
I do not want to be a villainess any more (GL). Erliu Li (a soft spot)

Tangli is a gold medal employee in the female supporting department of Kuaishou. Ever since she succeeded in the interview, she has been wandering between the vicious female supporting role and the dog-licking female supporting role. No matter how fragrant the rice is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much, not to mention those ordinary male protagonists? I'm tired of looking at it. So in the next mission, the character of Tang Li's vicious female supporting character collapsed. Author: Erliu Li (a soft spot) Translator: A wild dreamer (NOTE: I am not earning any money from this story. If the author has any objection for using the story without permission, do tell me and I will take it down immediately.)

A_Wild_Dreamer · LGBT+
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154 Chs

World 7 Ending Chapter 108

Chapter 108.

In the third year of the apocalypse, human beings have gradually returned to their previous living conditions. They have also become accustomed to having to be on guard against zombie attacks at all times, and regard zombies as their daily routine.

After the level of human beings with superpowers has been improved, zombies were at a disadvantage, the war continues.

There was a man sitting on the second floor of a single family villa in the base. He was wearing a blue and white striped patient uniform, his eyes showed longing. He was staring at the roses climbing on the wall of the hospital. Qi Yi pointed out. Then someone with superpowers came to help him pick this beautiful rose flower. Qi Yi held it with both hands pityingly and asked, "Is spring coming?"

"Mr. Qi, you remembered wrong again. It's autumn now."

Qi Yi looked stunned and seemed puzzled, and asked, "How come there are roses blooming in autumn?"

The superpower responsible for guarding him patiently repeated the same words day after day. He explained numbly, "This is because the flowers in the base were planted by the superpower Miss Lin Doukou and the rose flower you see was planted here by Miss Lin herself."

When Qi Yi heard Lin Doukou's name, he suddenly violently squeezed the rose flowers in his hand and cursed, "Disgusting woman!"

The superpower is used to his uncertainty. He doesn't understand the grudge between Qi Yi and Lin DouKuo, but the superpower knows that the rose flower planted by Lin DouKuo is to take revenge on Qi Yi, because Qi Yi's mind is different from that of ordinary people. Sometimes he is awake and sometimes crazy. In order to protect his safety, the manager of the base arranged many people with special abilities in this single family villa to take care of Qi Yi.

Everyone in the base knew how powerful Lin Doukou's mutant plant was. She was a member of the rose team and her captain Tangli was a confidant of the base administrator. So Lin Doukou took the administrator's password and sent this plant to the base, roses are planted in the villa. If there is any disturbance, the roses can remind Qi Yi in time and strengthen Qi Yi's protection. Therefore, Qi Yi can see the rose flower swaying in the wind every day, as if mocking Qi Yi. A trapped beast that cannot escape from its cage.

The superpower thought Lin Doukou had good intentions at first, but as time passed and the longer he stayed with Qi Yi, the more he could feel Qi Yi's resentment towards Lin Doukou.

When Qi Yi was awake, he would look at qiangweihua and giggle infatuatedly. Although he was still cursing harsh words, his eyes seemed to be missing something, which was incomprehensible.

His current condition is that of madness. Crushing the flower will not satisfy Qi Yi. He has to raise his head and eat the flower mud into his mouth. His mouth is stained with the juice of the flower, and he looks like beast with no trace of humanity at all.

The superpower user looked at Qi Yi going crazy indifferently. He felt that Qi Yi was pitiful, but he also felt that he was destined to be like this.

This man should have enjoyed the highest honor, but he went crazy and became delirious. The managers were worried that he could not take care of himself. If something went wrong with Qi Yi, the research on zombie viruses might be in vain. Therefore, the manager gave him the best treatment, pampered him every day, and lived like an ancient emperor.

However, he could only stay in the villa in a daze all his life, unable to go anywhere.

When the superpower user thought about this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Qi Yi brought new hope to mankind three years ago, that is, crystal nuclei can stimulate supernatural powers. Once this news was announced, no one would believe it, thinking that it was impossible to happen. The existence of crystal nuclei has no meaning other than being used as currency, it is to increase energy for people with superpowers. Can it really stimulate superpowers by itself? So the base manager released data again, proving that this method is real and effective.

On that day, everyone in the base cheered, some had tears in their eyes and some couldn't restrain their excitement and wanted to immediately try to use crystal nuclei to activate superpowers.

That night, the lights were brightly lit, and no one wanted to fall asleep. They were all looking forward to having special powers.

And the appearance of Qi Yi is the first person to use crystal nuclei to activate super powers, so he cannot escape the fate of being inspected by professor Huang. After all, this is a big matter and must be treated with caution. Professor Huang needs to use data to prove that Qi Yi is not lying.

