
I Earn Money by Killing

Earning money only by killing some few bugs! Zehan, a poor orphan, was tempted by that privilage. Thus, he went to the tower of 'Alken' which emerged sunddenly on the day of christmas, 2023. Can Zehan earn enough money to come out from poverty oriented life? ... What will happen when he enters the tower? ... Stay with me to find out.❤️

VIBRANT · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Training to Become the Conq

"Space!", zehan gasped.

"Does this mean I can deafeat Alken?"

"Haha, yes boy, I am sure you can~", old man laughed. It was a mixing of happiness, joy and excitement as he have found some long lost thing.

"Ok, now boy time for do some training. If you do not train your elemental strength forget about defeating Alken you will not be able to even conquer the tower.

"What kind of training will I do master?", zehan was excited.

"Hum...hum....come with me boy~".

Then old man then went to another door which was on the dark side of the room. It was so hidden that zehan didn't notice it before. That old man opened the door and with a creak sound a white room was revealed. There was a single mannequin in the center of the room. It also looked like a great warrior of a bloody battlefield from that distant murim world.

"Now listen carefully of what I say boy. This room is a 4 dimensional space connected to this 3 dimensional room through a special magic. It has a time ratio of 3:365. That means a month here means ten years there. This room also suppresses ones five senses so that he or she can train them to limits. Hunger, tiredness doesn't exist in this room. It's truly a wonder!

And this mannequin is a combat doll that was created after many struggles. Three generations of our ancestor put their sweat, blood and soul to make this doll. It has millions of battle techniques and a thousand phases. For every phase that passes it becomes stronger and faster. You can see that it has two hands equipped with two daggers right?"

Zehan nodded.

"But when the first phase passes another hand will appear with a different weapon and as the battle goes all ten hands will appear and it will be very difficult to deal with it. But the person who passes this trail will undoubtedly be the strongest person on the whole universe."

Old man stopped for a moment. Then he faced zehan and asked him.

"Are you sure you want to go, my disciple?"

Zehan has suffered since he was a child who can only suck his mother's breast. An orphan whose parents probably abandoned him got his only home, the "Sweet Home" orphanage taken away from for some private project! Ridiculous! He suddenly remembered the reason he was living, revenge.

A faint grin crepped up to his face.

Yes! that was the reason he wanted to get strong...stonger than any one else!

And now that a golden chance has presented itself in front of him how could he refuse~

"Yes, master."

Zehan showed his gratitude to his master. He would have rotten lying on the roadside never getting his revenge. No one would have hold a candle for him besides his master.

Before he entered the room old man said, "Remember to come out after one month every time you enter to get the vitality supplement pill, or you will die of hunger."

"Sure master.", zehan entered the room and behind him the door automatically locked itself with the familiar 'creak'.

It will open again after a month...

[To be Continued]


The next chapter will be from the perspective of that old man.

So, make sure you read it differently~

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