
I didn't choose system

Vikram was a normal soldier if you consider a person normal who treats the real world like an RPG game. And the problem is that he does not even know this, a person who considers the value of death to be equal to a stone on the road, his own and others equally. But this man was martyred in one of his missions. The world where he lives had around a population of eight billion, but leaving all of them somehow this guy transmigrated to another world. Into the body of another guy who has his own shit to handle. And as things could not get any worse, he also came to know that this so-called New World is the same as his favorite novel. So in simple words, this story is about a f***** up guy and his f***** up life, and about how he may be able to come out of this cycle of f***** up life. •••••••••••••••• This is my first novel. I am not a native English speaker so I am going to have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. so give me criticism as much as you can give. if you like it or not at last please put a review so I can make sure whether I should stop working on this novel or not.

CreatorKratos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


The yellow system screen in front of me now started changing two some readable words.

{congratulations to being who came from another world.

To resolve to walk on the path of a full filling life the will of the universe gives you the tremendous blessing of the system.}


{This system will change according to your convenience, so do not touch the system at all in the given time.}


{remaining time: [ 00:00 ]}

Name: Eren ba Mellark

Age: 16 Year

Job: All-rounder

Title: one who comes to another world. owner of unanticipated fate.

Personality: childish persona (currently)

Ability: soulless() interfusion()

Talent: swordsmanship


Strength: low red

Stamina: red

Agility: red

Intelligence: low red

Perception: low red

More information ↑

[Notice: You choose 'no' system ]

[ will disappear in 1 minute. ]

[Time remain:00:25]



calm down, calm down take a deep, breath be brave just calm down.


well, such things are not new to me,

Furthermore, even this system also gave me the title of the owner of an unanticipated fate. But I know that this fate only comes in the form of bad luck. but I didn't think it happening at this time.

[Time remain:00:05]

With a sad face, I placed my hand on the yellow screen of the system and said goodbye to my new and lovely system one last time, as if it was waiting for me to say goodbye, it vanished into thin air on its own.

Taking a sigh

I turned my eyes to the beautiful flower-bedecked window and saw twinkling stars this time of night and perhaps the dim light of a satellite of my new planet, I just want to gaze at the whole scene for all of my life.

If anyone wants to know how I'm feeling right now

Just imagine that you suddenly had a billion dollars in your account by an unknown account and you accidentally sent the money back to the person from whom it came.

I know they are lots of complications in this but just feel it.

l starting to think about what happened to me in these few minutes,

and I am not just talking about the system that is disappeared but I am also pondering over how I behave all this time as well.

there is something different about me, I am putting my emotions too openly.

I have some inkling about what was going on with me but before I put too much thought into this matter.

A mechanical voice drew my attention as it comes directly into my head.

<new title acquired>

<title: "one who chooses 'no' to system"

acquired >

< benefit of the title now going to provide to

the holder>

I was listening to all this with a rusty heart after this system incident.

<The holder of the title acquired a gold-grade ability>

<You don't choose the system despite knowing the danger ahead of this world.

It's because of your strong will or maybe because of your stupidity, respecting your both choice. the will of the universe upgrades one of your abilities to Bleck grade.>

(f*** this final lining is too big.)

As soon as the notification stops coming into my head. I take a deep breath and put as much air as I can into my lungs.

and start planning to shout out all the curse words find in mind to the so-called will of the universe.


Aaah, aaaahh!!!!!

Before I proceed to my plane, a joint of electricity hit me( metaphor ) my whole body feels like it's restructuring itself.

and then I passed out.



The sunlight is directly falling on my face.


"Come in"(in English)

A maid enters my room with surprise and confusion.

She has yellow hair and I don't care about her eyes. And as everyone assumed she has a maid outfit.

I am sitting on my bed, I do not know how my

Past self behaves with people till now, so I plan to meet fewer people.

She started saying something to me and I listened to her.

after her mouth stopped working, I nod my head and she walked outside the room. (don't take it the wrong way)

the only thing I know is I passed out after I received some kind of weird ability by the Will of the universe. I don't even know who put me onto my bed.

And I still don't understand the language here, So nodding is the best solution for now.

thinking of language, the system again came to my mind.

I still remember how the Will of the Universe put all the blame on my head, using words like strong will and stupidity for me.

Like if you are a person selling goods and you sell your goods to someone, then at least you could have checked the goods once before giving them to your customer.

I am a common man living on earth, who understands green to mean right and red to mean wrong.

So, that motherfucker Will of the Universe did not need to put things like 'do you want to choose the system'.

Yes, I am also at fault in this, but that thing is the Will of the Universe, that thing is probably omniscient, so how can that Existing commit this blunder?

Looking at all these incidents only two possibilities came to my mind and I do not like both of them.

First, the Will of the Universe or any Supreme Being who is running this Universe is the greatest idiot, and having all the power of the world in the hands of such an idiot is even scary, scary beyond limits.

The second, which is most likely to be true and which I fear most is that this Being is a paradoxical Being because there is no possibility that a Supreme being in any universe( if something like that exists) could make such an error.

But if this Being is a paradoxical being, then such an error is possible, and I know such a paradoxical being.


He is just a character from my favorite novel, but if the one who gives me my ability and the character of that novel are the same being.

A chill run down my spine

It means that I have transmigrated in my favorite novel and if it was true.

So it only means that I am not going to live much longer.


Now I am cursing that line 'Thank for reading' in my mind.

•thank for reading.•