
I died, but came back ... as a wolf

The daughter of an underworld family leader grew up isolated and unloved . However the daughter didn't want this life, so on the night of her (forced) marriage she killed herself and her newly wed husband. She doesn't know how or why but she came back in video game-like world as a wolf.

R33C3 · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Two weeks and visiting the azure dragons descendent

Waking up the first thing Sarah done was head outside to head for a bath ... at least she would have had one however she no longer lived near a water source that was privatised by her. Although she felt a bit off not getting her usual bath she summons a group of twelve shadow wolves and has them split into six groups of two sending them off into different directions to hunt.

While they are away she lays down inside her cave again to practice her manipulation of the elements which still hasn't made any progress. And just like this she passed the time away until it was time to re-summon the shadow wolves.

"You have gained 360,000 Experience Points"

"You have maxed out shadow core"

"You are now level 7 for the darkness core"

"Level Progress: 6500/44,000"

"Hmmmm, that was a sharp decline in experience. It is probably from the fact that there are not that many Rank 2 beasts here in the first place, relatively speaking, compared to the other areas. She didn't know that she had actually wiped out a quarter of the beast population just by hunting for two days. "I guess I could tone down the hunts to ... lets say ... every three days" She came up with this answer after ruminating for a couple of seconds as she considered that considering the fights that are happening in the middle area and lower area now the balance is broken will probably result in a couple ending up as Rank 2 and coming to the core area. Once again changing her routine she decides to just dedicate entire days to just practicing her control of the elements.

~Three days later~

"You have gained 580,000 Experience Points"

"You have maxed out darkness core"

"You are now Level 8 for the light core"

"Level Progress: 53,000/99,000"

(A/N: The experience needed for every beasts last core is double the regular experience unless you only have one core where the double is the regular. MC's state is that the regular numbers were doubled and then 10% of that number was added on for any of you were wondering how I got the numbers)

"What. The. Actual. Fu... Hell" Sarah couldn't help but nearly curse as the experience needed for her light core apparently doubled.

*Deep breath in*

*Deep breath out*

Calm she now stops thinking about the numbers and just looks at her stats.

(A/N: I'm just writing the attributes in as everyone who has read the novel should know her name and species by now. If think otherwise please let me know and I'll edit the chap again to bring it in.)



Strength: 83.5

Agility: 124.6

Flexibility: 83.8

Endurance: 85.3

Willpower: 91.7

"..." Nothing came out as she stared in shock and silence at the explosion of her stats especially her speed which has jumped all the way to 124.6 times that of the average human which means she can sprint up to 1981.14 mph. Of course she didn't know the exact speed she could run at, although she could tell that she could break the sound barrier when running and run at least mach 2 when sprinting as she could hear two sonic booms behind her when she practiced running, at one point she got lost on the other end of the core area and spent an hour retracking where she had been as running at mach 2 doesn't allow her scent to properly scatter all she could tell was the general direction she came from. Yet again she paused her hunt for three days to practice her control over the elements.

~Three days later~

"You have gained 160,000 Experience Points"

"You have maxed out light core"

"You have maxed out all cores"

"Level Progress: 4000/??????"

"Ok, I have maxed out all my cores but how should I go about mixing them" Sighing Sarah couldn't help but think how it would be much better if she had someone to help. "Wait. There is someone ... something that can help, whatever had that aura when I came in the core area should have something to help me with ... I just hope he doesn't do that cliche thing from those female protagonist novels where the female lead asks the male for help and then they automatically assume they can be ridiculous and ask that they 'become theirs'. Hmpth, not happening ever." Sarah went on a tangent over thinking things as she was also an avid watcher and reader of ... well everything she didn't have much to do when locked in her room all day apart from watch her TV or go on the internet.

At first she was a bit stumped in on how to find the divine beast but then she realised that she could just release her aura and hopefully they respond. Releasing her aura she waits for them to answer in kind however she doesn't know that the beast/person she is trying to contact is sound asleep on a self-made throne made of obsidian unable to be woken up.

~Five days later~

Sitting on his throne without a care he groggily wakes up to feel an that familiar aura, but a little stronger this time, and realises they are probably trying to find him. Freshing up by washing his face with a bit of flowing lava from a little lava pond beside his throne he wakes up and once he is back on his throne he releases his aura for them to follow.

Laying down Sarah is getting fed up of trying to contact that other person and nearly tempted the idea of just attempting to merge her cores however something told her to wait, just wait and something good will happen. Coincidentaly when that thought pulled her back from the temptation of human greed for power she finally felt that aura again. Sensing where the aura is coming from she doesn't realise she had unlocked a new skill called Divine Sensing that uses her divine aura to cover a certain area and search for different auras. For every level her skill will upgrade its range by a mile (the skill started off with a mile as it's range). By the time she had actually found the source area of the aura Divine sensing had become Rank 1 Level 6 which meant she could now cover 70 miles with her divine aura.

Getting closer and closer to the source she realises she is now at the very core of the core area and comes to the conclusion that the beast is the apex of the forest and must have crossed into Rank 3. Walking further she begins to notice that behind all these trees the ground has no grass and the ground looks blackened. Even further in she begins to notice the ground ahead sloping upwards and turning into a volcano which exuded a frightening amount of heat which told her that the volcano must still be active. Continuing on she goes further up and notices a pair of doors on the volcano, following her instincts she goes towards the doors and pushes them open letting a pocket of hot air out which blew her a couple of meters away from the doors.

Heading in she continues to follow the aura downwards as behind the doors was just a set of stair going downwards towards the core of the volcano. Although she wasn't too badly affected by the heat, the further she went down the more she started sweating as her ice can only keep a certain amount of the temperature from affecting her.

Ten minutes later she was finally at the end of the staircase and was welcomed by the sight of a lava lake. Looking around she notices a little side room where the beast should live. Going around the lava lake she goes towards the room and the first thing she notice is a man sitting on a throne looking at her as if expecting her. She was stunned for a short while by the man as his face and body was as if it was sculpted by the gods to show the body of a warrior at the epitome and he had fire red hair that was as long as a womans but seemed to work for some reason when with him. Eyes the colour of a golden red that would captivate all that looked into them.

"So what do you want?" He questioned with a slight hint of playfulness which went unnoticed by the stunned and slightly flustered Sarah as she had never met such a handsome man. "I guess if it's him then" Just as she was about to finish that thought a voice screamed no in her subconcious waking her from her stupor and she regained her ice cold demeanor and looked at the man in front of her as if looking at air. He may be handsome but that does not mean he will be the man for her.