Later, professor Huang not only verified that Qi Yi's method was effective, but also found that his blood had a strong inhibitory effect on the virus. This amazing result made professor Huang laugh crazily, picked up the information and kicked the door of anager's office.

Since then, Qi Yi has become the top secret and because of his confusion, he was eventually placed in this single family villa and stayed there for three years.

This is the third year and the roses are blooming every day. Qi Yi is gradually becoming haggard and pale, but the roses will never be defeated.

The superpower user pushed the wheelchair and said, "Mr. Qi, I will take you to wash your hands."

Qi Yi's eyes were dull. When he heard that he was leaving here, he quickly turned his head back and looked at the roses on the wall of the courtyard. He said, "I want to go out."

"Mr. Qi, what are you going to do when you go out? There are people waiting for you here. There is good wine and meat. Why do you want to go out? There are zombies outside. If you are injured, it will be bad." Comforting Qi Yi, he didn't understand what Qi Yi was dissatisfied with. Although he had lost his freedom, the living conditions in the villa were luxurious that others could only dream of. The base treated him so well, but they were afraid that he would be in danger if he went out, so manager built this villa specifically for him and sent someone to protect him.

Qi Yi suddenly raised his voice and resisted: "I have superpowers! I won't be hurt by zombies! I just want to go out!"

The superpower user said calmly, "Mr. Qi, we are thinking about you, we are all for your own good."

He comforted Qi Yi and said, "Mr. Qi, do you still want roses? How about I pick a few more roses for you?"

Qi Yi's eyes widened and he stared at the superpower user, "I want to see Lin Doukou and Tangli."

The superpower user said in embarrassment, "Mr. Qi, you... need me to report this to my superiors."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

"Then let me take you to wash your hands first."

After getting the reply from the superpower user, the irritable Qi Yi miraculously calmed down, neither noisy nor fussy, like a normal person.

The superpower saw him staring blankly at the mutated goldfish in the bathtub, gestured in one direction and left, and another superpower user took his place.

He didn't dare to delay the matter, so he found the manager's secretary. The man pushed up his glasses, "Okay, I understand."

The secretary went to see the manager again. When he learned about Qi Yi's request, the manager approved it. However, when the secretary was leaving, the manager said, "I investigated the conflict between Qi Yi and Tang Li three years ago. It's clear. Qi Yi is a small minded person, so much so that he is insane and even insults Lin Doukou. If Tangli and the others don't want to come, then that's it."

The secretary immediately understood the manager's thoughts, closed the door respectfully and then wiped his glasses. It seemed that he would be more attentive to Tangli and the others in the future.

He arranged the official business at hand and came to the place where Tang Li lived politely.

But as soon as the secretary got out of the car, he heard Tangli's scolding.

The secretary raised his eyebrows in surprise, stood with those who loved to join in the fun, and watched the show leisurely.

Ten minutes ago, Tang Li had just returned to the base. She jumped out of the truck and Tong Hao shouted, "Captain, aren't you going to have meal with us?"

Tangli waved her hand without looking back, "I'm going home to get something. You go to Aunt Liu's small restaurant to wait for me."

"Then hurry up."

At this time, Lin Doukou made a sound, "I forgot to take something, and you didn't even bring me with you!"

"Be good, I'll be right back!"

When Tong Hao was talking, Tangli was too lazy to look back. Now that it was Lin Doukou, how could Tangli not look back? Not only did she turn back, but she also made a heart sign on her head with both hands. She has many tricks to make children happy.

Tong Hao was amazed and said to Lin Doukou, "Every time I see the captain like this, I don't get used to it. It's very different from her usual state on missions!"

Fang Wei also nodded in agreement, Huang Mingren wiped his gun and smiled without saying anything.

Three years have passed, and everyone has changed a lot.

Tong Hao became an earth type superpower user, Huang Mingren and Fang Wei failed to activate their superpowers, and Lin Doukou successfully became the water type superpower as she wanted.

As soon as she waved her hand, the bubbles filled Tong Hao's face with water, "You'll be fine as long as you get used to it."

Tong Hao wiped his face bitterly, "You just washed my face. It seems that Daukou also knows that my face is very dirty."

Fang Wei couldn't help laughing.

Lin Doukou rolled her eyes at him angrily, "If you keep talking bad, I won't let aunt Liu cook for you!"

The aunt Liu she was talking about was her nanny before the apoclypse. Two years ago, Lin Doukou discovered aunt Liu and her family in the crowd and knew that she wanted to enter the base. Lin Doukou helped her a lot. Later, aunt Liu opened a small restaurant in the base and the business was pretty good.

"That's my mother-in-law!"

Lin Doukou curled her lips in disgust, not wanting to continue arguing with him.

