
I Destroyed Konoha [ From Ch 22 ]

From ch 22 The book by this name was being translates by some other guy but since he left it so I picked it up from where he left. It's not like it is his personal property so don't tell me something like you took his book or something like that. I really liked the book but the guy who was posting it here just dropped it suddenly and one day I was going through this website and found it just the name was different so I thought let's post it here after all many people liked it.

AshGod7 · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 76. Shiro’s three major forces, the secret of the wet bone forest exposed!

Cloud Shinobi actually caught a member of Akatsuki's organization?

Upon hearing this news, Jiraiya's heart immediately moved!

Akatsuki is a subordinate of Uchiha Shiro, and it may be possible to obtain relevant information from his memory.

Since Uchiha Shiro disappeared from the Ninja world, the hearts of all Ninja villages have hung tightly.

they are afraid that he will engage in some big conspiracy in some unknown places.

Once they know the enemy's movements, they can prevent problems before they happen.

prepare in advance.

In that case, there may be a chance to win!

[ They are really stupid I can't think from where they get so much confidence,' There may be a chance to win this one had me in tears laughing my ass off.]

Moreover, Tsunade also disappeared with Uchiha Shiro.

Maybe he can still know the whereabouts of Tsunade and rescue her.

No matter what reason, Jiraiya has no possibility of rejecting Cloud Shinobi's invitation.

When I was about to put on the Hokage robe hanging on his seat he stopped for a moment and put the Hat and robe aside for a moment.

"Call Yamanaka Hyichi and Might Guy and tell them to go to Hidden Cloud with me immediately!"

The current Might Guy is almost Konoha's peak combat power and is now one of Jiraiya's guards.

the other one was Shinrai Genma.

Some tacit understanding has been cultivated between the two.

After everyone arrived, Jiraiya and his group set off to Cloud Shinobi.

At the same time as this, in Hidden RainVillage.

Akatsuki is also holding an emergency meeting.

Konan, Sasori, Kakuzu, and Uzumaki Nagato who showed his true body, all gathered together.

Even Uchiha Obito has abandoned the mask and the identity of Uchiha Madara.

Lead the Akatsuki organization with his original identity.

After all, this guy only relies on the identity of Uchiha Madara, and Kamui.

The whole ninja world was disturbed, and the intelligence was quite passable.

Compared with Nagato, who is easily known, he is more suitable to be Akatsuki's temporary leader till Shiro is not back.

"How could Loquat Juzo be caught by Cloud Shinobi?"

Obito frowned and asked Sasori.

The members of the Akatsuki organization had frequent contact with the forces of the underground exchange house after Shiro left.

they also learned from Lili that Shiro should have gone to the Wet Bone Forest to retrieve the wood style that had existed before.

Loquat Juzo also knows this secret very well.

Once the Yamanaka ninja invades his memory, this secret is likely to be revealed!

It may have a serious impact on Shiro's plan.

And he can never let this happen!

"We went to investigate the situation of the tail beast in iwagakure but we didn't expect to encounter the Eight-Tails Killer Jinchuriki Killer Bee in between. That guy has grown terribly in recent years! Loquat Juzo and I am are not rivals at all!"

There was also some embarrassment on Sasori's face.

However, he is just a puppet master after all.

The group ability is very strong, but the individual combat strength is far from top-notch level.

He and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist Shinobi, Loquat Juzo, happened to meet the Killer Bee of the Eight Swords.

when he met his nemesis, he was defeated and captured in an instant.

Even Sasori could hardly escape with difficulty.

After hearing the cause and effect, Obito's brow furrowed tightly.

Although he won't know whether Shiro's trip to the Wet Bone Forest is supposed to be kept a secret.

However, since this matter does not have Shiro's approval on it, it must not be exposed!

"Immediately inform Chiyo, and the underground gold exchange, tell them what happened, Sasori, you and I will go to Cloud country to check it out."

A cold light suddenly flashed in Obito's eyes!

To keep this secret, even if he storms into Cloud country, he must rescue loquat Juzo.

If he can't save it, then at least make him shut up permanently.

In the underground gold exchange.

Lili was looking at a photo hanging on the wall, sulking.

Uchiha Shiro in the photo is stepping on the head of a frost dragon.

The black hair is flying freely, full of boundless madness and oppression!

This photo was photographed by the investigative department of the Underground gold exchange on the battlefield of the End Valley.

After that, Lili hung it in her bedroom and sat facing the photo.

"Huh! went to the Wet Bone Forest but didn't take me, but that old woman Tsunade? Is it because my chest is not as big as her? And it takes such a long time in coming. I am afraid When you come back, won't you even have children, right? ?"

The expression on Lili's face seemed to change.

There will be sulking in secret, worry and jealousy for a while.

It was impossible to guess what she was thinking.

However, Kujaku on the side was already quite familiar.

Since Master Shiro left, Master Lili has been like this.

Even the business of the underground gold exchange is ignored.

She guarded this photo, even eating and sleeping while watching it.

It's almost like a perverted fetish!

Kukaju shuddered fiercely, removing her dirty thoughts.

At this moment, Hoki's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Master Lili, loquat Juzo of Akatsuki was captured by Cloud Shinobi, Uchiha Obito sent someone to ask you for help! "

Lili's eyebrows wrinkled in an instant, and a look of boredom flashed in his eyes!

She hates people disturbing her most at this time.

"What does Akatsuki have to do with us? Lord Shiro didn't tell me to take care of them, and even their own staff can't be taken care of properly. What qualifications do they have to be Lord Shiro's subordinate?"

"Tell them to take care of their own affairs by themselves, or just wait for Master Shiro to come back and plead for forgiveness!"

Hoki nodded and turned to leave the room.

Although the underground gold exchange, the Akatsuki organization and the forces led by the Chiyo are all loyal to Uchiha Shiro.

However, several forces dislike each other.

these several forces will condense together because of Shiro.

Apart from this, no one can dominate all forces at the same time.

There was even a faint competition among several forces.

They all want to be the strongest force under Shiro and get his attention.

At the same time, Jiraiya has arrived at Cloud Village.

Yamanaka Hyichi and Cloud Shinobi's Nozomi have been in the special torture chamber for more than two hours.

Just when everyone was a little impatient, the door of the torture chamber opened.

Yamanaka walked out of it sweaty, his entire face covered with exhaustion.

"Wet Bone Forest, Uchiha Shiro went to Wet Bone Forest, and Mr Tsunade was with him."

"It is suspected is to retrieve wood style which was sealed there!".