
I Dedicate Black Technology

99 years after the end of the world, human beings are extinct, and civilization is destroyed! That day, Wu Xie stared at the abyss, and the abyss was also staring at him! In the end, Wu Xie obtained the mysterious black technology system and returned to three years before the end of the world! Put all the power of the whole country, use the strongest black technology, and enter the era of national cultivation ten years ahead of schedule... When darkness falls, human beings are no longer beasts waiting to be slaughtered. The descendants of Yan and Huang have already made the most adequate preparations, an army of millions! Thousands of steel guns! The momentum of unity! ... Everything seemed turned upside down! Annihilation Terminator: Don't run yet, run quickly~! Lord of the Abyss: The script is not like this, mom, save me~~~~ The stars are devouring: how is this...possible~~~ Author: 唐三十六 Translator: ALN NOVEL

AbuBokker · Action
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60 Chs

Chapter 8 No one can stop him, the mighty Wu Xie!


Whoosh~ Whoosh!


Fifty meters above the sky.

The bullets passed by Wu Xie's side with huge energy, and the sound of piercing the air kept ringing, but the bullets couldn't hit Wu Xie's body no matter what.

"Sniper Team A, B, C... What's going on? Please hit the target immediately!"

"Repeat, sniper team A, B, C... Please hit the target immediately!"

Heavy roars continued to resound in the meeting room.

Gao Weiguo and Zhang Guoqiang were gasping for air, clenched their fists, and sweat kept streaming from their foreheads. The seriousness was beyond their imagination.

If something happens to that person, no one knows what will happen in the future!

Who can take up this responsibility?



boom! bang bang!

The heavy Barrett's continuous loud noise resounded throughout, but it just couldn't hit the figure in the air.

"What's going on! Can't hit back!?"

Zhang Guoqiang changed his smile and looked cold.

"Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest, sniper team C, the sniper was injured, his arm was broken by the shock, please withdraw from the battle!"

"Call Eagle's Nest, sniper team A, the ammunition is exhausted!"

"Call Eagle's Nest, the sniper team E can't lock the target!"

"Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest, the target has left the sniper team D's attack vision."



Everyone in the conference room couldn't help but gasped.

Everyone stood there dumbfounded as if instantly dumb, staring dumbfounded at the man in the middle wearing a black windbreaker who escaped the sniper team's attacks again and again.

How can this be?

Is that human being?

Five sniper teams.

These people are all the best snipers selected by Gao Weiguo from among the most elite people in the country. If they can't lock the target and hit it, one can imagine how dangerous this unknown person is.

Gao Weiguo broke out in a cold sweat. Although he was shocked, the professionalism he had cultivated over the years made him give the next order decisively. After all, Gao Weiguo was able to stand in such an important position only because of his connections.

"Attention all units, attention all units, all combat teams are ready to fight and execute Plan B!"

The command was transmitted to everyone's earphones along with the earphones, and everyone took action immediately in the next second.

Leaning towards the periphery, guards in black suits have already lined up, and a pistol is ready to be fired.

"Quick, quick!"

"Over there!"


Countless fighters in suits kept following the shadow in the sky.


Tens of meters above the sky, the cold wind is blowing, and the black windbreaker is hunting in the air. .

"Haha, it's time to stretch your muscles."

Wu Xie took off the black technology glasses full of various data analysis, and began to prepare for an emergency landing!

The engine emitted a blue light, and the speed increased instantly, and Wu Xie was getting closer and closer to the ground!

Fifty meters!

Forty meters!

Two or three meters!


Three meters!


A loud bang resounded!

Everyone looked up at the place where countless people were flocking.

This farce should end soon, everyone thought so, they even guessed the ending.


meeting room.

Gao Weiguo and Zhang Guoqiang breathed a sigh of relief. In their view, this incident is over!

Even if a person is very powerful in melee combat, he will be no match for four hands with two fists.

But the next second.

The picture displayed on the monitor shocked the two of them, as if it overturned their cognition.

Not just the two of them, everyone in the meeting room looking at the screen was in extreme shock.

on the screen display.

When Wu Xie landed on the ground, billowing dust was raised.


boom! bang bang!

A person was knocked into the air and stepped back from the smoke.

One after another, the security guards were beaten to the spot, unable to move.


No one can stop Wu Xie's footsteps. The cumulative effect of the ten genetic agents far exceeds Wu Xie's footsteps. Even he himself did not expect such a great effect.


The entire conference room fell into silence again.

Zhang Guoqiang has been in charge of such incidents for eight years. He has seen all kinds of emergencies and met many masters, and he has never seen such a powerful person.

"Except for A-level units, all other units, go to the target immediately, and stop him!"

Da da da!

Da da!

More and more people flocked to the figure on the stairs.

Wu Xie is clearly familiar with the various tissues of the human body, and he knows the vitals of the body. He is very clear about what to fight to make people lose their combat effectiveness in an instant.

And for Wu Xie, almost no one has been able to persist in two moves under his hands. In the decades of the last days, capture techniques, military boxing, twelve moves, various national techniques... He has already used them as proficiently as eating .

Security personnel in black suits kept rolling down the steps dozens of meters high.

He was getting closer and closer to that person.
