
I do not want to be a villainess any more (GL). Erliu Li (a soft spot)

Tangli is a gold medal employee in the female supporting department of Kuaishou. Ever since she succeeded in the interview, she has been wandering between the vicious female supporting role and the dog-licking female supporting role. No matter how fragrant the rice is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much, not to mention those ordinary male protagonists? I'm tired of looking at it. So in the next mission, the character of Tang Li's vicious female supporting character collapsed. Author: Erliu Li (a soft spot) Translator: A wild dreamer (NOTE: I am not earning any money from this story. If the author has any objection for using the story without permission, do tell me and I will take it down immediately.)

A_Wild_Dreamer · LGBT+
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154 Chs

World 7 Chapter 107

Chapter 107.

The news about Tangli's promotion spread quickly throughout the base after being told by Lin Doukou. The base manager who originally wanted to assign a task to Tangli immediately withdrew his order and chose another superpower user after hearing about it. The reason why he treated Tangli so carefully was because Tangli's promotion was a good thing for the base, and he would not choose to disturb Tangli at this time.

Everyone in the base knew about this, not to mention Qi Yi, who was in the same team and cared about Lin Doukou very much. His first thought was not to congratulate Tangli. He thought of Lin Doukou without Tangli's protection escort, wouldn't such a beautiful and fragrant beauty be at your fingertips?

So Qi Yi confidently went to see Lin Doukou, and what happened before was that he squatted at the door waiting for Lin Doukou.

But Qi Yi underestimated how much Lin DouKuo disliked him. Instead of using supernatural powers to get close to Lin DouKuo, Qi Yi heard the news that Lin DouKuo was already with Tang Li.

Qi Yi's longing for Lin Doukou has stuck in his mind from the first moment they met her. Perhaps from Lin Doukou's perspective, Qi Yi was just a stranger at the time, but for Qi Yi, he didn't realize it until he met Lin Doukou. He knew what Jingwei Tianren was, and also understood why Tong Hao was willing to come to Lin Doukou despite his family's objections.

At that time, Qi Yi found that there was only one woman in the villa, Lin Doukou. He was a little secretly happy, thinking that Lin Doukou would definitely get close to the strong, so he had to show his power. Only in this way could he attract Lin Doukou. Even if Tong Hao is an eyesore, he is not afraid. What qualifications does an ordinary person have to compete with a powerful person for a woman?

But the arrival of another woman broke all Qi Yi's illusions.

She was unstoppable and in her eyes there seemed to be nothing difficult enough for her, so Tangli gained Lin Doukou's trust and the followers of others.

But Qi Yi hated Tang Li so much. It was because of her existence that Lin Doukou couldn't see him.

Qi Yi thought viciously, hoping that there would be an accident with Tang Li's promotion of super powers. It would be best if she died, so that Qi Yi, as the second super power user of the rose team, could legitimately take over the team, and he could still occupy Lin DouKou.

He was not an honest and peaceful character to begin with, and now he was angered by Lin Doukou's words. He believed that Lin Doukou had ruined the love in his heart. The goddess fell into the world and fell into the arms of others. How could Qi Yi endure it?

Then, it is natural that he will take action at night.

It's just that Qi Yi is destined to fall into the hands of these two women.

At this moment, he was tied to the bed by the electric grid, his limbs were twisted, and his face was pale, which made his vicious eyes even more frightening.

Qi Yi said resentfully: "Tangli, you must have taken Lin Doukou by force! Otherwise, how could she agree to be with a woman!"

He was jealous of Tang Li. When he saw the sweet scene of Lin Doukou holding Tang Li's arm, Qi Yi, who had lost his mind, started talking nonsense.

He cannot compare with Tang Li in terms of strength, and he still cannot compare with her in terms of love, which makes the pretentious Qi Yi unable to accept this reality.

Qi Yi murmured to himself crazily: "I am the first batch of superpowers at the beginning of the apocalypse, and I have also discovered new ways to activate superpowers. Who in the world can compare with me? I am the best strong man! But why would Lin Doukou rather follow you than take another look at me?"

