
I Don't Want To Be Famous!

"Damn! Why didn't they read a few chapters before they skipped my book!" Lu Yuan felt that the readers are too ignorant. But ... He's helpless. Lu Yuan knew what was wrong with his book, he feels that, his synopsis is not attractive enough for the readers to read more. But he is reluctant to write more, especially for synopsis that no one would even remember a few minutes later. Most importantly ... Lu Yuan doesn't want to be serious and exaggerating the synopsis to make a pretense, he's afraid that he would be famous and the world would call him dog later. But, Lu Yuan still put a little bit less exaggerated synopsis with a little bit of seriousness. So he writes... "That year ... Lu Yuan who just crossed to a pararel world wrote a movie script then scammed 1 Million yuan from a certain rich and beautiful female sheep ... He planned to use 800.000 yuan to shoot the movie and ran away with the rest of the money... But the movie ... " Lu Yuan suddenly felt tired. ------------------------------------------ WARNING : One or some of the chapters in this novel use profanity and explicit languages. Even though its nothing excessive, please thread with caution.

Curve · Realistic
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31 Chs

Yes, I'm The Creator!

Being pretentious is a very sacred thing.

Lu Yuan's piano songs are few and far between.

All in all, there are only a few of them, and they were all learnt to pursue the goddess.

He once imagined that one day he could be the elegant and holy prince, ignoring thousands of girls, and then indulge in the amourous glance that the goddess secretly sent.

It's a pity. The piano music has been learnt, and it really has a little professional taste when he played the tunes of those songs.


The goddess was gone.

Lu Yuan felt depressed.

Lu Yuan was a very honest man, he didn't talk sophisticatedly, and he would be nervous when he says a word to the goddess.

These two fatal weaknesses made Lu Yuan impassive enough to chase the goddess.

At least Lu Yuan before crossing the world was such a person.

Therefore, after crossing, Lu Yuan felt that he needed to change, and he wanted to be a man who can speak with eloquence.

Transformation takes time.

Lu Yuan knew this, so he didn't force himself to become a brilliant person in an instant.

However, life always requires some sense of ritual.

Or the sense of respect in rites.

The same is true for this world that seems familiar but is completely different.

For example, when performing the piano for the first time.

In the bathroom, the fragrance of orchid was permeating, and a little hand-washing liquid was squeezed. After carefully cleaning the dirt in his hands, Lu Yuan walked to the first-floor platform with Wang Xun Xue's interested eyes.

"Excuse me, can I play a song?"

The environment of the cafe is very pleasant. Pair of lovers, unaccompanied people, middle-aged with elegant suits and leather shoes, who looked very rich at a glance. They were all looking up at Lu Yuan strangely.

The piano music downstairs came to an abrupt end.

The quiet girl looked at Lu Yuan, confused.

No one had ever stopped her performance halfway through.

It made her feel uncomfortable.

"This is a very good piano, most people can't touch it, my apologies." The girl did not show any dissatisfaction but told her rejection to Lu Yuan politely.

"Really? Then..." Lu Yuan was rejected tactfully.

"Let him try." Wang Xun Xue also went downstairs and looked at the girl.

"You, you are..." The girl looked at Wang Xun Xue for a moment and then recognized Wang Xun Xue. The girl felt very excited.

"Let him try." Wang Xun Xue cut her short.

"OK." The girl nodded quickly and walked off the piano platform.

Lu Yuan looked at the people around him and then exhaled faintly.

To be honest, he was a little scared.

This is the first time he would play piano in such a large crowd.

However, no matter how difficult it is, it's still something he had to do.

After all…

He felt that this was the first step in his transformation.

With this first step, the future will be brighter.

Lu Yuan sorted out his clothes and looked at the mirror wall on his side. When everything was fine, he sat down.

He closed his eyes.

He was looking for the feeling.

Wang Xun Xue looked at Lu Yuan's back, the corner of her mouth showed a slightly raising arc.

She felt that Lu Yuan had jumped in her designated trap.

Lu Yuan's previous statements seemed nonsense to her.

She had been a genius since she was young.

At the same time, she also has a high level of piano accomplishment.

The "Neil River Girl" is also her rare piano masterpiece. When she wrote this piano piece, she visited many famous pianists, changing it, refining it again and again, and then adding new elements into it over and over again...

In the end, she succeeded.

It cost her a lot of hard work.

It was not easy.

Therefore, Lu Yuan had only two choices.

One was to play a piece of piano music that is more beautiful than "Neil River Girl". The other one was to give a better performance than her, allowing her to recognize him.

Only in these two ways could Lu Yuan win a victory in this battlefield that was not really a battlefield.

But it was clear that both the former and the latter choices were equally impossible.

The corner of Wang Xun Xue's mouth was now showing an obvious arc.

She was curious about how Lu Yuan would end up. After all, everyone here has a certain understanding of the piano...


