
I Don't Want To Be Famous!

"Damn! Why didn't they read a few chapters before they skipped my book!" Lu Yuan felt that the readers are too ignorant. But ... He's helpless. Lu Yuan knew what was wrong with his book, he feels that, his synopsis is not attractive enough for the readers to read more. But he is reluctant to write more, especially for synopsis that no one would even remember a few minutes later. Most importantly ... Lu Yuan doesn't want to be serious and exaggerating the synopsis to make a pretense, he's afraid that he would be famous and the world would call him dog later. But, Lu Yuan still put a little bit less exaggerated synopsis with a little bit of seriousness. So he writes... "That year ... Lu Yuan who just crossed to a pararel world wrote a movie script then scammed 1 Million yuan from a certain rich and beautiful female sheep ... He planned to use 800.000 yuan to shoot the movie and ran away with the rest of the money... But the movie ... " Lu Yuan suddenly felt tired. ------------------------------------------ WARNING : One or some of the chapters in this novel use profanity and explicit languages. Even though its nothing excessive, please thread with caution.

Curve · Realistic
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31 Chs

Can You be Considerate?

The elegant and wonderful piano on the first floor starts to play.

The noisy guests inside the cafe were all quite, listening to the beautiful piano melodies.

The melody sounds sad but romantic.

The song was created based on a love story between a young girl pianist and a wealthy boy.

Wei Fat has heard this piano song along with its story.

The song played by the young girl was impeccable, it was sad, full of resentment, yet so beautiful.

Wei Fat listened to it vividly.

"She plays very good... Lu Yuan, what do you think?" Wei Fat looked at the young girl with longing eyes while talking to Lu Yuan in a small voice.

The piano can cultivate emotions.

A person who knows the piano and can play the piano, are usually emotional.

"Ah, it's okay." Lu Yuan took a sip of his coffee and nodded slightly.

A strong and mellow coffee accompanied by a sad, yet beautiful modies can give an elegant ambient to some cafe guests. But unfortunately, Lu Yuan didn't think so, he had never been an elegant person.

Lu Yuan, in his essence, is a vulgar bastard.

When Wei Fat enjoyed the piano melodies, Lu Yuan was thinking about whether he would have a piano inside the small restaurant that he will open in the future...

'It's impossible to have a piano, I don't want to pay for a pianist.'

'Well, just a few speakers will do.'

'OK, that's settled.'

"Miss Yao is really good, don't you think so?"

"Ah, yea, it's really good, wait.. Who is Miss Yao?"

Lu Yuan just dealt with Wei Fat question casually, but then he paused when he heard something's strange.

"It's the young girl playing the piano, you don't know her?"

"I don't know..."

"Fuck me..." Wei Fat looked at Lu Yuan's innocent face, and he suddenly started to swear again.

'The girl was so enthusiatic and seemed familiar with you, even asked you to drink coffee. You don't even know her name?'

'You are...'



Wei Fat looked at Lu Yuan with all kinds of envy, hate and jealousy.

As for Lu Yuan, his expression was still calm, then he looked around the cafe trying to find out about the decoration style, and figuring out how to decorate his restaurant with the smallest amount of money, and then invited some local chefs to officially open the business.

The piano song ended..

Eager applauses sounded from downstairs.

The pianist girl bowed to everyone and then looked at Lu Yuan upstairs.

The girl saw Lu Yuan also applauding. Although he did it enthusiastically, the girl felt that Lu Yuan's applause was fleeting. Especially when she looked at Lu Yuan's expression, the girl became more complicated in her heart.

The other's applauded her with admiration and obessed expression on their faces. Only Lu Yuan's face was calm, even with a little disappointed eyes?

This made her original joy was inexplicably swept away.

The girl sighed heavily, remembering Lu Yuan's stunning masterpiece "To Alice", her mood fell further.

The girl sorted out her emotions and slowly walked upstairs toward a certain booth on the second floor.

"Brother Lu, Is it convenient if I sit here?"

"Yes, sit down."

"Brother Lu, do you think there is anything wrong with my play?"

"No, it was good."

"Brother Lu, I want to listen to the truth, not a superficial answer!" The girl was very dissatisfied with Lu Yuan's answer.