Lin Doukou sneered, "Stop complaining and worrying about others. Garbage is garbage. The most important place you should go is the garbage station, instead of letting me be the person who picks up garbage."

Tangli almost fell on Lin Doukou laughing, "He is not in his right mind and what he says is nonsense. Don't pay attention to him."

When Qi Yi broke the window and entered the room, the pot of roses standing quietly in the corner had already informed Lin Doukou. At that time, they were both kissing in the flower room, but they didn't know that Qi Yi had come to disturb the scenery. Tangli's temper suddenly got the best of her, and she kissed Lin Doukou hard and was taken out of the greenhouse, so Tangli had to vent all her anger on Qi Yi.

Tangli heard Qi Yi's voice coming from the direction of the single bed, but couldn't see anyone, so she knew he must have acquired a new power.

This guy who dared to offend Lin Doukou late at night would not be a pity to die, but Tang Li had other plans, so he couldn't die.

Her eyes suddenly turned dark, and she sneered coldly: "Qi Yi, you are the one who sought your own death, don't blame anyone."

As Tangli called Qi Yi's name, he found that his thoughts seemed to be out of his control. It was like there was an invisible thread, forcibly lifting Qi Yi's head, allowing Qi Yi to look at Tangli from a strange angle.

Qi Yi and Tang Li looked at each other. He felt that Tang Li's gaze seemed to have a strong attraction to him, so Qi Yi had to look at Tang Li closely.

In those eyes, Qi Yi seemed to see the sea of ​​​​stars, which was so bright, beautiful, and shining, worthy of being infatuated. The moment he saw the sea of ​​​​stars, Qi Yi was fascinated by it. He thought that he could stay there for the rest of his life. Here, he occupy this beauty alone.

There was a look of infatuation on his face, and his eyes were no longer as shrewd and mean as before.

Qi Yi slowly closed his eyes and lowered his head. If his chest wasn't still rising and falling, people might have misunderstood that he had no breath.

Tangli withdrew her spiritual power. Her temples were swollen and painful. She rubbed them and whispered, "Doukou, I feel so uncomfortable."

Lin Doukou hurriedly hugged her and asked worriedly: "Tangli, what did you do?"

Tangli pretended to be weak and explained: "Tampering with his memory, in a word, makes him stupid."

Lin Doukou stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. She didn't care about Qi Yi at all. Instead, she blamed Tang Li, "Just kill him. Why bother with this!"

Tangli leaned against her neck, her breath lingering stickyly on the side of Lin Doukou's neck. Tangli slowly tightened the arm around her waist, "Didn't Qi Yi discover a way to activate supernatural powers? I know that Daukou has always wanted to have her own superpower. When the time comes, let the manager of the base ask Qi Yi how he did it, and then Daukou's wish will come true."

In the plot, the method of using zombie crystal nuclei to activate superpowers was only developed in the late stages of the apocalypse. But now we don't know how the plot will collapse. Tang Li won't be surprised that Qi Yi discovered this secret by accident.

The method was announced early, which would have many benefits for mankind, but Tangli could not reveal this information to the outside world regardless of her and Lin Doukou's safety. She had to protect herself first before she could care about the world.

Therefore, Tang Li did not take Qi Yi's life. He was the most suitable person, not only because he knew the method of supernatural powers, but also because he was the savior of this doomsday and he could not die.

So she can only temporarily spend some time to break through his thinking. In this way, the manager can get the answer to whatever he wants to ask him.

Thinking is like the high wall of the base, firmly protecting him.

Only by breaking through can Tangli break in.

Tangli kissed her cheek and smiled: "Isn't it more profitable than killing him?"

Lin Doukou's eyes were bright. She nodded sharply, "Yes, yes! You are the most thoughtful."


At this time, Tang Li took out a crystal core, which was dark blue, like the vast sea.