However, there was a smile in Lin Doukou's eyes and it was a really beautiful feeling to see the people around her slowly getting better and no longer ending up as in the original dream. For example, Tong Hao did not die early, but now he has become a powerful person in his own right. He also has a relationship with aunt Liu's daughter. Everyone is moving towards a happy life, which makes Lin Doukou extremely moved.


When Lin Doukou arrived at the small restaurant, Xin Miao had just finished eating with her teammates and was about to leave. The two women said hello and passed by.

Tong Hao couldn't help but look at Xin Miao a few more times. Fang Wei nudged him with his arm and reminded, "Xiaowei is also in the store, be careful if she sees you like this."

Lin Doukou agreed, "You already have a girlfriend, why do you still look at other women?"

Tong Hao hurriedly explained, "You have all misunderstood. I don't think it's for other reasons, Xin Miao. I'm just curious that you two can still talk after meeting each other. There's no tense atmosphere at all. I've wanted to ask before, but I'm afraid you'll quarrel with me. It's been three years now, so you shouldn't quarrel with me anymore, and it's time for me to understand where the peace between you two comes from."

Lin Doukou sat in her old seat, holding her chin and looking at Tong Hao, "We are not enemies. Isn't it weird to meet and say hello? I know you are curious about why I am willing to live in peace with her. The main reason is her. She listened to my advice and stopped pestering Xiaoli."

The main problem is that Xin Miao's crime is not as serious as Qi Yi's. As long as she is willing to listen to advice, Lin Doukou doesn't want to make enemies. Why should a woman embarrass a woman? Fortunately, Xin Miao was still clear headed and did not make any more mistakes. However, Lin Doukou believed that part of the reason was that she could no longer find Qi Yi, the guy who was colluding with her, so Xin Miao would not make trouble as usual.

Tong Hao asked curiously, "What advice? Why don't I know? I've never heard you say it."

Lin Doukou moved to the side, wanting to draw a clear line with Tong Hao, "We are not familiar enough to tell you everything. By the way, how are you handling the affairs of your parents and your brother?" Are you ready?"

Tong Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly, "You are the only one who would stab me in the heart. I went a step too late and only saved my brother. The base suffered heavy casualties. The medical staff wished that one of them could be used as ten people. The light power no one can save my parents."

Lin Doukou frowned. She had no interest in getting to know the people in the Tong family, so she really didn't know their situation. Seeing that Tong Hao was in a good mood recently, Lin Doukou thought that nothing serious happened to his family.

Lin Doukou said apologetically: "Sorry."

He shook his head nonchalantly and said, "Maybe I have become cold blooded now. After knowing their news, I was a little sad, but I soon calmed down. As for my brother, I just gave him a crystal core bag and just ignores him, after all, they haven't come to see me in the past three years, have they?"

Having said this, he sighed and looked at Lin Doukou with a deep apology in his eyes, "Actually, it's me who should be sorry. My family and I have caused some harm to you in the past. Thank you for being willing to let the captain take me with you, instead of abandoning me like my family members."

Lin Doukou had already let go of the past and the things in her dreams, because now she had Tang Li, and every day she spent with Tang Li was so happy. Even if there were quarrels and disputes, Lin Doukou never thought about it. After leaving her, Lin Doukou focused all her attention on the present, leaving no time to think about the past.

"Don't mention the past, it's meaningless."

Tong Hao said quietly: "Yes."

Huang Mingren didn't want to make the atmosphere too awkward, so he interrupted, "What did the captain go back to get?"

Lin Doukou shrugged, "Don't look at me, I don't know either. If I knew, why did I shout those words in the car before?"

Tong Hao teased, "Wait, the captain is fast anyway, so she shouldn't keep us waiting for too long."

As a person with super powers, Tangli was of course not very slow. She ran home with steady breathing, but before she could open the door, she was stalked by an old acquaintance.

This old acquaintance was Liu Zhenglong, whom she met in the suburbs. He winked at Tang Li, which was quite an eye catching expression for a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

Tangli's mouth twitched and said helplessly: "Why is it you again!"

Three years ago, bodyguard Fang Wei and the others met Liu Zhenglong in the market. Later, his son and daughter both developed supernatural powers, so they moved into a unit building rebuilt on the base and became neighbors with Tangli.

Liu Zhenglong was about to speak but Tang Li held her forehead and said, "Liu Zhenglong, I have something serious to do today. If you have something to say, just say it. If you don't want to say it, just leave it alone!"

"I'll tell you! Miss Tang, there's something I don't know what to do. Why don't you come to my house?" Liu Zhenglong smiled in apology. He had finally figured out Tangli's temper. He felt that in Tangli's eyes, he is still a normal person. As long as he speaks politely, Tangli will not usually ignore him.

Liu Zhenglong added: "You'd better come and take a look. If you don't come, I'm afraid I will die tomorrow."

Tang Li gritted her teeth, "Then why don't you leave quickly and wait for death?"