"Uh ..." Lu Yuan felt that the young girl's eyes seemed very sharp, and he didn't understand what was going on.

'Am I superficial?'

"Miss Yao, just ignore him. That's how he is, oh, right, let me introduce myself, my name is Wei Wu Ji, I graduated from Yan Ying last year, one year earlier than you... Um, I am a movie director now."

"Oh, Senior Wei, hello.... My name is Zhou Yao, I am a part-time pianist here." Zhou Yao politely nodded and smiled at Wei Fat, but her attention was always on Lu Yuan.

"I already know that, haha." Wei Fat nodded his head up and down, inexplicably felt proud.

"Ohh, hello, hello." Lu Yuan felt this girl named Zhou Yao seemed strange, she looked like hinting him something, so he had to say hello too.

"Brother Lu, do we already know each other now?"

"Uh ... yeah."

"So, can I listen to your review?"

"Review what?"

"My piano music!" When Zhou Yao heard Lu Yuan's hesitant reply, she suddenly felt frustrated.

She didn't know that Lu Yuan neither understand what is called elegance nor vulgarity, he doesnt even understand what the true meaning of piano music.

She just felt that she didn't get Lu Yuan's recognition in piano.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I can't give a review ..." Lu Yuan pondered, if he said 'Nice!' , 'Outstanding!' , 'Bravo!' , 'Damn! It blew my mind!' to describe Zhou Yao's piano music, it would sound too vulgar. But, if he used elegant words like "You took me to another world!' or 'Your music moves the soul and elevates human spirit!' to describe it, Lu Yuan didn't know how to explain it. So, he decided to be sincerely honest.

"Why can't you give a review?" Zhou Yao felt abnormally lost in her heart when she saw Lu Yuan's sincere face.

"Uh ... I don't think there is a good or bad piano song, the difference is the emotions in it, whether there is or there isn't. Well, It's hard to describe it. Also, if you really want me to review, in fact, I personally think that your music sounds good, it's very nice to hear."Lu Yuan thought for a long time, and finally said such a sentece.

Wei Fat kicked Lu Yuan with his feet and felt that Lu Yuan shouldn't speak like that.

"Oh ... I know, it just sounds good... I... I seemed to... yes... indeed I didn't integrated my emotion when I played... and my state when I played the piano was not right... when i think about it... I seemed to always play the piano just for the sake of performance... Brother Lu, I understand! Thank you!"

Lu Yuan's very honest words with his sincere look, sounded like a covert criticism to Zhou Yao, she even reviewed her own performance, from the beginning of her play to the end, then she suddenly exprienced an epiphany.

Although she realized an epiphany, Zhou Yao still felt a little loss, so she stood up, bowed sincerely to Lu Yuan then left the booth.

Lu Yuan watched Zhou Yao left the booth in a hurry, he got a little confused and also felt awkward.

'Did I say something wrong again?'

"Lu bastard, fuck man!" Wei Fat turned his head and staring at Lu Yuan with an angry face.

"What are you doing!"

"Can't you speak with consideration!? Are you satisfied with taking all the limelight now!?"

"Am I not considerate enough?" Lu Yuan was even more speechless.

'I'm so sincere and considerate, am I wrong?'

"I understand that you have deep knowledge in piano, but you can't tell the truth with "sounds good" or "very nice", it's too fake!"

"..." Lu Yuan felt wronged.

He doesn't want to be blamed for this thing.

'I really don't mean that.'

However, looking at Wei Fat's angry face and the loss expression on the girl's face when she left, it seems that he really was wrong?

'What the hell!'

'Are these educated people's brain really so smart?'

'Where did I say wrong?'

Lu Yuan feels innocent no matter what...


After a short while, the voice of the young girl at the front door came.

"Shen Director, please come in. Brother Lu and Director Wei are on the second floor. They have been waiting for a long time."

When these words were heard, Lu Yuan and Wei Fat looked downstairs at the same time.

Then, they see the rich and handsome, Shen Lian Jie, whose smiling and holding an elegant girl with one hand around her waist, going up to the second floor...

At the moment when Shen Lian Jie and the girl walking upstairs...

Lu Yuan suddenly wanted to spit and smoke....

And Wei Fat suddenly wanted to pull his pants on the spot and pee...

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