"Didn't you say you wanted water powers?" From that time on, Tangli prepared several crystal nuclei with the most energy for Lin Doukou, which were zombie crystal nuclei she had collected while out on missions. Several people with water powers wanted to buy it from Tang Li, but Tang Li didn't agree. After all, this was for Lin Doukou, she didn't want to give it to anyone else.

Lin Doukou's eyes widened in surprise, and she said incoherently: "You...how do you have a water crystal core?"

Tang Li smiled, "It's prepared for you."

In fact, Tangli originally wanted to find an opportunity to tell Lin Doukou about the superpowers stimulated by the crystal core, but she was afraid that she would become suspicious if she told her, so instead she did something bad with good intentions.

Now that Qi Yi has come out, Tang Li can take this opportunity to take out the crystal core.

Lin Doukou raised her lips gently. She had never thought about the crystal core.

She was satisfied with the status quo by activating her abilities in advance and did not want to break this peace by telling the secret of the crystal core. The time she told Tangli that she wanted water type powers was just a complaint, but she didn't expect that Tangli would keep this in mind and help her prepare the water type crystal core early.

Her eyes turned red unconsciously, she kissed Tangli's lips devoutly, "Thank you."

It turns out that this is how it feels to be taken seriously by someone and her eyes will become wet with hopelessness just because of her words.

Tang Li touched the end of her eyes helplessly, "It's fine, why are you crying."

Lin Doukou blinked her eyelashes, her crystal tears rolled down and she said stubbornly: "I call these tears of happiness, do you understand?"

Tangli laughed, "Yeah, I don't understand. How can I be as smart as DouKuo." She hugged Lin DouKuo again and sighed, "Stop crying, it's so heartbreaking."

"I'm trying not to cry."

Tangli heard her crying and in her heart she just wanted to be nicer to Lin Doukou, and wanted to be twice as nice to her.

Tangli couldn't bear Lin Doukou's eyes swollen from crying and slowly talked about other topics, "I just used my superpower to check his mind and found a way for the crystal core to activate the superpower. I'll wait for when DouKuo wants to have superpowers. Now, let's use crystal nuclei to activate it, what do you think?"

Lin Doukou didn't want to get involved with Qi Yi. She added, "Can't you control him? Let Qi Yi go see the base manager by himself. Let's keep this matter clean so that the manager won't worry about it later. He becomes suspicious and cause trouble for us. Fortunately, you had the foresight and did not reveal your other superpower. Now no one else knows that you are a psychic superpower user."

"We are all people with families, so of course we have to be more cautious when considering things."

Lin Doukou smiled angrily, "You're just putting gold on your face again."

Tangli secretly kissed the side of her face, "What does gold mean? Aren't you my girlfriend? Look, I even kissed you. Not only can I kiss you, I can also do more extreme things."

How could Lin Doukou still be in the mood to cry? She spent all her time scolding Tangli, "You're dirty!"

Tang Li pecked her lips and said with a smile: "Qi Yi's matter will be done as you say. Anyway, I am a sleeping superpower now. The manager will not doubt me if he doubts anyone."

"Yes, as for my superpower, I will activate it next time we go on a mission. Then I can use the mission as a shield. I have seen other superpowers explode their potential in times of danger. I will make this excuse lest some people questioned it."

"Then let's do it."

Lin Doukou smiled sweetly, "It's great to have you."

Tangli looked at her tenderly, "I feel very lucky to have met you."

"Huh, that's pretty much it."

At this time, Tangli urged Lin Doukou very consciously, "It's time for me to go back to the flower room."

Lin Doukou swallowed and said hesitantly: "How about we stay here today? Don't go back to the flower room."

The child really can't bear it anymore, Tangli is always tormenting her!

Tang Li said solemnly, "No, Daukou said she wanted to hide me, so I have to be obedient."

Lin Doukou wrinkled the tip of her nose and said angrily: "If you can, don't touch me. Just stay in the flower room."

Tang Li chuckled and retorted: "That's not okay, you have to give me some benefits."

