
I dispose Corpses In Konoha

Travel through the world of Naruto and become a member of the medical department of Konoha Village and the corpse disposal team. Uchiha Natsu, with mediocre aptitude, originally thought that he would eat and wait for death for a lifetime, and then run away on the night of the genocide. Until one time when dealing with the corpse of an S-rank rebel, I found that the back… I didn't write it And, I will post the Advance chapter on Patreon -patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 50 advance chapter on [patreon] buy me a cup of coffee https://ko-fi.com/harsh07 --------------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Chapter 51: Uzuki Yugao came to Rescue

Kakashi could sense that his chakra was depleting rapidly. To maintain the Sharingan, which he couldn't close, he had to expend a significant amount of chakra. Despite having a total chakra reservoir greater than an average Jōnin, the continuous drain from the Sharingan left him in a constant state of chakra loss.

While Sharingan enhanced his burst-killing ability, it significantly reduced his stamina in prolonged combat. This battle, coupled with the dissipation of his shadow clones, exacerbated Kakashi's chakra depletion.

He lifted his head to observe the "Senju" on the opposing side. Kakashi sensed an almost omnipotent presence from this formidable opponent, who appeared to have eyes even on their back. Trusting his intuition, Kakashi evaded an attack without looking back.

"The strength of this person is too unfathomable," Kakashi admitted, using Sharingan to gauge the surging chakra within the "Akira Senju." The chakra levels seemed to match or even surpass Kakashi's prime, rendering the situation nearly impossible to confront. The vast chakra gap posed a threat that could exhaust Kakashi to his demise.

As Kakashi faced this daunting situation, Uchiha Natsu's wooden clone defeated both of Kakashi's remaining shadow clones. Without the Sharingan's enhancement and hindered by chakra deficiency, the clones proved no match for the wood clone. Meanwhile, an Anbu Jōnin engaged in a stalemate with the wood clone, leveraging the basic wood escape and three-body technique, as the wood clone lacked the chakra for the wood dragon technique.

However, Anbu Jōnin remained at a disadvantage and could not sustain the stalemate for long. After dealing with Kakashi's clones, Uchiha Natsu's two additional wooden clones, combined with the first wooden clone, encircled Kakashi.

The lead wooden clone turned its attention to the injured Anbu members on the ground, confirming their safety. With a disdainful tone, it addressed Kakashi, "Only you are barely qualified to be my prey. Your subordinates are not worth mentioning."

Sweat dripped from Kakashi's forehead, acknowledging the accuracy of "Senju Akira's" words. Despite feeling anxious, Kakashi had to endure and buy time for Konoha's reinforcements. With less than three minutes passed since the start of the battle, Kakashi hoped to hold on for an additional two or three minutes until help arrived.

In a sudden turn of events, Uchiha Natsu's wooden clone halted its movements, turning towards Konoha Ninja Army's garrison. A ninja squad rapidly approached, catching Kakashi's attention. Despite Kakashi's warning not to come, Hayate and his team disregarded the caution.

"Naoto, Hayato, you two take the wounded away. Yugao and I will go help Kakashi-senpai!" Hayate instructed his teammates. Acknowledging the plan, Naoto and Hayato moved to evacuate the injured, while Uzuki Yugao, armed with a Katana, and Hayate headed to support Kakashi.

Kakashi couldn't help but feel anxious as he realized that even the two special Jōnin in his team might not be a match for the wooden clones. Nevertheless, the team approached, and Kakashi hoped that they could somehow turn the tide.

Uchiha Natsu's first wooden clone sneered, raising its right hand as wooden stalks began to grow. Kakashi, aware of his depleted state and facing a three-sided onslaught, feared for his life.

However, Uchiha Natsu's wooden Clone abruptly ceased its actions. Turning its head, it gazed towards the approaching Konoha Ninja Army's squad. Kakashi, puzzled by the sudden change, wondered why "Akira Senju" showed no intention of attacking.

"Is there no strength left?" The lead wooden Clone taunted, raising its right hand with growing wooden stalks.

In response, Uzuki Yugao frowned, dismissing the strange wording. Without further inquiry into Uchiha Natsu's identity, she swiftly approached the first wooden clone and executed a fast and precise strike with her Katana.

"Shua!" Uchiha Natsu's wooden clone split, but immediately turned into two wooden pieces. Uzuki Yugao, unperturbed, retracted her sword and turned towards another spot, where the previously split wooden clone reemerged from a large tree.

Uzuki Yugao, without hesitation, performed the instant body technique, reaching Uchiha Natsu's clone again. Her swift Katana struck at an extraordinary speed, creating a wailing sound as it sliced through the air. The wooden clone retreated once more, using the wood escape and basic wood dragon technique, attempting to block her strikes.

However, Uzuki Yugao effortlessly cut through the wooden strips, surprising even Kakashi with her mastery of the sword technique. Witnessing this improvement, Uchiha Natsu acknowledged the progress of his student and prepared to assess her further.


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