She quickly left Liu Zhenglong behind, jumped off the corridor railing, and arrived at the door of Liu Zhenglong's house with a few light jumps.

Liu Zhenglong covered his heart, admiring the psychological endurance of the superpowers more and more. It was so high that Tang Li could jump down without changing her expression.

He stood there and shouted to Tangli, "Please open the door, I won't go in."

Otherwise, you... may scold me to death.

Tangli curled her lips speechlessly, opened the door without hesitation, and walked in. Unexpectedly, there were two people standing in the living room. When Tangli appeared, the two people immediately knelt down and worshiped, "Miss Tang, please let us join team rose, we brother and sister are willing to stay and serve you."

[Hahahahahaha, good guy, now Liu Zhenglong no longer recommends his son and daughter, but recommends others instead? ]

Tang Li sneered and said, "My team never accepts anything with evil intentions. You two didn't know where you found out that Liu Zhenglong and I knew each other, so you came over to threaten him, right? I had rejected you, but I didn't expect you to still not give up."

She grabbed the man's throat and lifted him up forcefully. Her slender fingers contained huge power, and the purple thunder light "sizzled" and wrapped around her fingers.

"I don't kill people casually, but this is the last chance. If you do something stupid again, I will let you die directly."

Tangli threw the man against the wall, and he coughed hard while covering his neck.

[Why did they focus on you, Tangtang? ]

"I'm too lazy to guess at those ungrateful things."

Tangli opened the door with a bolt of lightning, and the commotion attracted people downstairs to watch. The man and woman were also dragged down by Tangli and thrown downstairs.

Tangli's eyes were cold and the lightning in her hands frightened everyone, "Remember, this is the last chance."

She scanned the crowd and keenly caught the secretary's figure.

The secretary nodded to her with a smile, and Tang Li pursed her lips.

Sometimes it's like this. The more serious things you have to do, the more trouble comes your way.

"It's so annoying." She muttered to 001.

[Don't worry, Doukou can't escape. ]

Tangli set off back to her residence, followed closely by the secretary, her figure fluttering like the shadow of a leaf swaying in the wind, disappearing.

Tangli looked sideways at Liu Zhenglong, who was standing there blankly, "Why don't you go home quickly and clean up the house? Do you want me to take you back?"

When Liu Zhenglong saw that Tang Li did not take her anger out on him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hands in surrender, "Miss Tang, don't worry, I'll get out right now! "

There was no more people waiting, so the secretary said politely, "Captain Tang."

"What's going on today?"

The secretary pushed up his glasses and said calmly, "Mr. Qi wants to see captain Tang and Miss Lin."

Tangli turned her face sideways and said, "I don't want to go, and neither does Daukou."

"Okay, I understand." The secretary understood Tangli, and no one wanted to get into this big trouble. Besides, Qi Yi once loved Lin Doukou, so Tangli's attitude was understandable.

"Why don't I see Miss Lin?" The two of them were always inseparable, and the secretary was quite surprised not to see Lin Doukou here today.

Tangli opened the door, "I'm back to get something. Sorry, I may not have time to entertain you."

"Captain Tang is too polite, you don't need to pay attention to me."

Tangli smiled perfunctorily, decisively locked the secretary out, and whispered, "Hypocritical smiling tiger."

After a while, Tangli opened the door again and saw the secretary who had not left yet.

She raised her chin, but still didn't take the stairs and fell down from the stairs neatly.

Tangli put her hands in her pockets. No one could stop her from going to the restaurant today.

[Tangtang, are you nervous? ]

"Well, a little bit."

[Eh? I really didn't expect you to be nervous, Tangtang. ]

Tang Li said with a smile, "It's normal. I believe no matter who it is, they will be nervous."

The appearance of a beautiful woman with long hair is expected.

Aunt Liu patted Lin Doukou and said, "Doukou, look who is here."

Lin Doukou turned around, a smile appeared unconsciously and she said sweetly: "You are finally back."

Tangli came over and rubbed her hair, "Are you in a hurry?"

"No, what did you go home to get?"

At this time, Tangli held Lin Doukou's hand. In full view of everyone, she bent down and said softly, "Today is your birthday, so this year's gift is me."

"So, Miss Lin Doukou, are you willing to marry me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Tangli opened the red heart shaped ring box containing the matching rings, revealing a rose ring and a rose ring inside.

At the same time, other people present also took off their disguises, aunt Liu walked out with the cake and Tong Hao and the others had already hung up the balloons quickly.

Lin Doukou cried with joy, "It turns out you were all hiding this from me."

Tang Li smiled, "Then do you want to get married?"

"Marry! Of course we must marry!"

Lin Doukou threw herself into her arms and smiled brightly.

After finally meeting the person she loves, she doesn't want to let Tang Li go!

She will follow Tangli forever.