
I Destroyed Konoha [ From Ch 22 ]

From ch 22 The book by this name was being translates by some other guy but since he left it so I picked it up from where he left. It's not like it is his personal property so don't tell me something like you took his book or something like that. I really liked the book but the guy who was posting it here just dropped it suddenly and one day I was going through this website and found it just the name was different so I thought let's post it here after all many people liked it.

AshGod7 · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 77 .The Five Kage Conference is held, and the ancestors return to the plan!

Wood Style.

This term makes Jiraiya fall into long-term memories.

That is a powerful blood style bound only by Konoha's First Hokage Senju Hashirama.

Originally, the Senju clan only relied on the huge amount of Chakra, and the inherited good Ninjutsu proficiency

Even in the Sengoku era, it was not a top family.

Until Senju Hashirama awakened Wood Style, since then he can even easily suppress a raging-tailed beast.

In the subsequent wars, he showed a very powerful force.

This turned the Senju family into a family second only to Uchiha.

As one of Sannin, and the sage of Mount Myōboku he knows these things very well.

During the recent period, he has also investigated many ancient books and historical documents.

In that era, only Senju Hashirama could barely play against Uchiha Shiro.

It was because of the Wood Style.

However, after Uchiha Shiro didn't know how he even learned the Wood Style.

With Wood Style, his power has become even more terrifying.

No one was his opponent at all.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's eyes narrowed, and there was deep worry in his eyes.

Even with Uchiha Shiro's current strength, no one in the entire Ninja World is his opponent.

Once he gets his Wood Style back, isn't it the end of the entire Ninja World?

He must organize this matter.

"Raikage, I suggest holding the Five Kage conference immediately to discuss how to deal with Uchiha Shiro!"

Killer Bee on the side was also full of hatred.

He will never forget the moment when his elder brother was beheaded by Shiro.

In the recent period, he has tried very hard to improve, and his strength has improved rapidly.

It is because of A's hatred that has always been behind him to inspire him.

Whenever he wants to rest, the figure of the eldest brother will appear in front of him.

Use his own body to block the fierce attack.

After that, He burst into ice and fog into the sky!

That kind of powerlessness of seeing his eldest brother died in front of him because of his lack of strength has become his eternal regret.

In the following days, it has been eroding his body and mind.

Let him practise hard every day, never daring to slack off.

Hatred, also with time, was deeply engraved on his bones, and he never dared to forget a trace of it.

However, Killer Bee is totally different from Fourth Raikage.

Although his temper is more grumpy.

However, once encountering a crisis, his mind is extremely clear!

The angrier he is, the soberer he is.

He deeply understands that relying on his own strength. Even if he practised to the point where his bones were all shattered, he was far from being Uchiha Shiro's opponent.

It is necessary to unite the five Ninja villages to fight together.

Only in this way can they have a chance of winning!

"I agree, immediately notify Iwagakure, Sunagakure, and Kirigakure to hold a five-Kage meeting to discuss ways to deal with Uchiha Shiro!"

At the same time, in Konoha Village.

Nara Shikaku is doing his work in the Hokage's office.

The current Konoha Village is seriously lacking in high-level combat power.

After Jiraiya is gone, only he is qualified to act on behalf of Hokage and handle everything.

This also led to the fact that Nara Shikaku's personal time is very small.

It has been a long time since I saw my son.

An invisible wave instantly covered Nara Kajiu who was at work.

This is the Mind Technique of the Yamanaka clan.

After the previous war ended, the Yamanaka clan had their members scattered throughout the Ninja World.

The Mind Technique of each member can cover an area and upon being Connected, it can almost completely cover the entire Ninja World.

Once all colleagues use this Technique, a huge spiritual network will be established.

Every move of the entire Ninja World will be under their close surveillance.

No matter what happens, Konoha can instantly know all the information it wants to know through this mental network.

In the beginning, this complicated formation was just to find Uchiha Shiro's trace in the ninja world.

Later, this kind of spiritual network simply survived.

Become an independent monitoring department, with Yamanaka Keiichi as the team leader.

"Master Shikaku we have just received the disappearance of Captain Hyichi, and we know the whereabouts of Uchiha Shiro. He with Master Tsunade entered the wet bone forest together, to retrieve his Wood Style!"

Nara Shikaku was shocked in an instant, and even a cold sweat appeared on his forehead!

Unexpectedly, the Uchiha Shiro even knew Wood Style?

How was this monster sealed?

However, the biggest problem now is.

Once he successfully retrieved his Wood Style, he will come out of the wet bone forest.

Then, his strength will be even more terrifying!

At that time, even if the entire Ninja world joins forces again, I am afraid that no one can really threaten him.

Nara Shikaku's brow furrowed deeply as if thinking on a difficult decision.

"It seems that the "Ancestor Return" plan must be adopted."

The so-called plan for the return of ancestors is to use the Reincarnation Technique to re-summon those all who sealed Uchiha Shiro back then.

Since they could seal Uchiha Shiro back then.

Then, after using Impure World Reincarnation, there will be an immortal body and unlimited Chakra.

It should be easy to re-seal him.

However, there are several problems in this plan that have not yet been resolved.

First, if you want Impure World Reincarnation, you must find the bones of those who have died and obtain some of their body cells.

Because of a long time, many people's bodies have decayed, making it difficult to operate.

Second, Impure World Reincarnation must use living sacrifices to succeed.

Moreover, the level of the best product should not be too bad, otherwise, it will show strength after rebirth at all.

At the very least, the sacrifice must be of Jōnin's level!

Third, in the battle that sealed Uchiha Shiro back then, the ninja now had. very little understanding of the details.

There is also no historical documentation.

Who participated in the war, and who played a decisive role.

They don't know these things.

Nara Shikaku rubbed his aching eyebrows for a long time. Even with his wisdom, there was no good way.

You can only summon Konoha's Hokage first.

The personal participants of the year, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama will then decide which Sengoku ninja should be resurrected.

It seems that it is time to find some high-quality sacrifices!