The worthless nonsense had misfired.

The hall was quiet and everyone seemed to be watching him.

Lu Yuan knew that he had made himself fall in this spot, and he had no choice.

So he can only play the piano.

Lu Yuan opened his eyes and touched the keys with his fingers.


The sound of the piano was very beautiful, at least Lu Yuan had never played such a good piano.

The price should not be cheap.

When Wang Xun Xue watched Lu Yuan's first touch, she shook her head slightly.

It was very unprofessional, the phoneme wasn't right, there were too many faults on his one action in detail.

It seemed that Lu Yuan is going to be embarrassed.

Suddenly Wang Xun Xue felt bored and lost her interest.

The previous sense of ridicule and curiosity seemed to be gone at this moment.

It turned out to be just another scumbag.

Wang Xun Xue turned her head.


"Ding Ding Ding..."

After a few seconds, things seemed to be turning.

Lu Yuan started to play. At first, he was nervous. He was afraid that he would ruin the piano masterpiece, but then Lu Yuan found the feelings after playing for a while.

His music teacher once said that he was a gifted student.

Whether it was a guitar or a piano, he can easily get immersed in it.

It was a pity that there are two fatal points in him. The first point was that his motivation for learning music is impure, very impure, and the second point was his age, it was doomed to have no achievements.

Music is to be treated with devotion.

Lu Yuan agreed with the teacher.

So he was very devoted.

Very devoted to being a pretentious pianist.

Now, Lu Yuan felt grateful to the teacher and thanked the goddess who left in the other world.

When he was thinking about the goddess, Lu Yuan thought of his former self...

If there was no goddess, there would be no present him, if there was no present him....


The world has no ifs.

That year, the flowers were beautiful.

That year, the sun was shining.

That year, love sprouts.

That year...

Too many memories, pouring onto him like rain.

Lu Yuan suddenly closed his eyes again.

He was so skilled at this piano piece that he could play the piano with his eyes closed.

A few meters away, the girl who played the piano before suddenly froze.

She clearly saw Lu Yuan close his eyes.

Wang Xun Xue stopped and turned around.

She thought it was unbelievable.

She had not heard this piano music before, but listening to the tunes, this song can never be a casually played piano music.

Lu Yuan's back is upright and looks quite resolute.

This is a stubborn young man.

At first, his playing technique was quite jerky, it was unskilled, and even made a few tremulous, but over time, he slowly began to become proficient, and finally gushing out notes like streams.

The speed of playing was getting faster and faster.

The sunlight outside the window is beautifully glaring.

The lighting in the cafe is gently calming.

Lu Yuan's smile is brilliantly shining.

Lu Yuan felt a strange emotion in his heart. When Lu Yuan got into this mood, he found that he really had no other thoughts in his mind.

No tension, no inferiority, no uncomfortable breath...

There was nothing, only the tunes, the melodies, and the stubborn heart that yearns for a change.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and Lu Yuan himself was immersed in it.

The noisy arguments stopped in the cafe.

Several girls took out their phones and recorded Lu Yuan's performance on the piano.

Several middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes looked at Lu Yuan thoughtfully with obsessed eyes.

In the corner, an old man was feeling emotional, his eyes closed, his head nodded from time to time.


Everyone's actions were different, but at the same time, everyone was listening quietly.

Everyone seemed to be appreciating.

A melody that has never been heard before is playing in everyone's ears.

Was I mistaken?

Wang Xun Xue suddenly froze.

Maybe what he said was true?

Does he really know the piano?

People who can play the piano, how can't they understand piano music?

The piano tunes sounded wave by wave, from the beginning to the middle, and then gradually to the end, forming a beautiful melody.

No one wants this song to end so quickly.

They still wanted to listen.

Wang Xun Xue was the same.

However, no banquet in the world would last forever...

Finally, it finished.

When the last note came to an abrupt end, Lu Yuan stood up and opened his eyes to look at Wang Xun Xue.

He's a bit tired. He hasn't played the piano in a long time. He didn't expect his state to still be surprisingly good this time.

"I can play the piano." Lu Yuan said such a sentence.

It's simple.

There are no other garbled things.

And it was unprecedentedly serious.

"What's the name of this piece of music?" Wang Xun Xue stared at Lu Yuan with more seriousness than before.

"To Alice!"

"Who's the composer?"

"If you haven't heard this song before, then the composer of this song is called Lu Yuan, the Lu of the land, the Yuan of the distance... Stepping on the land under the foot and slowly going to the distance..." Lu Yuan said with such long rhetoric.

Looking at everyone's eyes after he spoke, he looked at the ripples in everyone's eyes, that changed from thinking to shocked in seconds.

He felt very satisfied!

The pretentious act was a success!

Being pretentious is fun!

It was very comfortable.

If you felt I plagiarized it, look for evidence and then call me!


Can the cultural people with arts called shameless?