyone had but it was a bit more in-depth.

{Name: Yan

Race: Human

Special Bloodlines:None

Mana Comparison:Apprentice Mage

Physique Comparison:Sissy LALA civilian










Mana quality:F

Skills:Lance Solider Fighting

Explanation:Duke Lance's Soliders special way of fighting using simple but brutal fighting tactics examples include the following:Nut kicking,Vag kicking,heel hooks,Elbows,

knees,eye poking.


Explanation:you pick up cooking techniques very easily,recipes are easy to remember, replicate and improve on;you are gifted at cooking!

Inventory:0 items

Soul coins:0

Evaluation: You are a very weak human however you make up for your weak body with your dirty fighting skills.

You don't have talent for being a mage or knight however you were a solider for twenty years you could take care of yourself against normal humans; you also have potential to be a royal chef!Overall get to collecting souls.}

Then the right panel showed a big 'EDIT' sign at the top then there was list words.


-Color fill

-Special Effects




-Save for later

The effects were of each was very simple with drawing he could draw say a pair of wings on himself and he would have wings.

Color fill was simply filling in the blank with color and Special effects were specifical effect items to add to say the wings.

If Yan drew the wings and decided to not use color but special effects he'd have a list of things to choose from,from wings that looked like stars in the night themselves to being on fire or even water flowing as wings it was just cosmetic effect.

Text was something that could be used to add a description onto the wings like 'Shoots needles out of wings' or it could be used to make an edit like ' pair of wings that remain inside of my back but when called forth will be transformed into a armor' and this one could be used to easily make skills.

Combination was as mention the combination of stuff ,say I had made two pairs of clothing and they had the effect of never being stabbed or never being slashed then if I combined them then I'd never get slashed or stabbed.

Eraser could be used to erase edits that I no longer want or need and save for later was drawing what I wanted or writing what I want as a skill already and saving it for later to use when I needed it or had enough coins to use it.

Having gone through the whole system he decided to wait until right this moment.

He had already used a the save for later function and saved himself the time needed to write down the skill he wanted.

It was something simple but effective 'Head Count'!

This skill was something that could be used when he looked at a group of people or monsters in an area and he would know how many enemy's or Allies it was, this was the first things he could think of if he wanted the weapon April.

He had to be the 401 person to walk;this skill alone cost 10 low tier soul coins.

Next he fixed his vision which was blurry in his left eye and made his right eye the same dull color his left eye had.

He remembered people always underestimating him due to his bad left eye which looked blind and killing them when he'd surprise them by reacting to attacks he supposedly shouldn't be able to see.

Yan also gave himself a skill he remembered one of his comrades Rhan had that turned him into the dukes right hand man.

It was 'If I can see it';the meaning was simple If I can see it I can react to it, in other words as long as I can see the attack coming I can counter attack in the optimal way.

The counter to this was easy though you just had to be so fast that you weren't visible,which means you aren't able to react to it.

Rhan had died like that when fighting against the number 980 a knight that specialized in speed.

Rhans skill alone ate the rest of yan's soul coins however Yan wouldn't regret it since he never had anything special in combat to begin with.

Yan headed to the location where all the mercanarys would meet up with Baron Lance with a smile,the reason was simple.

Today was the day everything would change,he would take April for himself one of the top ten weapons and make a name for himself.

the story starts now! it’s just been all a info dump but now it’ll be more coherent as a story

BurntToestcreators' thoughts