Suddenly, she frowned and her eyes were about to speak, as if she was accusing Lin Doukou of being ruthless. Tangli said softly: "Oh, I feel dizzy. It seems that my superpower is overloaded. I need Doukou's comfort."

If her girlfriend is so pitiful, then how could Lin Doukou be willing to reject her expressionlessly?

The room returned to darkness again. The rose vines restrained Qi Yi who was lying on the ground. They coexisted harmoniously with the power grid that flowed purple current from time to time. They were both watching over Qi Yi and helping the two women who had returned to the flower room to deal with the problem. As they talked about trivial matters, everything returned to calm. They couldn't see the stars in the sky at night, but this didn't mean that they couldn't appreciate the beauty of the moon and stars in the future, because this was just a temporary predicament, not a lifetime.



A tall, strong man knocked on the door. After getting the manager's permission, he walked steadily to the manager's side and finished speaking in a low voice.

The manager's pen tip couldn't help but leave ink marks on the paper. He said in a deep voice: "Check it out thoroughly and find out the identity of Qi Yi! Tell professor Huang not to worry, and wait until he finds out. Yes, I will let professor Huang take over this matter."

The manager closed the pen cap and asked again, "How is Tangli doing? Is she still asleep?"

The brawny man said methodically, "There is nothing unusual about Lin Doukou's performance. There is no change from before."

He cautiously warned the brawny man, "Stop letting people follow Lin Doukou. She and Tangli have no problem. Now that Tangli is asleep, Qi Yi should go and explain a few words to her and Lin Doukou. We can't let a living person disappear from the base."


The manager waved his hand, and the brawny man saluted and left the office.

As soon as the brawny man left, the manager narrowed his eyes and said to the person: "Keep an eye on him and Qin Lanxin. If there is any trouble, don't report it, just leave it to your disposal. The things that were taken in and out should have been dealt with long ago."

His command prompted the hidden superpower to respond, and then silently followed behind the brawny man.

The manager pinched his eyebrows, and there were serious lines on the corners of his unsmiling mouth. He said, "I hope Qi Yi's words are true."

On this day, Lin Doukou was stopped by someone. The person standing in front of her was Xin Miao. Seeing her appearance, Lin Doukou didn't take it seriously.

She said lightly: "What do you want to say."

Xin Miao looked Lin Doukou up and down, "I'm not here to ruin the relationship between you two. I want to join you."

The indifference on Lin Doukou's face disappeared for a second, and she coughed a few times in horror. She couldn't believe that these words came from a woman's mouth.

Lin Doukou collapsed, "Do you have three views?"

Xin Miao asked her in confusion: "Three views? Since the apoclypse, human beings have long lost their three views, and human nature is about to be extinct. You come to tell me about the three views? Lin Doukou, you are not me, you have never encounter those sufferings, so there is still hope and light in your heart. I am different. As long as I can survive, I can do anything. In the past, I had no powers. I was usurped by others. Then I had powers. Suddenly, I understand why they become arrogant, because I can easily tower over ordinary people and human beings can die with the move of a finger. I don't want to kill you, I want to stay with Tangli with you. Okay?"

Lin Doukou raised her hand to stop her rambling, "There is no real empathy in the world. As you said, we are different. I cannot accept your point of view and you cannot agree to my proposal. Just like that it's a circle, but you insist on saying it's a square. That's the difference between us. I won't refute your conclusion of a square, but you have to understand that Tangli, like me, will think it's a circle, not a square."

Speaking of which, Lin Doukou's feelings for Xin Miao were not so bad that she wanted to fight her. Generally speaking, they were not enemies. The only point of conflict was that Xin Miao coveted Tang Li, which made Lin Doukou think of hiding Tang Li.

But now Lin Doukou has gained all. Tangli's sense of security. She no longer worries about gains and losses and no longer worries about becoming enemies with Tangli.

They have had a heart-to-heart talk and revealed their true feelings.

