
I Earn Money by Killing

Earning money only by killing some few bugs! Zehan, a poor orphan, was tempted by that privilage. Thus, he went to the tower of 'Alken' which emerged sunddenly on the day of christmas, 2023. Can Zehan earn enough money to come out from poverty oriented life? ... What will happen when he enters the tower? ... Stay with me to find out.❤️

VIBRANT · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Good Job Disciple !


'How long has it been?'

'Five years?...or..more?'

Zehan started walking towards the door in front of him. Behind him there was a broken doll in the white floor with it's ten hand scattered here and there.

Zehan has trained very hard for his revenge. He withstood that thousand phase monster with almost a dozen of hand for seven years. He wanted to train his body to it's utmost limits and wanted to surpass his current pathetic self.

Surprisingly, although zehan has taken only a single vitality pill, for the next seven years he had not once felt like he was out of energy. It felt liked some unknown and unlimited source of power was secretly stored within him.

Zehan slowly opened the door as he saw the familiar darkness and a very homely scent of iron entered in his nostrils. It was the same scent of the basement which he visited a long time ago.

Then he turned his head to look around as he saw an old man sitting on a armless chair with his head stooped down.

It seemed like that oldie was taking a nap. Zehan walked towards that oldie and said in a very polite voice, "Master, I am back..."

As soon as that old man heard this vpice he stood up and hugged his old disciple.

He said in a cracking voice, "You..you are late boy".

" I am sorry...but master weren't you just standing now waiting for my arrival.....so why are you~"

"Ahem...hem.....boy, you must have seen something else. I was taking a nap.", old man was flustered.

"Haha....ok...ok. Now let me out of here. I stink of a fish which was dead for 7 years.

"Ok lets get out of here boy."

Zehan and Master Qin started walking towards the entrance of the basement.

When the secret door opened, zehan saw the sunlight seeping through that small entrance.

It felt nostalgic as he last saw sunlight 7 yera ago.

"Hoho, welcome to earth boy."

"I was already in earth...or you are saying that room was in another world huh?", zehan's right eye twitched.

"Hoho.....boy you master is just joking~"

"Ok now boy let's go to your shack."

They reached at zehan's shack after five minutes walk downwards from the mountain peak.

"Ok boy clean up. I will come back later with your food."

"Ok master.", zehan bowed.


After zehan finished Master Qin came with 5 bowls of white porridge.

"You have not eaten anything for seven years. Eat this now.", old man handed over the bowls.

"Ehhhhh~ just porridge!!", zehan was NOT satisfied.

"Hoho boy...this is your reward for your hard work.....good job disciple!", a smile slipped through the old man's mouth as his lips curled upwards to keep up with the smile.

"Thank you master!", zehan politely smiled.

"So disciple, I am curious about one thing....what did you learn in there?"

Zehan smirked smartly.

"Hehe...master, time will tell everything."

"Oh~", old man was surprised that this guy who was so timid before has changed so much that he can give off that kind of smirk.

Though, before anthing he was happy that his disciple has come back safely and has gotten much stronger...

[To be Continued]

Hello readers.... I was very ill so I wasn't able to update more chapters.

please forgive me.(T∆T)

I will try to get more chapters ready from now on.


*AHEM*.....SYS <3

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