So when Lin Doukou faced Xin Miao this time, she was very calm.

Xin Miao was silent. Lin Doukou looked like this and was the most difficult to deal with. She would rather Lin Doukou became hysterical because of her words than see this scene.

Xin Miao pursed her lips sourly and laughed at herself, "Do you think I'm ridiculous?"

"It's okay, since Tangli is single, everyone has the right to pursue her."

Lin Doukou smiled and said, "But it doesn't work now. She is my girlfriend. If you continue to insist on your own way, it will be a wrong behavior."

Xin Miao's eyes became distracted, but there was a feeling in her heart that she had already guessed the answer.

Lin Doukou walked past her, looked sideways, "The apoclypse is very gloomy, but we are human beings after all. Don't turn yourself into something worse than a zombie."

She just walked a few steps, then came back and said, "Stay away from Qi Yi from now on, he is not a good person."

Xin Miao opened her eyes in embarrassment. She was a little afraid to see Lin Doukou's eyes. It was a very bright light, which made her, who was used to living in the dark, feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Doukou saw the team badge on her chest and said, "You are also very good, joining this team."

"Not as good as team rose."

Lin Doukou sighed helplessly, "Why do you always want to compare with others?"

Xin Miao whispered: "I'm used to it."

"It will be very tiring. Don't make yourself uncomfortable."

Xin Miao didn't answer and Lin Doukou wasn't interested in saying anything more to her, so she turned and left.

Suddenly, Xin Miao asked, "When will Miss Tang wake up?"

Lin Doukou rolled her eyes and said, "Probably in the next few days."

Tangli, if she doesn't want to come out, she has to come out for me!

Don't let her think about that all day long!

Although... although I am also very happy, the energy of the superpower is really too strong, and I, an ordinary person, cannot bear it.

Xin Miao smiled for a long time and murmured, "That's good."

Square or circle, it doesn't matter what the answer is.

The important thing is that Tangli chose Yuan.

She stared at Lin Doukou's back, tightened her clothes, and no matter how much she dressed like Lin Doukou, she could not replace her.

Xin Miao looked up at the snow and said, "It's snowing again."

I don't know when the sunny weather will come.

Perhaps it was because Xin Miao's words reminded Lin Doukou that Tangli would have been asleep for half a month. If she didn't wake up, someone in the base would spread bad news.

So, now she was pointing at the door and said angrily to Tang Li, "Go out and meet someone!"

Tangli put her hands together and the old god said: "I don't!"

Lin Doukou's shoulders slumped and she lost all her momentum. She stepped forward and pressed against Tangli, saying sweetly, "Good sister, it's been fifteen days. It's time for us to go out."

"How can I go out and find a comfortable greenhouse? There are flowers and Doukou. It's so beautiful."

Lin Doukou felt that the old saying was really correct. What it meant was that one's own misfortune would lead to death, and she was the one it was talking about!

Lin Doukou grunted and said coquettishly: "Good sister, seeing as how I've been eaten up by you these days, let's not stay in the flower room."

Tangli smiled slyly, tapped Lin Doukou's lips with her finger, and said jokingly, "Don't you want to hide me?"

Lin Doukou said coyly, "I still want to, but, I want the kind of hiding that is pure and devoid of desires."

"Oh, I don't know who it is. She came the day before yesterday or yesterday. She is very enthusiastic and proactive. She seems to be surnamed Lin. What is her name? You should know it well, right?"

Lin Doukou blushed, "It's not you yet!"

She was so annoyed by what Tang Li said that she turned to anger. She pushed Tang Li and walked out. Anyway, she was no longer in the greenhouse now, so she should do whatever she had to do!

She pulled Tangli and knocked on Tong Hao's door, saying excitedly, "Everyone! Tangli is awake!"

But Lin Doukou seemed to have forgotten one thing, and that was that no matter whether he was in the greenhouse or not, some things should be done.

So Tangli smiled and said nothing, looking at Lin Doukou fondly.

[Silly girl. ]

But very cute.